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Posts posted by Shane_B.

  1. 19 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

    Since I can't afford to get me one of those Z Z Top guitars at the moment , I'm gonna wait until my hair gets whiter before I make my own .



    All I can hear in my head when I see this pic is, "NOT THE BEARD!!". ?(From The Hobbit iirc).

    • Haha 1
  2. On 3/25/2022 at 11:52 AM, craigb said:

    Wow...  I hadn't touched a guitar for a few weeks but, when I played my roommate's guitar for a bit last week, I attempted to play only two songs (both poorly - LOL!).  One was Crazy Train and the other was Bapu's selection above.  It seems weird that both have been recently put in threads.

    I've now cut the asking price on my custom guitar by almost 2/3...  Still no bites and still no help from Unemployment ($0.00 in nearly six months).  No interviews yet either.  I'm hearing that I'm "too experienced" on some jobs, "too old or over-qualified" for others and I've even been informed (illegally I might add) that I'm simply the wrong race for the job opening.

    Fun times we're living in!  That said, I firmly believe that these weird times will be ending soon as people find out they've been lied to for a long time and great things are coming my way!

    Been there, heard that. All of it. After I had an interview at Union Pacific one time. After the interview the guy yelled down the hall and called me back in and apologized for saying I was too clean cut for this job and said he was sorry and shouldn't have said it. It was a job picking up train engineers and taking them home when their shifts changed. You were on call 24/7 even holidays. Apparently they are a rather rough group of individuals. It's a shame because I know some really good "There once was a lady from France who hopped a train by chance ..." jokes.

    I just noticed this post was from March only a couple pages back. Slow thread guys. Jeez.

    Has this shituation changed for you? Fingers crossed it did.

  3. 18 hours ago, craigb said:

    I see pre-becan...

    Reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons where Homer was laughing at something Lisa said and replied something to the effect of, "Oh, so I'm supposed to believe ham, pork chops, and bacon all come from the same magical animal." or something like that. It was funnier when he said it and you could see her reaction.

  4. 37 minutes ago, craigb said:

    You rowed over 15 miles, but didn't go anywhere?

    Story of my life. It was brutal man. No rest period at all. 4 minute HIIT intervals with 1 minute rest @ slower SPM. Non-stop for 2 hours and ten minutes. Wednesday I did 7.25 miles, Thursday I did 11.25 miles. 

    And I gained weight. I am so *****ing pissed. LOL

    I'm going home next week and wanted to get to my pre-winter weight of 250. I did drop a lot but I've been stuck at 256 for a week. I get up from the machine and there's water on the floor from my sweat. I'm hydrating, eating, sleeping, taking my supps. I turned 51 Wednesday. I'm too old for this shit. LOL

  5. 3 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

    I've had a couple of Southern girlfriends. I'd've boinked that tag right off her hat. Howwww-dee!

    I was thinkin' the same thing but didn't have the fried grits to say it. I would have plowed that field in to the middle of next harvest. Whew.

    I have to go for an old guy shot in the thigh every two weeks. The nurse is a little southern bell. 'bout 5 foot 4. My age. Crystal clear bluest eyes I ever saw. Absolutely perfect and that southern draw. Every time she rams that needle in my thigh . . . uh, well. You get the picture. 

    She takes her time now when I go in. Says she feels bad hurting me and goes really slow. I've told her I've lost feeling in my legs from the accident I was in and she could just ram and go but she never listens. Takes her about 5 ~ 6 minutes. I think she likes messing with me. Or feels sorry for me. Probably the latter.

    ?Makes me want to grab my guitar and play with it all night long . . . ? (Ray Parker Jr.)

    • Haha 1
  6. 16 hours ago, rsinger said:

    Jack changes voicings around 4 1/2 minutes in.


    That video is truly unbelievable. I mean. Really. I don't believe it. I think there has to be some studio trickery going on there. I didn't think you could hammer like he is doing in that video with any of these midi rigs.

    For me I would only find this useful for making realistic sounding strings and like I think I said before trying to do some realistic sounding steel guitar parts for live and recording. I'm pretty good at faking it on keyboard to get the synth sounds I like but for big band type instruments like horns, strings, flutes, and so on, something like this would be a lot easier than having to go in and edit midi after the fact to tweak it how you would like it. I've spent hours editing strings. I would think/hope it would be a lot easier for me to get the nuances I'm looking for if I did it on my guitar to begin with.

  7. On 5/7/2022 at 12:55 PM, Zargg said:

    Hi. Perhaps not what you're looking for, but I use a Fishman Tripleplay for playing MIDI with (one of) my guitar(s).


    It's not perfect, but it does what I need it to do.

    All the best.

    Yeah. Mitch at Sweetwater makes it seem like anything is possible with that thing. He shows bends and vibrato with the whammy bar but unless I missed it he didn't do any hammering. Here's a link to his vid on utoob. I've always wanted to try to emulate steel guitar triggering samples with something like that.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, pwalpwal said:

    reseating components, including blowing the dust out (which can cause shorting) can sometimes (not sure how often) resolve weird hw issues

    good luck, hope this is the winner :)

    Hah! We posted at the same time and said the same thing.

    Another thing that's a good idea is to clean and replace the thermal paste on your CPU and GPU. Over time it breaks down. I'm always terrified to take those back out once they are in and working though. I've never done it but I've read that you should once a PC gets a few years under it's belt. This guy has a really good utoob channel on cleaning PC's.

    I'm glad the OP is getting it working well. When all this technology gets in the way it really ruins the creativity. (coughxcough1cough ?).

    EDIT: Another thing I forgot to mention. Never spin the fans when blowing things out. Spinning them generates a voltage and if spun fast enough can fry your mobo. Hold them still with something that's non-conductive.

    I remember from my copier days Canon's were notorious for bad connectors. So bad you had to leave them plugged in and physically take something pointy like a straightened out spring hook or a small jewelers screw driver and push the individual little metal clamps on each wire in the connector through the connector and on to the pins on the PCB's. There were thousands of wires in some of those bigger machines and no way to replace entire harnesses without gutting everything to the frame. It was a nightmare. So glad I don't work on those anymore. Hah.

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