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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. Old post, I know, but if you haven't enabled hyperthreading in your system BIOS, that will help a bunch. As an experiment, I tried the same project on my aging laptop with and without hyperthreading enabled, and it played fine with and ground to a halt without. Good on ya for rockin' that vintage system! I'm all about squeezing the last bit of use out of whatever computer I own. And ever since Sandy Bridge, that's been very possible (I even just built a DAW for a friend around an old Core 2 Quad, and he loves it). Before you start overclocking, at minimum, get an air duster can and blow the dust off of your CPU cooler. I would also re-do the paste on the CPU cooler. After 11 years, it might not be working as well as it once did. If your case has room for another fan, those are good to have as well. Silent ones are under $10 on Amazon Prime. I've had good experiences with Be Quiet and Noctua. I like HWINFO for monitoring temperatures and fans. You can watch what's going on with rising temperatures, see if your system is going into thermal throttling under load, etc. It helped me get my antique Dell Latitude laptop running way better. You don't say what graphics you are using, but despite what some say, I have found that a more powerful (doesn't have to be a rocket sled, just an nVidia that supports OpenGL) card does help with Cakewalk. Especially if you run 2 monitors, the mixer on monitor 2 draws faster if you have more and faster video memory. Some plug-in manufacturers (Newfangled, Meldaproduction) make use of OpenGL in their GUI's, which takes some load off the CPU. I just installed a used passively-cooled nVidia GT 1030 and am happy with it, even for gaming.
  2. Fortunately that leaves you with many good options at good prices. The extra buttons took a lot of getting used to. Even with just the differences between the Marathon and the Anywhere, I'm still getting used to it. The switch for unlocking the freewheel on the Marathon is in the same place as the "middle button" on the Anywhere, and to unlock the wheel on the Anywhere, you press the wheel itself. The wheel IS the middle button on the Marathon. I'm still getting used to this function swap. Also, the side buttons are kinda stiff, they take more pressure to activate, and holding both down for Ctrl-Alt is a little trickier. They are in a good location to avoid accidental activation, and yes, @Kevin Perry, they are set back just above where my thumb naturally sits. Really, there's not much substitute for going down to Office Max and trying the display mice. They all have subtle differences. I took a chance with the Anywhere 2 because I trust Logitech. Fortunately, it worked. If you can get a programmable mouse with the extra buttons in the right place for you, it is really good for Cakewalk with all its key modifiers. Heck, I'd like to have another button I could program to Shift. Also, can't say enough good about programming the middle button to double-click. It helps so much when browsing presets on plug-ins that require a double-click for that.
  3. Please post what make, model, and year of car. Electric, hybrid, ICE? Are you using regular or premium unleaded? With ethanol? Are you in California? We can't help you unless we know the specs.
  4. If you're recording audio, yes, absolutely. Onboard hardware CODEC's and associated hardware have come a long way as far as playback, but not so much as far as recording. Interfaces make no difference whatsoever in the rendered audio that Cakewalk produces, it's only in the quality of recording and playback on your system. That said, the better monitoring you can do, obviously, the better you can mix. But there are many EDM artists who use nothing but the onboard chip for playback on their laptops. Get a Presonus Audiobox or Studio 2|4 and a pair of Kalis, and guaranteed, you'll find mixing to be a more pleasant experience.
  5. Yes, it's not a problem in general with Cakewalk. Cakewalk needs to be given, in Preferences/File/VST Settings, the correct location of the folder(s) where you have installed your 3rd-party (non Cakewalk) plug-ins. I install my VST2 plug-ins tin C:\VST64 and use the default C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\ directory for VST3's.
  6. I've found some great pads and happening basses among the presets. As far as learning how to craft my own sounds, I can get about as far as turning off the internal reverb (which is important to me). When I've watched people do tutorials, it looks like they're scribbling in the little blue window or something? I couldn't figure it out. I have so many synths that I can always find a sound that fits in the factory presets of one or the other of them. When I dig more deeply, it's not into something as idiosyncratic as Iris 2 Just like Chromophone and bx_oberhausen and other CPU-hungry synths, if you cut the # of voices down, things get a lot better, and I usually can't hear a difference. I don't play 2-handed chords with lush pads anyway. Those pads have some looooooong release tails.
  7. I've only ever felt the need to have Elements, and I came close to spending whatever pittance it was to upgrade to the RX9 Elements license back when they announced that 10 would be coming out. Am I glad that I held off on that. RX10 Elements eliminates the standalone audio editor, which I happen to like. ?
  8. I tried to use the "@" to tag you but it didn't work.
  9. I wonder if it's had a financial impact on the music software industry.
  10. Are you waiting for the behavior to change back to the way you preferred it? The longer you wait, the more changed and new features you'll need to learn if you want to stay proficient. Also, if you stick around and keep an eye on the forum, you can raise a voice of dissent to changes you don't like. These changes happen because a lot of people chime in with things like "I accidentally held Control when I meant to hold Shift when I moved the fader and now my entire mix is off." Despite pleas from myself and others, fader moves are still not Undo-able changes. So I like it the way it behaves now. Put in a feature request to make the old behavior available via editing an .INI file or whatever.
  11. Late reply, I understand, but maybe you recorded with loop turned on? Open the take lanes on the track and see if maybe there are extra clips
  12. One of my favorites, it's definitely in the "with a twist" category, is ATMOS2. Scroll down. It's free, too. Ambient drone for days.
  13. The gameplay in Manifold Garden is not MYST-like. It's kind of the ultimate platform game, but instead of jumping, you switch the direction of gravity and fall. While you're falling, you can use the nav keys to direct yourself to another platform, etc.
  14. It's one of those "now that I've heard it things," right? I've spent a lot of time listening to the first time B.B. launches into it before the vocals join the chorus. My guess is Ampeg B15, and it's a combination of playing through a 12W tube head into a single 15" speaker. Some of the growl may be speaker fart and/or power stage distortion. A hard knee compressor set to a slow enough attack to let the string pluck through. The compressor could also be causing some of that growl, I'm still analyzing it. While amp and cab sims abound, I have yet to see anyone claim to be able to model speaker cone breakup. Just because I haven't seen it doesn't mean it isn't happening, I just haven't noticed it. I don't know if that's something an IR impulse could capture?
  15. Amazing visuals, great gameplay: https://store.steampowered.com/app/473950/Manifold_Garden/ 36 hours left in the sale....
  16. I like Cakewalk's mixer better than Mixbus'. There are some features about Mixcraft's track view and comping I like, but Cakewalk has an edge due to better handling of clip grouping.
  17. This. We can get any compressor or EQ to do mid-side by using two instances, MSED, etc., but I prefer having it there in the plug-in. Soundspot's Cyclone compressor is still a favorite bus compressor of mine due to its having the dual linked/unlinked sets of controls. Even though I have more chic options like elysia mastering compressor, I can dial in that thing faster than anything else.
  18. Yeah, I passed on both of those deals; I hadn't fiddled with the standard versions enough to know whether I'd like them. Turns out I do, enough to drop $15 just to get the mid-side. Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor has the World's Sexiest Skeuomorphic GUI (TRIAD has the World's Sexiest non-skeuomorphic one). It's not like there won't be more (and possibly better) deals on them in the future; I'm keeping an eye open on them.
  19. I'm a Mixcraft fan from way back, like v5. It was my main DAW before CbB, but when I got a look at Cakewalk's Console vs. the one in Mixcraft, I was gone. When I mixed in Mixcraft, I did it using the Track/Timeline view because the mixer was so lame. It has some very convenient features that I miss in Cakewalk, but it also lacks many that now seem essential to me, like collapsible lanes. If you have multiple takes on a track and want to reclaim the screen real estate, the only way to do it is to put the track in a folder and then close the folder. I can get things done faster with Mixcraft's workflow, but Cakewalk's features are so much greater. The way that folders=submixes in Mixcraft is brilliant. Drag all your guitar tracks to a folder, boom, instant submix.
  20. I'm not sure what happened this time around; I don't seem to have an August voucher floating around my Inbox. Is the minimum buy for a $25 voucher still $75? If so, I probably deleted it. It's gotten to the point with PA that I'm so confused about their promotions that I've just been waiting for them to settle down. There are a couple I'd still like to get from them (Shadow Hills Mastering Class A, Black Box HG-2MS). If anyone's looking for gems during the current sale, Unfiltered Audio BYOME and TRIAD are on deep discount.
  21. It does seem like the OP is going to a lot of trouble. Irony aside, if the top-level goal is to teach oneself how to sing in tune, it's not necessary to reinvent the wheel. I'm not down on him for trying to find something that works, but as someone who taught myself how to sing in tune, I'll offer another suggestion. As others have alluded to, it's the feedback circuit between your ears and brain and vocal cords that you need to calibrate. Having a visual graph may be helpful for seeing whether you've hit the note, but it can only tell you after you've sung it. Then what do you do? Tell yourself to sing it a few cents higher or lower next time around? If you had that much precision, you wouldn't need to be training your voice. It's like watching a video of yourself losing a tennis match. You can see what mistakes you made, but the only way to learn how not to make those mistakes is to get out on the court and practice. For learning how to sing in tune, it's better to sing along with a guide track, then play it back aside the guide track and listen to hear whether you're in tune. Wherever you hear yourself go out of tune, find that note and hold down its key on your MIDI controller. Sing a note along with it, raising and lowering your pitch until you hit it. You can do this even with just a simple scale. The voice is like other instruments. The way to get good at it is practice. It doesn't have to be drudgery, try what I suggested for 10 minutes (or more) a few days in a row and you'll be amazed at how quickly you'll be able to sing in tune. It trains you to make instant corrections using feedback via the ear-brain-voice circuit.
  22. I was wondering if it was that. I haven't heard the term in decades. I'm always interested to meet someone else who's been online for a long time.
  23. Welcome to the forum and to two of my favorite hobbies: using a computer to make music and discussing it on this forum. Curious though, "thanks for the ad?" IMO, this falls into the category of "for now" advice. The OP should take notice of the "as a rule" caveat. Also "ultimately." I'd also precede it with "technically, no, but...." The reason to use the rule/convention that Steve mentions is that it anticipates that we'll eventually mix the tracks we're recording. As you learn more, you'll discover how much smoother things go the better you are set up for the next stages of the process.. There are exceptions to the rule that you may eventually discover. For instance, when I set up a headphone cue mix using sends, those usually bypass the Master bus.
  24. I always go direct with bass. The tone I'm trying to nail right now is B.B. Dickason's on War's "The World is a Ghetto" (and "Cisco Kid" from the same album). The attack, the low end growl when he launches into the chorus. I suspect that it's a cranked Ampeg B15, but I'm not sure. It's difficult to find a plug-in that will do the low end growl very well. the best results I've gotten so far are with elysia mpressor first to get the attack, then Bass Professor Mk II for some multiband compression, then Black Box HG for the growl.
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