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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. The usual culprit when this is the symptom is that on the older system, the person was using either the 32-bit versions or the VST2 versions of the plug-ins in question. It makes sense that on a newer build, someone might reinstall their plug-ins and go with the latest versions, which may include a VST3 version when the earlier version of the product didn't. When scanning and displaying plug-ins, Cakewalk by default will show only the VST3 version of a plug-in even when both VST2 and VST3 are available: Cakewalk indicates whether a plug-in is VST2 or VST3 (or 32-bit) by displaying the names of VST2's, VST3's and 32-bit plug-ins all in different colors. Unfortunately, that is the only way to tell VST2's apart from VST3's aside from checking more deeply in the plug-in's Properties menu. So check to see whether maybe the earlier build had these instruments only in VST2 form and Cakewalk is now trying to use the VST3 versions. The transition isn't always seamless.
  2. No, you did not. I sometimes make my grand wise pronouncements for the "benefit" of lurkers. Really. Maybe I should try it with the most recent builds of both Cakewalk and Multiply. But then I just got a bundle from Meldaproduction that includes MChorusMB, so....I'm beyond the sanity point of having too many FX that do the same thing. I reported the issue to both BandLab and Acon, and neither seemed too interested in investigating it beyond "use the VST2 version, then, I suppose." Unless the day ever comes that a non-Waves plug-in has any features in VST3 form that it lacks in VST2 form, I'm fine with that workaround.
  3. Inspires confidence, doesn't it? "Less likely?"
  4. Ah, so you have Resolve set to use ASIO, and when you play the file you export from Cakewalk in Resolve, it sounds fine? Then the exported project from Resolve sounds poopy again? That points to whatever player program you're using on your desktop. Try using VLC for your audio and video playback. By default, VLC does go through the Windows mixer, but you can configure it otherwise. It will at least help you sort out why your audio playback sounds so crappy in Windows. And again, don't worry about somehow giving your mixes cooties by monitoring with your industry standard pro-level cans. I use the same ones and my exports sound fine. If anything, headphones can be more revealing than speakers. As I said, if the artifacts are audible on the cans in one situation, that means the cans are able to reproduce them accurately. If they're hiding them in Cakewalk and Resolve, they would be hiding them in other programs as well. @bdickens is actually employed by the audio equipment industry to promote purchases of gear. ? (just kidding, I love ya, ya big lug)
  5. I stopped paying attention to PA's sale and voucher notifications several weeks ago, but this is a return to form. Vouchers or none, $24.99 for BYOME is great, and there's enough in that bundle (NIMBUS, Vocalsynth, Class A Mastering Compressor) that doesn't usually go on deep discount to make it a very tempting purchase.
  6. Wow, I see the auction ended with no bids and they just relisted it at the same starting price. One of the definitions of insanity.... BTW, I'm glad that you said "trying to sell." I've seen much confusion and blather stem from someone on vintage gear forums posting that "someone is selling...." and then the obligatory stream of outrage follows. They are not "selling" it, they only listed it. Thank you for making the important distinction.
  7. I think of this when I get stumped in Cakewalk despite having studied it hard for over 4 years. If it's this way for me, who has put so many hours into learning the program, how is it for someone who's just downloaded it and recorded some audio or MIDI they want to edit? Cakewalk is very powerful, and with great power comes great possibility for confusion. The Spider-Man movies always show Peter Parker having weird experiences and making messes with web-spinning before he completely gets the....hang of it. One of my biggest sources of confusion before there was a Reference Guide was how Cakewalk behaved so differently depending on which area of a clip I clicked on. I had no idea that there was any difference and just chalked it up to a buggy interface design. Then I happened upon the handy charts in the Rerference Guide and it made way more sense. I guess the confusion that can come with great power is even worse when the great power doesn't come with great documentation.
  8. I see that you've done some investigation into the matter of other playback programs routing through the Windows mixer, as opposed to Cakewalk, which goes direct if you're using WASAPI or ASIO. Which you always should be regardless of what audio device you're listening through. If Resolve can use WASAPI, switch to that and see if you still get the crappy sound. There are also good music players that can use WASAPI and ASIO (and therefore bypass the Windows mixer). MusicBee is freeware and can do this. I recommend using it or something similar for listening to final mixes. If it sounds good in MusicBee in WASAPI Exclusive but not in other programs, then you know for sure that the export is good and there is something wrong with the output configuration of the other programs.
  9. This could be many things. I wouldn't worry about your headphones as a source of confusion. After all, you can hear the artifacts using the same headphones in programs other than Cakewalk. Curious, though: what model AT's are you using? My go-to cans are M50x's, which are brutally capable of revealing details like this. In general, any hard-wired MT series should be delivering pretty honest headphone mixes, from the M20x on up. Bluetooth has to go through extra CODEC's, and the fewer of those your audio passes through, the better. Get a copy of Bitter and put it in the FX rack of whatever bus you're taking your export from, or that last one you route through before it goes to the hardware outs (Cakewalk's default "Entire Mix" export location). For whatever reason, you may be getting intersample clipping, and Bitter can find those. The mystery is why it's only happening during Export and not simple playback, but you can try to address that in the following ways. I don't take my exports from the hardware outputs. I set up a dedicated bus that I route the Master bus to. I have a sophisticated metering plug-in on this bus (I use Mastering the Mix LEVELS, but Meldaproduction's MLoudnessAnalyzer from their FreeFX bundle will also work) to make sure that the levels I'm sending to the rendering engine are the same as what I'm listening to. Is it possible that during export, you're bypassing a limiter or compressor that is engaged during mixing? That might result in the export having interstage clipping. Also, too low a level during export can also result in degraded sound quality. With digital, the sweet spot is huge, but there are still ways to get outside it. Also: are you using plug-in oversampling, the 64-bit mix engine or the 64-bit rendering engine, or any combination of the above? Some plug-ins go sideways with combinations of the above. I've found that for safest reduction of aliasing, if I just render the project at 88.2KHz I get the benefits without the possible unwanted side effects. Then I use a separate converter program on the exported file to generate formats for distribution or use in video production (MediaHuman is my favorite freeware convertor). In your case, you would render at 96KHz, as that is double your project rate. Try doing a render with all of your FX bypassed and listen to the results. Maybe a plug-in is going weird at render time, and that might help find it.
  10. I'm having a hard time parsing what you've tried, although I get that you're only hearing the first note on playback. What happens when you enter notes one by one into the Piano Roll? Have you tried examining the Event List for your track(s) to see if there is something weird like an All Notes Off or zero velocity being inserted? Are you using Instrument Tracks or split MIDI and Synth Tracks? What audio interface are you using, and in what driver mode? ASIO? WASAPI? Exclusive or Shared? Are you using a separate connection for your MIDI controller or does it plug into your interface with a 5-pin DIN MIDI connector?
  11. Shoot, I didn't mean to muddy the waters further, quite the opposite. Ah well. My analogy helped me to understand it better, but it can only be taken so far, as with most analogies. Cakewalk sticks pretty close to the MIDI hardware model, but that's never been the easiest thing to get my head around either. Any time I tried to go much past "MIDI out on the controlling device goes to MIDI in on the listening device," things got muddy in a hurry. I figured out the "channel 10 for GM drums" thing, but not all synths stick to that. My favorite workhorse sound module XPand!2 is an example, it listens on channel 1 by default for drums and everything else. I didn't figure out how to control a multitimbral synth until I got into the virtual realm, despite having multiple hardware synths that supported it. BTW, I've talked in the past about "sacrificing a chicken to Cakewalk's MIDI chain" when suddenly a MIDI track stops being able to drive a synth track. What I mean by that is performing some voodoo ritual like duplicating the MIDI track and pointing it at the synth, restarting Cakewalk, etc.* I finally figured out that when this happens, setting the output channel on the MIDI track to 1 fixes it in most cases. That's the best chicken sacrifice. Doesn't answer the question of why it worked fine when it was set to Omni or None, but I don't care. I just want it to work. *(it comes from the old expression about sacrificing a goat to your SCSI chain when it suddenly stops working because something changed in regard to termination, device ID's, etc. A friend of mine once jokingly "clarified" that the reason that you shouldn't leave a SCSI cable plugged in with no devices attached is because "the Earth's atmosphere has a SCSI ID of 0 and will conflict with your internal hard drive." ?)
  12. I think you mostly correctly parsed what I wrote. My understanding of the MIDI spec is that a Thru function in a device is supposed to pass along whatever data comes into the device unaltered. Connector-wise, there can be a dedicated Thru jack, but not necessarily. An Out jack can be set to behave as a Thru jack. Anyway, for the purpose of my hardware/software analogy, Thru is just a function. If I wanted to drive my MIDI sound module with my MIDI sequencer how else would you suggest I connect them?
  13. Since you're importing bundles, does Cakewalk give you the option of where to put the WAV's when it unpacks them? I've only worked with .CWB, not .BUN.
  14. Because the choice(s) made by one custom theme developer will force everyone to use that theme? Exactly. ?
  15. Not sure why this is happening, but it's best practice with Cakewalk to have per-project audio folders rather than one big global folder. I suspect that doing it this way might end your troubles with it.
  16. I went into this in tl/dr detail in the thread in Q&A. The discussion helped me to understand it all better. I had a lightbulb moment. Think of a MIDI track as being similar to a hardware notes-only sequencer. You have it set up so that your keyboard controller goes to its MIDI input jack, with a sound module connected to its MIDI output jack. If you muted it, the notes programmed into it would no longer go to the sound module, but it would still pass MIDI from your controller to the sound module ("Thru"). Any built-in "metering" would likely not register what was coming into it from the controller unless it was in record mode. In order to have it not pass the notes, you would need to disable input echo, which is how it works in Cakewalk. A MIDI track is not as similar to an audio track as the look of their channel strips and track headers led me to expect at first. Given Cakewalk's long history, the logic behind it seems appropriate. Having said that, I agree that an option for MIDI track mute to disable input echo would be a good feature request.
  17. I was thinking more in terms of the most obnoxious 500mS strobe I could come up with. If I turn Ripple Edit on, it's pretty much 100% that I'll forget that it's enabled until things start to look weird, Indicator or no. I'm not surprised that this was a clamored-for feature.
  18. I'm no connoisseur of guitar plug-ins, but I've gotten some decent results with Applied Acoustics' Strum Session and the Strum soundpacks that come with Swatches. Once you get a handle on the different articulations, you can do a lot of interesting things with it. Modeled, not sampled, but the results are what counts. IIRC, the whole A|A|S Sessions bundle is on sale right now somewhere for $10.
  19. Since it would only be used in custom themes, disable=switch to standard Mercury or Tungsten. As a Lord of the .STH I would love to be able to use pulsing Record and Mute buttons. Also Ripple Edit indicator.
  20. https://www.arturia.com/products/software-instruments/analoglab-lite/overview You can get a license by signing up at https://soundbetter.com/ Signup also comes with licenses for iZotope Neutron Elements and Ozone Elements, and Mastering the Mix EXPOSE.
  21. I just wanted to say that I'm happy to know that I'm not the only one who does this from time to time. It's good to get some easy solutions for it. I'd just leave them as they are, but I like to use tempo-sync'd FX and arp's that then run at the wrong speed either double or half, depending on which way I got it wrong).
  22. No. The company who offered that giveaway in Computer Music ceased to exist in October of 2017. They are no longer around to issue new serial numbers for their discontinued products. Elsewhere in this forum you will find a thread with more free virtual instruments than you can download and try in a week. Get Arturia Analog Labs, IK Multimedia Sampletank4 CS and Syntronik Free, Applied Acoustic Systems Swatches, and Native Instruments Kontakt Starter. With just those you'll end up with well over 1,000 top quality sounds. All free, all recent technology.
  23. This is it. Still not winning any beauty contests, but I think it's easier to understand what's going on and it sort of looks like the rest of the theme. There's a "recording" button instead of red cartoon footprints. The note value buttons aren't concave and the MIDI ticks button is a MIDI symbol rather than the letter "n." The step buttons say Step, Beat, and Bar rather than being Cartoon Feet, Quarter Note, and Cheese Grater. Basic and Advanced view buttons say "Basic" and "Adv." Step recording neanderthal emits reluctant grunt of satisfaction.
  24. You can move the licenses to the cloud (if, for instance, you want to park them while you do a system rebuild), but at this point, very few licenses will work from the cloud. The plug-ins have to be made to use the Cloud License feature. iLok Manager will show you which ones can be fully cloudified by the little icon to the left of the license name.
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