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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. I haven't spent a lot of time with it yet since I leveraged up to MComplete. If you want to try it out, you can download the MeldaProduction installer and demo any product you want for 15 days. Just take care to only install the one(s) you want to demo, because the clock starts ticking as soon as you install a plug-in. After that time, you'll periodically get either a silence or noise burst (can't remember which).
  2. You have to have a job in order to be afraid of it being taken away.
  3. Is your setup working with n-Track and Audacity?
  4. Heck yeah. Playing vs. programming. Not that one is inherently "better' than the other.
  5. Wow, thank you so much, @JnTuneTech. This gives me a lot to chew on. It also makes me ponder whether this functionality could be amended/expanded for the benefit of the VSTi's that are probably in the majority these days. Not sure yet what to ask for, though.
  6. I've been spending more time with the documentation. Unfortunately, none of it is helping. I feel even more puzzled. What I'm trying to do is make custom names show up in place of the piano keys, to be used with MDrummer. I would like to start with the stock GM Drums because most of the assignments are the same, I'd just need to change some of them. Should this be done with a text editor? Should it be done in the Define Instruments and Names dialog? If "text editor" is the answer, what file do I edit? Another question. While poring over the documentation, it finally came to me that all this instrument definitions stuff seemed to be really oriented toward using external hardware synths, not VSTi's. How much of it is applicable to VSTi's? Bonus question: I tried making a MIDI track with no synth associated, with its output set to be the input of my MIDI interface, and I set it to Ch. 10, which I had set in "Add Instrument Definitions" to General MIDI Drums. Some interesting things happened, like the notes in PRV turned diamond-shaped instead of rectangular. I kinda liked it. Is there some way to make that happen for a soft synth?
  7. Max, Lewis, Fernando. World champions all, great to seem them all on the podium last race. Nice tribute.
  8. So I'm not the only one around here who fantasizes about attending the Monaco Grand Prix. Nice. I checked out maybe going to the Vegas GP this year, but it sold out of its (expensive!) tickets pretty quickly. I'm working on a song called "Grand Prix Weekend" that has a little tribute to Malcolm McLaren's "Buffalo Girls." I have a sample of David Croft saying "Lando Norris goes 'round the outside!" (round the outside, round the outside).
  9. Yikes. I hope there was a nice pop screen between the talent and that poor C12!
  10. I've become resigned to the fact that I'll have to clean up after some installers, ones that install AAX and so forth. To me, at least, the T-Racks products I have licenses for are worth the trouble of moving the ones I don't have licenses for. Especially their Fairchild 670 emulation.
  11. If what you're concerned with is not having Cakewalk scanning unnecessary demo plug-ins from a bundle and then displaying them in the Browser, you can delete (or move to an unscanned folder) the DLL's (including the .VST3 DLL's). I do this with IK Multimedia T-Racks, which installs every T-Racks plug-in regardless of which ones you have licenses for. I have a folder named TRacks and just drag the .VST3 files I don't want to the folder after installation. If all you care about is just not having them show up in Browser, then what abacab said about using Plug-In Manager to exclude them from view is the ticket.
  12. Well, yes, de gustibus. Look at my favorite plug-in house, MeldaProduction, and you'll see quite a difference in approach to Waves'. That "get under the hood" thing where I can see exactly what the plug-in is doing is attractive to me. And heaven knows there are plenty of people who wouldn't touch a Melda plug-in with a ten foot pole due to the clinical UI's. It's not as if I've tried the entire Waves line, just the freebies I've snagged, which do include Hybrid Comp, RVox and RBass. Also a Chris Alge reverb thingie. An assortment of One Knob FX I'll never use. I'm newer to this than most of the people who post here, I think. I started working with a DAW again about 9 years ago. I was using Mixcraft, which comes with a load of plug-ins, and I got the MFreeFX bundle, IKM T-Racks freebies, UltraChannel, Ozone Elements and the CM suite pretty early, before I got most of the Waves stuff. So I'd already been exposed to some good processors and developed a workflow with them by the time I experienced most of the Waves things, most of which are much older than the other ones I'd been working with. They just don't do anything that other plug-ins I have don't do as well or better. Add to that the janky (and single seat; I always run at least 2 active systems, sometimes 3) licensing, and they've never made it into my rotation. MetaFilter is pretty cool, and I found a very useful novelty patch in Elements 2. But Elements is a resource hog. And if a synth is a resource hog, it better sound as good as Chromaphone. ? So I have a more limited experience with them. It might be that the ones that would blow my mind are ones that I've never tried. At this point, I many more mixing FX than I could possibly learn how to make full use of. I'm only in the market for sound design-y FX and I don't think that's really Waves' strong suit (aside from the aforementioned MetaFilter).
  13. I'd guess that somehow it's not terminating correctly. I doubt this is the case, because I replace FX and synths like crazy and would soon overpower my system.
  14. No, I'm not supplying any, I'm going to be once again attempting to understand the process in order to create one. Specifically one for my newly-acquired MDrummer. MDrummer is one of those drum machines where MIDI notes trigger pads and also patterns, and I want to map it out so I can program beats in the good ol' PRV. I am amused by the official documentation's encouraging yet authoritarian tone and would like to share in my amusement. Quoth the Reference Guide: "Creating instrument definitions Cakewalk lets you create and edit instrument definitions. To create an instrument definition, you must answer these types of questions:" Emphasis mine. Sounds pretty serious, the docs obviously want you to have your doo-doo together before you even TRY to create an instrument definition. I will attempt to answer them one by one. 1. What are the names of the patches in each bank? "Patches?" I just want to make the kick drum be labeled "kick drum" when I'm using the PRV. 2. Which note names should be used for each patch? Note names for each patch?? I just want to give names to the notes. I don't want to give different note names for each patch. The instrument uses a bunch of different patches, but they all have C1 as the kick drum. A synth can have a piano patch or a string patch but they both use the same note names, right? Same thing but I want it to be "Kick" instead of "C1" 3. What are the names of the MIDI Controllers for this instrument? Um, names of MIDI controllers? Still nothing about assigning a name to a MIDI note, which is kind of what I thought this was about. I'm using my trusty ol' Yamaha CS6X as my main MIDI controller, but I sense that that is not what is being asked. It has knobs, keys, and a mod and pitch wheel though. I've had it for over 20 years and never named it. Some of my guitars have names, but they're not MIDI....okay, I'll shut up now. 4. Which RPN and NRPNs are available on the instrument? Which what?? I could not be more confused right now. 5. Which Bank Select method does the instrument use? Oh SNAP. Make a liar out of me instantly, eh? I'm not even going to try with this one. "Same one we all use: the one with the most heartwarming TV commercials." 6. To collect this information, you need the MIDI documentation for your instrument. MIDI documentation? As in the manual? It's all supposed to be somewhere in the instrument's manual? Are you familiar with MeldaProduction's documentation? He's like this superintelligent Star Trek giant brain person. "I find your human language too....limited...to convey the...complexity of my...ideas." Just hang on while I crawl off and die. Now, having failed to gather a single answer to these "must answer" questions, let's see how many of the actual steps I can fail to follow. Here’s a general outline of the steps you must follow to create an instrument definition: 1. Create a new instrument in the Instrument tree. Okay, there's a diagram with "Instruments tree" indicated. Plural. I'll assume typo. So....right click, I guess? "New Instrument." Super! There we go. "MDrummer." <enter> Hey! It's even got all that NPR stuff filled in already. Starting to feel like this might work. 2. Create any new name lists in the Names tree that are required for the instrument. I do want to give names to notes. I guess that's done in a "name list." Okay, right click on Note Names....okay, Add Note Names List, ooh, call it MDrummer, yeah. Now how do I actually assign the note names? Right click MDrummer....Add note name! Okay, 0=0. I can see that it understands a bit of algebra. So I guess that one by one I'm going to populate this list with name assignments in the form of <MIDI#>=<note name>. It's kinda like if Drum Maps got in a transporter accident with RegEdit. That's a lot of right clicking and typing! But at least I have the steps down. 3. Drag name lists and possibly a bank select method to the new instrument from the Names tree. Okay, maybe this is a way to not have to right click and type quite as much? What do I drag from where to where? I see a whole lotta Patch-y/Bank-y stuff on the left side but nothing that looks like just note names, and the right hand box doesn't seem to like me trying to drag and drop vertically.... 4. Close the Define Instruments and Names dialog box. Done.
  15. Actually, I think he was set up. Oh, wait, not that Krupa. Never mind. Talkin' 'bout my Gene-ration. What part of my long-winded sociopsychobabble blather is hard to believe this time? ?
  16. Question for Jacques: have you tried your engine and CPU load tests comparing the usage with the plug-ins' GUI's closed and open? It surprises me how many plug-ins show a big difference when they are or are not displaying their UI, especially in Task Manager.
  17. Good heavens, Neoverb is the most resource-hungry reverb plug-in I've seen. And SSL have found a way to have theirs eat up even more resources? I think that when plug-ins are especially resource-hungry, that's bad for business in more than one way. If the assumption is "the current computers can handle it," not everyone has a "current" computer. The more plug-ins I can run, the more I tend to use (=buy).
  18. There's a tribal comfort about so many (virtually arbitrary) choices we make. We want other people to like the things we like and believe the things we believe. And if they don't, we set our brains to figuring out nasty reasons why they don't. They must be stupid, racist, lazy, privileged, have criminal intent, or be contrarians. Somehow, the things we buy and use and watch and listen to become part of our identity and it can feel like a rejection of a part of us if people like other things better. "Wait, my superior ears and shopping abilities led to me believing that X products were the best! Now this guy doesn't want anything to do with them! Is something wrong with my tastes or is something wrong with him?" Waves are kind of weird for me. I know they were once considered the apex of plug-in FX, but I've harvested every freebie they and their affiliates have offered for many years and was excited about it at first because "oboy, WAVES plug-in! I now haz pro studio!" and although TrueVerb wound up on a lot of stuff due to not having a better sounding one, none of the rest of the products have found a place on my go-to list. Even legendary ones like RBass and RVox. And never touched TrueVerb once I got Phoenix Stereo. The Waves Central app confuses me about exactly what I'm doing and what's it's doing when I want to move a license or update or whatever. The one-seat-per-license ain't great, either, although I forgive that for exactly one product line, Exponential Audio reverbs. Obviously, Waves' products are still popular enough to create the storm of complaints when they tried to change the licensing, but sonically I've never understood what the fuss was about. Individual iZotope, IKM, brainworx and Melda products have all blown me away at some point or other, but I've never had that experience with a Waves product.
  19. Whoa. I'm very interested in generational cohorts, the 10-year cycle of (oddly-named, given that it includes the Beatles, Stones, and Dylan) Silent Generation (1935-45), Woodstock Boomers (aka "Me Generation" 1945-55), Generation Jones (mine, 1955-1965), and Generation X (1965-75). This fits.
  20. Okay, Dave, I have to ask: antisemitism? Oh, wait, Waves are an Israel-based company, right. So if someone eschews MeldaProduction because of the complex, clinical UI and scant documentation, they're anti-Czech bigots? ? Surely it wasn't this forum, but the old one, which had a different vibe (especially outside the Coffee House)? Those cats made my enthusiasm for MeldaProduction look like Unitarianism vs. their Unification Church devotion to Waves. Anyone who had a mixing question: first thing to do is get the appropriate Waves plug-in. I even put a line in my sig to the effect of "enough with the Waves recommendations." My first recommendation if someone seems to be in need of expanding their collection mixing FX (or just wants to) is almost always freeware. If ya can't get it done with Kilohearts Essentials, MFreeFX, and the Dead Duck FX, maybe more learning rather than more software? Oh, also Trackspacer. Everyone must have Trackspacer.?
  21. Okay, I'll hop in here. When I was 11 years old, the album that "Frankenstein" is from, They Only Come Out At Night, was the most terrifying album cover I'd ever seen in my life: Gotta hand it to Ed and Rick and the boys, the "Frankenstein" riff....wow. I'm pretty sure I saw a Midnight Special appearance that was the source the video. I showed it to a friend of mine, 20 years younger, and he said "Reznor must have seen this when he was a kid." Trent would have been about 7 to my 11 when this came out and I have no doubt it made an impression on his eventual Nine Inch Nails stage persona. Youngsters of my generation were exposed to some brilliant rock showmanship thanks to Burt Sugarman and Don Kirshner. Ones that stood out: Winter, Neil Young (with Crazy Horse, he had a roadie bring out a fan to blow his hair around on "Like a Hurricane"), Gary Wright (also strapped on the keyboard), Robert Fripp (with Frippertronics, that appearance rewrote my DNA), The Bee Gees (doing this weird departure for them called "Jive Talkin") Brownsville Station (Cub Koda had great schtick), Bowie's 1980 Floor Show, Alice Cooper's Welcome to My Nightmare....
  22. So many ways. I might select the area then hit Delete to create room, then drag/nudge the left one over, I might also just split it in one place, drag the edge of one of the resulting clips to make room and drag it over.
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