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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. I think the drag and drop workflow things he demonstrated were pretty slick, although you can already drag an instrument from Cakewalk's Browser onto the Track Header pane and have it create the instrument track of your choice without popping that dialog. All you have to do is set the choices in the dialog the way you like and then untick the box that asks if you wish to see the dialog every time. It's a thing about Cakewalk: it's packed with slick little features that nobody knows about. If you're not Smart Swiping and Quick Grouping, I use those all the time. I mentioned Quick Groups to Mike in the comments of the video and he said that S1 does something similar to quick groups. I've read some of S1's marketing hype, and it seems like they have an overall philosophy that focuses the workflow on dragging and dropping. That shows in the end product. Cakewalk's UX suffers somewhat from having been created by so many different teams under different product management. There doesn't seem to be a unifying design philosophy applied to it. Maybe there are/were multiple design philosophies? Cakewalk was around before drag and drop was even a thing on the PC. Dragging and dropping FX onto the headers to create audio tracks....nice enough, but kind of a novelty (unless you are aiming for every operation to be able to be triggered by a drag and drop). The ability to select and drag two FX onto the FX bin would be a nice thing, though. Dragging FX onto the Sends bin and it automatically creates a Send track? I think I actually thought about that for Cakewalk at one point but didn't bring it up. I'd use the heck out of that. I typically don't use drag and drop from the Browser much because it doesn't offer anything special, but if it automatically created send tracks, and you could drag multiple plug-ins at the same time, that would change my attitude toward it. People have been mentioning templates as how they avoid the repetitive chores of setting up projects, and perhaps S1 lends itself more readily to a "blank slate" approach, starting from an empty or minimal project. When you aren't so sure ahead of time where things are going to go. The more deviation from the template, the more the workflow exposes itself. Anyway, I'm sure the devs are paying attention to these videos and the resulting threads. This drag and drop track and bus creation is probably not all that difficult to implement as it doesn't ask the program do anything it can't already do, it's just another way to tell it what to do. Drag and drop to the Send bin to create a bus, hold Alt to create an aux track. P.S. He also showed (but didn't talk much about) how you can resize the modules in S1's mixer, which I have wished for since I started using Cakewalk. There can be a LOT of wasted real estate in the Console depending on how many FX and Sends you're working with, whether you need the gain knob visible, etc.
  2. Craig, what’s the name of your YouTube channel? I’ll add it to the YouTube Channels topic if it’s not already there. And great idea. YouTube videos seem to carry extra weight with the devs. When they see someone else’s workflow and where they get hung up.
  3. That's why there's such great synergy in the merge with iZotope.
  4. I'd probably like Seventh Heaven too. They say it's a Bricasti M7 clone and my favorite MTurbo device is called "Brichamber." I assume from the name that it's supposed to imitate a Bricasti. I've heard that about Vintage Verb. I guess it's designed to do similar things to Exponential R2/R4/Symphony, which I have and are great. I loved the sounds Robin Guthrie got with Cocteau Twins and those are supposed to emulate those 70's/80's rack 'verbs. Neoverb sounds great; it's got the Expo algos. iZotope had to go and add their patented CPUGobbler® technology, though, so I haven't explored it so much. I am surprised about Raum. Like most of us I got it because it was free. I tried it and it didn't knock me out. Are you using it as a general purpose 'verb or sound design-y character effect?
  5. I'm no authority, so I'm curious which reverb(s) you consider to be equal or superior.
  6. For me, there is not, nor will there likely ever be any functional difference between MTurboReverb and MTurboReverble. They both have the same devices and presets. MTurboReverb allows you to get under the hood more deeply and edit the reverb algorithms. Here's a screenshot of my favorite reverb in MTurboReverb(le): As you can see, this one single device has 27 different parameters for the user to adjust if the user wishes. That selector that says "Bella" is one of the 9 different algorithms you may select for the "Brichamber" device. There are about 100 different reverb "devices." 100 different reverbs where you can choose your favorite of 9 different algorithms per reverb. So the non-LE version is for people for whom 900 different flavors of reverb with 26 parameters each isn't quite versatile enough. IMO, pretty much nobody needs the non-LE version. Without touching a knob other than Dry/Wet, it already sounds as good as anything I've heard (I haven't heard every reverb but I have licenses for the Exponential line and have checked out multiple reverb shootouts on YouTube). And, confession: I've only ever used the Brichamber device, and only with the "Bella" algorithm, because I stop when I don't think I can make a mix sound any better. It's the first bus reverb I try and inevitably sounds so good that I've never felt the need to switch to another preset. It feels weird to have that many options and stick with only one, but what can I say? I'm a "too many reverbs unfocuses the mix" guy. Only other thing I use is either PhoeNimbuStratus or something extreme like Valhalla Supermassive. MTurboReverble and MTurboDelay by themselves make any of the 2nd and 3rd tier bundles that includes them a bargain if you don't already have them. Just one great reverb is worth the hundy that MEssentials is going for right now.
  7. I posted the news on VI-Control in the wee hours and there are already a few newly-anointed MComplete licensees over there. One is convinced it's a glitch. 65% is a BIG discount, though.... I'm wondering if maybe the site's code is giving you 70% of retail in credit even for each individual plug-in in a bundle. That might explain the small cost of MCompleteness. Whatever, MPowerSynth was the unexpected prize of the bunch for me. I already had all of the MP products I wanted before I became MComplete. I wouldn't want to try programming it, and the front-facing UI is plain as can be, but there are some fine sounds in MPowerSynth.
  8. That's a great idea, but I think it would have to be curated by one person. Once something like that's opened to all, you quickly start getting unrelated feature requests. "A chord track would make my workflow less clunky" and such. To me, "clunky" means features that exist, but function in a needlessly clumsy way.
  9. Hit your F6 key. I used Cakewalk for an embarrassingly long time before I even knew about RMB select, so if the Smart Tool wasn't doing what I wanted, I'd switch tools. Imagine how much faster things started to go after I figured out RMB select. And for extra convenience, let's say you're using the Smart Tool and want to quickly select with the LMB then switch back to the Smart Tool. Hold F6 down while you do your thing with the mouse, then release it, and the tool will switch back to the Smart Tool or whatever tool you had been using.
  10. Yes, oddness abounds with their upgrade offers. For instance, I could have upgraded to MTotalFX for more than the cost of MComplete. It makes sense because while all my previous licenses counted toward MComplete, not all of them counted toward MTotalFX because I had a (purchased at deep discount) license for MSoundFactoryLE. So if your licenses include MDrummer, MSoundFactory, and MPowerSynth, none of them apply to FX bundles. Also, I swear that I've seen that "refresh the page and the price drops" thing happen too. Or I checked the prices, then went away and came back a day or so later and they were lower. It's the MeldaFairy waving her wand, I guess. And dude, c'mon really, if it said $11 for MComplete earlier, it should now say "you already own MComplete." ? Unless you're waiting for referral credits to come in....I had that happen during a big sale, so I always waited until the day before the sale was over to make any purchases.
  11. Not long ago, I had some credits in my account due to someone I didn't even know having bought something pricey using my ref. code (likely posted on VI Control). 50% off everything sale came up, I was all poised to spend my credits on MTransformer and looked and saw that in addition to my credits, I needed $19 to level up to MComplete. I really didn't see that one coming. It's such a huge collection of stuff, and I will be getting licenses for anything they ever come out with as long as we both shall live. MeldaProduction's credits and prior purchases and "% off" sales have a way of building up and combining to make bundles way cheaper than one expects, so if you own any license, always check your bundle offers when they have a sale. This happens partly because if you already have a license for a plug-in that's part of a bundle, 70% of that plug-in's list price is applied to the bundle price. This drops to 50% if you bought it from a dealer. This is why snagging $10 MeldaProduction odds and ends from dealers pays off: it's a coupon for 50% of the list price of the thing when applied to a bundle. There's also overlap in the bundles, and the license prices from one bundle apply to another bundle. So let's say you already have MEssentialsFX, half of the plug-ins in MEssentialsFX are also in MMixingFX, etc. so you don't have to pay again for those. Wouldn't it be wonderful if iZotope did it that way? Anyway, if you're new to buying anything from them, use the newsletter sign-up and use a referral code and you'll get the cost of the MFreeFX "pro" upgrade down to about $8. Pretty good for 37 plug-ins. If you want to go fancier, my recommendation is for MEssentialsFX. 10 plug-ins including MTurboReverble, MTurboDelay, MAutoAlign, and MAutodynamicEQ. Use the first-timer deals and get both bundles for about $80. And no, we can't post referral codes in public, so hit up a Melda customer (it's ralfroberts' topic, so reward him) in private.
  12. Um, MComplete includes everything in MTotalFX, so buy MComplete first. ?
  13. Check PM for a possible alternative. ? Another benefit you'll appreciate from updating to a later processor is the presence of the higher levels of extended multimedia instructions. I started to have some IK Multimedia plug-ins refuse to run on my old notebook, which had a 2nd-generation i7. They said they needed the multimedia instruction set to run and that was that. I'm not sure how the presence of those extensions affects Vegas NLE's and video rendering, but it sure can't hurt.
  14. Unfortunately, no, which is why I sourced you the Optiplex. Modern graphics cards require the computer to boot from the UEFI BIOS, which loads from the system drive rather than motherboard ROM. A Dell Optiplex 7010 with an i7-3770 was my main DAW/NLE rig until about a year ago, and would still be working fine had I not found a killer deal on a motherboard. It has a GTX550Ti in it, which was a pretty powerful GPU in its day (and still holds up), but it wasn't unusable when using the onboard graphics. Dells are known for being very well-built. As for being upgradeable, the only thing to watch out for is whether the graphics card you want doesn't have power requirements that exceed the power supply's capacity. Dells, like HP's, use power supplies with proprietary connectors, which makes them more difficult to swap for beefier components. The GT 1030 has very low power requirements, but as I said, the onboard graphics of a newer i5 or i7 will knock the sox off your current GT 520 anyway. BTW, if you haven't taken an air blaster can to the inside of the HP lately, that can help with noisy fan syndrome and may help the computer run faster. Just be sure to take it outside first! You may be able to find a Canadian source of refurbished Dells. I think Best Buy also sells them. Just Google "refurbished Optiplex" and see what comes up. I can help vet whatever you find. I recently helped Larry Jones take the refurbished Dell path and he's very happy with the results.
  15. Let's say my song is in 4/4 and I have my grid set to 1/4 notes (or 1/8 or whatever subdivision). Is there a way for me to have Cakewalk's playhead move ahead by 1/4 note (or 1/8 or whatever) each time I strike a certain key (or click the mouse in a certain place)? The purpose for this is transcribing songs. Right now, I'm trying to figure out a song's beat, so I have it loaded as an audio track, I have the tempo matched, and I'm putting the notes that the drummer is playing into the PRV. It just popped into my head that it would be great if I could make Cakewalk play just 1/4 or 1/8 or 1/16 each time I tapped the key. Otherwise I hear the next note I want, but also a few after that before I can hit the spacebar and rewind. So to be able to set the grid and play just the next beat would be handy. Having a command to back the playhead up by a beat division would be cool, too. This seems like something Cakewalk would be able to do, and if it's not already, a feature request is on its way.
  16. Your Pavilion doesn't support UEFI BIOS, so upgrading the video card ain't happening. Really, though, it's actually a good thing that it didn't work, because this is a much better card for less money, and also passively cooled: https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-GeForce-GDDR5-Graphics-GT1030-2G-CSM/dp/B0716ZH99K There's no longer any reason to struggle with systems this old when there are deals like this around: https://www.amazon.com/Dell-Latitude-Business-Certified-Refurbished/dp/B07K6YG7YY That makes it about $200 total (including the GT 1030) for a computer that would be a video editing powerhouse compared to your current setup. And if you get a brand new system (which I would never do, I shop used and refurbished), the GT 1030 is a worthy card. (even without the card, using the onboard graphics on the Dell would be better than what you have now) I use Vegas Pro and my GT 1030 flies with that, I also game with it and it's run every title I've thrown at it with aplomb. Here's a comparison. Note how the GT 1030's column uses the words "hugely faster" and "hugely better" for every spec. https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-GT-1030-vs-Nvidia-GeForce-GT-730/m283726vsm12582 Turn the Pavilion into a network server.
  17. A Cakewalk forum participant whom I know to have a Meldaproduction referral code. Brian now has an MComplete license, so no longer needs referral credits. Check your account. If you've never bought a license from them, you'll get 20% off that first order no matter what you spend your money on. As long as you use a referral code.
  18. It's a drum-oriented multieffect, packages different modules specially set up for drum processing. Nice to have them all in one place, but if you have the individual processors, I'd say it's not essential. Some people like one-stop instrument-specific FX, some would rather use individual favorites. I haven't tried it yet on any of my drum tracks, I'm not currently tracking live drums. But I did open it up and poke around the UI. Unlike most Melda stuff it doesn't have access to multiparameters and modulators, and it's meant to be operated from the top-level GUI's. There are 9 different devices, each tailored to a different part of the kit plus room and overheads. As always, if you want to buy it and you haven't made a MeldaProduction purchase before, be sure to snag someone's referral code and get 20% off. Sign up for the newsletter for a 10€ credit.
  19. Been a while since I put a bump on this topic. Finally leveled up to MeldaProduction's MComplete (which should serve as a cautionary to anyone checking out their FreeFX bundle: that stuff is like crack in the form of a DLL for susceptible folks), so I've been exploring that huge bounty and not inclined to acquire even more plug-ins. I made an exception for this one, because I still haven't found a drum machine plug-in that satisfies the sounds I hear in my head. MDrummer, in customary Melda fashion, just offers way too many options and a bazillion drum sounds, so I get lost. Pepto Audio's DR-84 gets close to the classics, it's a ROMpler of various 80's drum boxes like the Linn, DMX, X11, and Drumulator. The samples are mono and have no FX, although there is an era-appropriate reverb on board if you want it. Caveat: for whatever reason, their sound mapping deviates from the General MIDI Drums, which may take some delving into the Drum Map Manager if you care about having the correct drum names displayed in the Drum Grid. If you don't, then just get used to their mapping and go for it. It sounds great. Bonus: it reports its preset names to Cakewalk, so you can access them from Cakewalk's own menu.
  20. How about doing it like the guy in the video is doing it, using volume automation on the track? Up in the Tools Module in the Control Bar, there's the Draw Tool (F9). If you right click on it, you can change it to the Triangle: Once you do that, any automation you draw will be in a triangle wave, with the period being whatever your current snap settings are: To do a hard stutter, I'd recommend the "Square" setting. If you want to do it with a plug-in, the freeware Kilohearts Essentials collection includes a Trance Gate that will whip it up instantly. MeldaProduction's FreeFX bundle also includes MTremolo, which will also do it.
  21. I think there's some misunderstanding about what he's trying to do. He wants to use the keyboard's speakers to monitor from Cakewalk. Unless the keyboard can act as an audio output device (unlikely), the only way to accomplish that would be if, as @gustabo says, the keyboard has an analog audio input. If it does, then a 1/8" stereo to 1/8" cable from the green jack on the computer to the keyboard's audio input should do the trick. Be forewarned that this configuration will then make any sound the computer makes play back through the keyboard's speakers. Since @Byron Dickens was uncharacteristically silent about this, the best solution would be to buy an M-Track Solo ($50) and a pair of dedicated powered speakers (of better quality than whatever you're using now, such as the Presonus Eris) for it. Second best would be to just get the powered speakers and and drive them from the computer's green jack. Do this and you'll hear what your setup is really capable of. Once you start overdubbing, freezing tracks, etc., you'll find the $99 Eris/$50 M-Track investment very much worth it.
  22. The Clunk Monster rears its ugly head!
  23. Since BandLab has no legal obligation to honor lifetime updates to SONAR, I think a good solution would be a crossgrade. Those licenses were purchased from another company, and that's what crossgrades are all about.
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