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Starship Krupa

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Everything posted by Starship Krupa

  1. And of course, this means another edition of Swatches, it's now up to 584 patches.
  2. This will probably not be a popular opinion, but I think the forum improved after the crossover to the new server. The old one had some great info (I still glean stuff from it today), but it had too much of the "if it's crashing or otherwise not working, it's YOUR fault" vibe that product forums sometimes take on. It also still had plenty of folks who were righteously wee-wee'd off about their recently purchased "forever" Platinum licenses. They felt poorly done by, and I sympathize. Nobody knew then that with Cakewalk by BandLab, the program may well be better than it would have been had Gibson kept Cakewalk, Inc. on life support. The fact that none of us have to invest any money, or if we did (I did 20 years ago), we probably agree that the payoff is worth it probably has something to do with it. With payware, there is an emotional investment and a desire to help the company keep the coins rolling in so that they can stay solvent. With Cakewalk, if someone says "that's it, I'm giving up, going with Studio One," that's really nothing, except good for PreSonus. I freakin' love CbB and like to help people use it, but if someone thinks that one of the other DAW's works better for them, good for them and I hope it helps them make their music. Still no time for trolls, though. Express your frustrations as politely as possible, then please be gone. I've seen something happen here that is almost unique in my 30 years of experience with online forums: topics that start as flame bait turning into useful discussions, with or without apologies. That is freaking weird. And it's really the best revenge on a troll. "Sorry, we'll just use your flamebait as fuel for a discussion that might help someone." Here's to my forum beratnas (sorry, just finished the last book of The Expanse saga)!
  3. Oops, you are correct. Thank you. Glad you find right mouse button select so useful. It would be nice if there were some way to emphasize this in the documentation. Learning to select with the right button is, IMO, almost essential to getting fast with Cakewalk. My MIDI editing speed was like a glacier until I figured out this technique. It's not as big a deal in Track View, because the Smart Tool switches to select mode pretty easily, but for Piano Roll, wow, what a difference.
  4. I wouldn't bet on that! Theme compatibility seems to get broken about once a year. But as long as yours is based on Mercury, the recipe is simple: open it in the current version of Theme Editor, then save it. The issue is that new graphical elements are added, and doing this adds them to your existing theme. Doesn't the Mercury Piano Roll already have a white background? Or do you mean that you didn't want the black key rows to be shaded?
  5. Mr. Liu seems to be The Reanimator in that regard. Still, useful information for people browsing the forum.
  6. If you click through the incompatibility window, SONAR themes will load in CbB. The newer graphical elements will be replaced with Mercury graphics, so if your theme was based on Mercury, there would be no issues. Just save the theme using the current Theme Editor and you're fine.
  7. I'll also suggest that if the current release continues to work well for you, save the installer. It's my understanding that the devs will address issues with running Cakewalk on Windows 7, but they no longer test new releases with it.
  8. A dodgy feature for something that calls itself "Black Box." Surely by this point someone has created a plug-in that does nothing but add a 3dB boost, wrap it in a mysterious GUI with a needle level meter. What was that thing that iZotope used to give away for free years ago? "Neutrino" or something like that. It didn't induce a level increase, but neither did it do anything else. They no longer offer it, I notice. Gain Match is Lord Shiva the Destroyer of Illusions. Great way to reality check myself with my master chain. The track sounds amazing, it's breathing, it sparkles, it shakes, I can hear the detail, stereo image extends to the corners of infinity....and then I gain check it....
  9. Okay, when I was first trying to do this, I saw this on p. 606: With the Smart tool, hold down the CTRL key and drag to insert two nodes at the selection boundaries. I tried it, and was expecting it to work as stated, the nodes would be inserted as soon as I released the mouse button. Making that selection, then dragging in the top half of the lane does the trick. I shall inform Mr. Saether.
  10. Yes, just a link with "click here for current Cakewalk for BandLab support" would surely save a few lost souls. It's always a reminder that some people just use software without paying attention to corporate machinations. Hard for a geek like me to grasp. Cakewalk by BandLab still has no Wikipedia entry. I was working on one for a while.
  11. Thank you so much, this will save me a lot of time. I like to bring effects in and out. I'm going to try to find wherever this is in the documentation so that I can bookmark it.
  12. BTW, I just noticed that one of your plug-ins is Gain Match. Believe it or not, this little mother eats up more than its share of audio engine. I wouldn't have thought so given the seemingly simple job it has, but even when it's not in analyze mode, it chews the cpu. It's a cool idea, and the plug-in works well, but when I want to use it, I let it do its analysing and then switch it off and use BL Gain set to the difference in levels Gain Match detected.
  13. I thought I saw or read somewhere that there's a quick way to make a standard 4-node automation segment. By that I mean a flat segment with double nodes at each end so that the flat part may be dragged up or down, like for toggling a parameter or muting or whatever. It was something like drag to select the segment you want to do this on, then a modifier key and a click or drag to automatically create a line segment with two nodes at each end. I've combed the Reference Guide and documentation, searched on the forum....am I imagining this?
  14. Wow, I just looked, and it's pretty dire. 4 years after most of the content on the site became obsolete, this is what I get when I search "Cakewalk on Google. Cakewalk by BandLab does show up, but it's below a Google review for a local dog walker: I can imagine a confused person seeing this and thinking "huh, I thought it was free, but here it says 'free for 30 days.'" Those links to support and to demo and purchase SONAR really need to go. Knowing this isn't the place requires knowing that the company Cakewalk closed down, sold off the IP, and then the product was renamed "Cakewalk." The average person can't be expected to know that. How many shuttered companies still have functioning websites up 4 years after they closed the doors? It's time to narrow it down to just the download and licensing server(s) and take the rest offline. Or put in those html codes that tell Google's spiders not to index. Especially in matters of support, I've seen this trip people up over and over. At least just make the support email address forward to the (hardly) new support staff.
  15. Which I use in every MIDI project and love, especially since visibility was increased with dark PRV's. But I agree with the OP, that it would be nice if the colors of the notes changed to match the foreground color as well.
  16. There are plenty of tools and options that don't have anything to do with Track View, so each view gets its own menu that pertains to the view. This makes it easier to find the tools that affect the view I'm working in. I've got the Console open on my second monitor, I don't have to go back over to the main window to change console settings. I advocate for having the Main Menu contain only things that pertain to the entire project and move the Track View specific ones down to the Track View menu, kind of the opposite of what you're suggesting. Overall, rather than asking to have the program features reverted to Pro Studio 9, I'd suggest asking how to get the current tools to work similarly. Cakewalk as it is now is a hugely configurable monster.
  17. PRV and Console is a good combo. In some situations, depending on what I'm doing, it's just good to be able to see what's going on.
  18. Oy, this one, too. My brain has decided that Cakewalk already has this feature, so multiple times a day, it's "Replace Synth, then sit and stare at the screen waiting for the UI to open until I remember that it doesn't work that way." It's like having a rock in my shoe. Who ever replaces a synth without immediately opening the UI to either edit it or choose a patch? Some instruments, like Kontakt, SampleTank, and Syntronik, have no instrument selected when instantiated. Many others have something like an annoying plain triangle wave (Hybrid, Vacuum Pro). Please reply if you agree. The way these things get attention is to stay at the top of the pile.
  19. AAARGH! Why can't I stop doing this? It's become more than once a day. Bump'd. And while we're at it, replacing a plug-in, be it synth or effect, should absolutely default to opening the UI.
  20. This would be nice. I'm a big fan of setting my clip backgrounds so that they can be distinguished in PRV, but having the note colors distinguishable would be even better.
  21. To say the least. Tactic is, for me so far, the most accessible of Glitchmachines' instruments. There is much value to be had in just using the preset beats. And because of the randomization controls, they don't have the sameness that can set in with other drum machines' stock rhythms. Try setting up an arp with a synth that's good at it like Hybrid or Chromaphone, then let it run while you browse the presets. I don't yet know if it's the samples they supply or the processors in the plug-in itself, but they have some amazing 3-D effects going on, with beats appearing all over the place (the fact that I'm running it through R4 probably doesn't hurt).
  22. F5-F9 select the various tools. However, bigger issue, you may be doing what I was doing for a long time when I started using Cakewalk: you're using the Select Tool where you would be better off using the right mouse button. Try it. Hold your right mouse button down and drag a selection. No need to switch tools, it works no matter what tool is selected.
  23. One thing I can say is be sure you have Windows Defender's realtime scanning excluded for your Cakewalk projects folder, your samples folder, and your plug-ins folder. If you have realtime scanning enabled, Defender reads and scans every file that is accessed by a program. In your case, over 100. Cakewalk streams every audio file in a project regardless of mute state, unless they are in Archived tracks. That's a lot of unnecessary malware scanning every time you hit play.
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