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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. @Starship Krupa, have you alerted or contacted @Morten Saether about your find? I believe Morten creates help and reference content for Cakewalk. I looked at pages 729 & 730 of the Cakewalk Reference manual and did not see any information about this fourth view. It would be nice for your find to be included in the official documentation.
  2. Are you using any custom keyboard assignments? What shortcut are you using for automation snapshot?
  3. While @GreenLight screen shots help my understanding alot I'm not sure the suggestion is well defined. Is the suggestion for audio waveforms or automation lines?
  4. This is nice. I like full cover better than version 3. Very, very creative how you made your own Rickenbaker 360-12 electric 12 string. The result is impressive. I'm sure it was a bit of work but the results speak for themself. Should you decide you want to use 12 string more often you might want to use a 12 string plugin like OrangTree's Rick 12 or Music Lab's Real Rick. I should note Music Lab's Real Rick includes both six and 12 string 360 guitars, has been updated to version 5 and costs much less than the OrangeTree instrument. If an acoustic 12 string interests you, take a look at AmpleSound's AG12
  5. I thought this was a very good cover. I agree the sax has a little harmonica sound to it in various parts of the song but I think that's charming myself. Several people on the Band-in-a-Box and MIDI Guitar forums use a breath controller in addition to their normal controller. A breathe controller will help you add MIDI expression. Most saxophone players learn to control the sound of their instrument by changing how hard their mouth clamps down on the mouthpiece, how hard they breath and by using their tongue against the mouthpiece.
  6. Groove Monkey has free MIDI sample packs. Look for the "Free Loops" link at the top of +++ THIS +++ webpage.
  7. Just a thought; perhaps the developers could add a command for the program to add track and buss names, as well as the names of plugins used on each track, to the project notes. Another thought is to collect the data and export it as a spreadsheet file.
  8. Open Windows Control Panel > Hardware & Sound > Manage Audio Devices. Place the mouse cursor in empty white space and right click. This opens a sub menu where you can enable audio devices that have been disabled or disconnected. Some audio devices have a built-in "record what you hear" audio loopback. If so, once it is enabled or connected Cakewalk should be able to recognize it as an audio device and use it. Another way is to use a +++ virtual audio cable +++ that connects from your browser to Cakewalk.
  9. When I opened Cakewalk 2022.06 build 22 early release two toast notifications displayed, one announcing new off-line Help documentation and the second announcing 2022.06 final release. I clicked on the download button to start the documentation download. When I clicked on the download button for the program update the program toast notification was replaced by a notification stating one download is in progress and the program download is not available. The program notification disappeared. There was no visible button to select the program download once the documentation download completed. The release notes about the accessories (TTS-1, Studio Instrument Suite, etc.) led me to believe I could click multiple buttons and the downloads and installs would progress sequentially. However, that assumption does not seem to be true. I was able to download and install the final release by having the program check for updates. It would be nice if download or install buttons didn't disappear if selected before the install process is ready for the button to be used. This is related to the toast notification disappearing after a user selects the download folder button instead of the install button.
  10. @Cédric Lawde, do you mind sharing what you were doing wrong? You answer could help someone else down the road.
  11. Jim Fogle

    Relax Already

    Very nice sound on the sax. Well mixed and interesting arrangement.
  12. @Morten Saether's initial post includes a download link for offline Help documentation. What is the plan for offline Help documentation in the future? Will the offline Help file be embedded in the final release? Will updated offline Help documentation be embedded with all future final releases? Looks like double the work for Morton.
  13. I think it would be nice to be able to identify what bars to preview. While @msmcleod has plenty of projects that are 8 - 16 bars others might have a different workflow where they place riffs or ideas one after another. I like the idea of having a preview checkbox to have the program save a preview file in the project file. The checkbox line could include two textboxes for preview start and end bars. That way a user can make each project preview as short or long as desired while the project is fresh.
  14. I just updated to build 22. The in-program toast prompt for the update worked properly. The file prompt to activate on computer Help works properly. Thanks for the on computer Help. I dislike using internet Help since it continues to display a pop-up announcing the old Cakewalk site is frozen.
  15. The whole song has a nice, easy feel to it. I enjoy listening to your voice but I wish you wouldn't double it so much. To me the doubling distracts from how good your natural voice sounds.
  16. @para.realist, try using the "Cakewalk Installer" link at the bottom of +++ THIS +++ webpage. There are presently two methods to download and install Cakewalk by Bandlab. The Cakewalk Installer is the newer and preferred method. Some people have reported the SI Instrument Suite does not download as expected using Bandlab Assistant
  17. I support the feature request for preroll recording.
  18. Kenny Gioia created 10 free-to-view videos for Groove 3 that explains how to use 10 VSTi instruments. https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/Free-VST-Instruments-Explained-Vol-1 Download links are provided to the virtual instruments. Note: You will need to sign-into your Groove3 account or create an account to access these videos. The featured free virtual instruments are: Drum Pro Sitala MT Power Drumkit Steven Slate Drums 5.5 Free Ample Bass P Lite II Ample Guitar M Lite Piano One (Neo Piano) Tyrell N6 Tunefish 4 Alter Ego
  19. Good song. Nice arrangement. I like your tasteful use of delay and reverb. I would place the vocals a little more in the forefront and move the drums more into the background but that is a taste decision. I love the balance of the rest of the tracks. By-the-way I appreciate you are posting your songs to Bandlab.
  20. Love the sounds of the guitars. Nicely done.
  21. Very nice harmonies. I like the arrangement. The guitar has a tasty sound in this song. The piano blends into the background really well. Very abrupt ending.
  22. Very nice. Impressive vocals, nice arrangement and mix. Small nitpicks are too much background reverb and forefront guitar sounds too much like a piezo pickup and not enough like a guitar for my taste. All-in-all, an enjoyable listen. Thanks for posting the link.
  23. I support the idea of a more intuitive way to delete a marker.
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