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Jim Fogle

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Everything posted by Jim Fogle

  1. This topic, explains why the BandLab Assistant must go online and hit the server every now and then and the Cakewalk product reverts to demo mode. As I understand what is said BandLab wants BandLab Assistant to call phone periodically so users can easily tell when an update is available. The Cakewalk product is internally time limited so BandLab can retain control over the product. The thought is having a time limited program discourages malcontents from modifying the distribution file with malware or ransom ware while also discouraging third party content providers from offering the distribution file. If the product is available from a single source it is easier to trust what you're receiving.
  2. Jim, Thanks for taking time to report the error message and share your fix in the forum. I'm not familiar with pizmidi utilities. When I performed an internet search I discovered the utilities appear to have been created by Reuben Vinal and abandoned. As old as the utilities are do you have an idea how I might acquire a copy of the utilities that I can be fairly confident is bug and malware free?
  3. The October 19, 2018 BandLab press release includes a photograph of the BandLab booth display at the New York city Audio Engineering Society (AES) International Pro Audio Convention. As you can see from the photograph the Cakewalk name is prominent in both the backdrop and pop-up display. https://blog.bandlab.com/cakewalk-by-bandlab-at-aes-with-new-features-and-bright-future/
  4. Chamlin, Thanks for sharing your NAMM experience with us. I'm very, very happy to learn BandLab is at the show and chose a prominent position. Name recognition and business connections are so important to building a brand reputation. The experience is also useful for spotting trends and laying the groundwork for business opportunities. Did you happen to hear anything interesting about the other brands in the BandLab product like Harmony, Heritage Guitars or Teisco pedals? Any rumors about the audio interfaces?
  5. I like the idea of having separate forum sections for beginner and experienced DAW users. I'd also suggest an intermediate user section but that's more difficult for reaching a decision of which section to start a new topic. Beginner and experienced DAW users have very different needs and questions.
  6. First reported in the forum yesterday. The article link wasn't available at the time so thanks for the link!
  7. Open the Cakewalk by BandLab DAW, select "Help" in the menu and then "Getting Started Guide" to open this webpage: https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360000226093-Getting-Started. The webpage does an excellent job of answering important questions existing DAW users or people familiar with the product name might have during the ownership transition so I'm not suggesting to eliminate the webpage. I just believe the webpage information deserves a different name as it offers little advice on getting started with Cakewalk. The majority of the bulleted information describes tasks a user must accomplish to acquire the DAW file. The tasks described in many of the webpage bullets (open a BandLab account, download and install BandLab Assistant, install and open the program) would have been performed by a user prior to having the ability to click on the Help menu link. One suggestion is to rename the help link and webpage to "Frequently Asked Ownership Transition Questions" and remove the last three bullet points from the webpage. The second suggestion is to redirect the "Getting Started Guide" link to CakeTV's Sonar University homepage: https://www.cakewalk.com/CakeTV/SONAR-University. This link is going to become increasingly important to the success of Cakewalk by BandLab as it attracts users with little to no DAW experience.
  8. Steve, is there a webpage for submitting suggestions concerning the BandLab Assistant or BandLab?
  9. Mark, Everything you said is true. I appreciate you sharing that with me since there are (hopefully) many new forum and CbB users that may not realize it until they read your post. I'm hopeful there will be many new users developing new workflows and sharing their ideas! I use the CbB desktop shortcut to open the DAW. The reason behind my suggestion is because I normally keep BandLab Assistant disabled. I open the app once or twice a week solely to check for updates and then use the "quit" button to disable and close down the app. Since that is the only reason the app is on my computer I made my suggestions to save me some mouse clicks.
  10. Hello BandLab bandmates, I'd really appreciate it if the BandLab Assistant developers could make these changes: 1) Place the Cakewalk app icon above the BandLab app icon. 2) The BandLab Assistant opens to the App window. I don't use the Google Chrome browser, or have it loaded onto my computer. This choice severely limits my capability to use the BandLab website. Cakewalk is the primary reason I have and use the BandLab Assistant. By the way the image below was provided by BandLab as I copied the image from the Cakewalk update release notes web page. Notice the Cakewalk app icon is on the top and that the window tabs are arranged differently than the V5.02 version of BandLab Assistant so I'm confident the changes I've suggested can be implemented.
  11. I am a non dues paying member of the MIDI Manufacturing Association (MMA) and subscribe to the MMA newsletter. The January, 2019 newsletter indicates several manufacturers plan to show instrument prototypes using MIDI 2.0 at the 2019 Winter NAMM (National Association of Music Manufacturers) show. The newsletter describes MIDI 2.0 as follows: Anyone can become a non dues paying member of the MMA and subscribe to the MMA newsletter at: https://www.midi.org/
  12. Will, Perhaps but that wasn't what I understood and I'm still not sure I understand. My remark was based on this sentence: I don't understand why a new arrangement will not use or need backing tracks. You can't play all instruments at the same time! Won't you create new audio tracks that will follow the new arrangement? To me backing tracks is audio prerecorded to support and enhance a performance. I'm not trying to be argumentative but I am trying to understand the meaning of your sentence.
  13. January 16, 2019 per a post Jesse Jost of BandLab posted in the old Cakewalk forum.
  14. Will Hackett, A song can be a cover of an original tune but have a completely different arrangement. You can pick any era of recorded music and find many covers of the same song. The cover doesn't even need to be in the same genre as the original. As an example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGmQXuySF28 is The song "A Taste Of Honey" as an instrumental by Herb Albert and The Tijuana Brass and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkQ1eOcl5ug the same song as sung by The Beatles. Eric Clapton made two versions of "Layla". Unfortunately, not everyone is a musician, singer or have a desire to be an entertainer. But some non musicians do have musical ideas running through their head. Musical tools like DAWs, sequencers, soft synths, midi and audio loops and Band-in-a-Box gives everyone the opportunity to make, not just music, but good or excellent music.
  15. Benny Hill had a funny tv show that was pretty popular in the US back in the day. I enjoyed Paul Hogan in his tv show and as Crocodile Dundee. A current comedian I enjoy is Tim Hawkins. Here is a routine featuring Tim and Johnnie W: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f41voxhY3w Here is a Christmas parody of the song "It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year": https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=xYywjfFhbpk
  16. That was nice of him to send you a copy. I'm sure you'll place it in a prominent place in your personal library collection. It will elicit some comments for sure!
  17. Bob welcome to Band-in-a-Box, no wait, that's the wrong forum! Welcome to Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) and the new Cakewalk by BandLab forum. I'm looking forward to your insights. No one else has mentioned it so I will, if you're interested in midi or audio loops you can use the media player built-into BandLab Assistant to listen to loops of both types. If you find any you like the download is free.
  18. Will old forum member post counts be transferred from the old forum to this forum once the old forum is locked and read only? Presently my total post count in the old forum is 457. Although the post number is small in comparison with some members I would like to retain the number. Also, will the date a member joined the old forum be publicly available and associated with a member's posts in this forum?
  19. I hope members of the old forum will be given a notice one or two days prior to the lock down so they can contribute a "final goodbye" post. Some have already made such a post but others will likely continue posting until the bitter end. Some may desire to say some famous last words or something. ?
  20. I'm guessing you'll see many of the remaining old forum users migrate to this forum once the old forum is locked read only and no longer accepting new posts.
  21. Jesse, Once a poll is published is it possible to edit the poll or add additional options? For instance let's say there is a poll question like "What background color should the CbB meters be? A) Black B) White C) Red D) Blue" and someone answers, "I want Green". Is there a way to add Green as a poll response option?
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