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Everything posted by Sven

  1. I found this thread but the find/change idea which seems like what I want didn't seem to work for me: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Is-there-a-way-to-set-a-minimum-MIDI-velocity-m3474845.aspx I want to take a selection of MIDI notes and keep the maximum at 127 but insist the minimum be 110 or whatever. I couldn't seem to get find/change to do that but it could be user error. If anyone has done this exercise before I'd appreciate any thoughts on how to do this using find/change. Or any other simple way without using an external product. Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the link suggestion. It seems that when I go to various MIDI tracks and change the color the content on the right shows that color which is great. When I create a new Soft Synth and then change the audio track color which I usually change in Console View the MIDI channel(s) associated with that channel don't change colors with it. I think that's my main problem. Is there some setting I'm missing in Customization or wherever that would have all MIDI channels appear the same color as the audio channel they're associated with? Otherwise, I guess I can change all those track colors together in Track View but I usually choose my colors in Console View. Thanks.
  3. I like to see the recorded track content the same color as the track color I choose in Console View when I'm in Track View. Sometimes I see it but other times I don't and only see the selected console view color on the left side but not on the entire track contents. I assume it's some viewing option but I'm not sure which one. This screen shot is from an older song and I see what I want but the newer ones maybe have a different workspace setting, or whatever that changes things. I've never been a fan of the many surprises I get (usually late at night!) from Cakewalk workspace settings but I may be in the minority. Perhaps the problem is something simpler. Thanks for any help on how to achieve this.
  4. I would think that if the device is not available then Cakewalk would tell you that no devices are current available. You could then make one available if need be. My point is that most people use the same input device, often a keyboard, for every session and probably just want to add various Soft Synths without having to waste time thinking about telling Cakewalk what it's input should be. It's such a common repetitive process. At least that's the way I work. It's just one more step that seems unnecessary and slows me down. Thanks.
  5. Hi John Vere, Thanks for your suggestions. I was hoping this would be as easy as specifying the Keyboard 61 as my default MIDI input device for all Soft Synths. I can try your method but it does seem a bit time consuming. Thanks.
  6. Whenever I insert a new Soft Synth device the first thing I usually have to do is change the input to my Keystation 61 MIDI Omni. Is there a way to make this device always be my default device? Thanks.
  7. Glenn Stanton, Sorry for the delayed response. I don't see the listen live option in the export section. Is it an advanced option? Thanks.
  8. Glenn Stanton, Thanks for your thoughts on this. This is a new one for me. I would think that if I hear the VocalSync track soloed and sounding fine during 'live' playback it would also sound fine when exported to a .wav file because Cakewalk has all the time in the world to process any effects. It's only when I hear the exported .wav file that I hear the distortion problem. I find that to be a surprise.
  9. I probably shouldn't have mentioned Melodyne. It just happens to be the reason I'm exporting this vocal track. That has nothing to do with this problem. My question is only about if anyone has every noticed any funny export audio issues related to a VocalSync audio track vs. a normal audio track?
  10. I don't use VocalSync that often but I recently exported a vocal clip for Melodyne tuning and the .wav file created seems to have some kind of distortion/glitches that I don't hear in original Cakewalk project. If I export the same clip after removing VocalSync from the clip it seems to sound okay. There are several vocal tracks I'm exporting and this is the only one using VocalSync. The others sound fine and there's no unusual volume issues or efx issues that I know of. All effects are turned off on all tracks for the Melodyne tuning process. Any thoughts on this? Thanks.
  11. Back to my original problem...I changed several things whilst testing so I can't say for sure which one fixed it. I added some Options that weren't selected. I also tried Ripple Edit All again and finally seemed to be able to Delete Special the end of song residue. Thanks.
  12. I've tried this exercise with and without ripple edit. No success yet unless I'm doing something wrong. I'll try that again and report back. Thanks.
  13. I wrote about this problem a few years ago and still haven't found a solution. I have a 6 minute song but had another 5 minutes or so of extra ideas left at the end. Now that I'm finished I want to delete every thing from after 6 minutes and have Ctrl-End stop at 6 minutes. This will makes saves and loads quicker. I had to freeze many tracks because I'm working on a slower machine. That appeared to create volume automation out to 11 minutes which I thought I could remove and then shorten the song. I went to 6 minutes and highlighted the entire end of the song and tried DELETE SPECIAL with all option on including the delete hole option. That appeared to get rid of the audio tracks but must be leaving something else. I still saw some nodes. I checked the bus tracks and there's nothing there. One thing to note is that on DELETE SPECIAL the delete clip automation option under delete events in tracks is grayed out, if that matters. I was able to highlight the unneeded end section again and right click and then edit/delete which seemed to remove the automation notes. Not sure why. In spite of all this including attempts to ERASE (F-10) the extra end sections Ctrl-End still stops at 11 minutes. Is there something I'm missing that will totally wipe out the last 5 minutes from the project and have Ctrl-End stop at 6 minutes where I would like it to? I think someone mentioned that having a End Project Marker or something like that would be a good idea. Thanks.
  14. Thanks JohnnyV, I now recall that when I've done this successfully before I simply record a measure and then make it a groove clip. I then stretch it for the entire length of the song and can later split any sections I want.
  15. I have a percussion plugin I like called Skaka which I sometimes use for shakers and tambourines. I only need to play one note to have the instrument play continuously. through the song . What I like to do is create a clip with that note and stretch both to the length of the entire song. Then I want to split that clip into sections so I can mute/unmute different ones to only play during parts of the song. I thought I did this exercise successfully before maybe I was just playing the clip/notes for only one section of the song. If I highlight part of the long clip I want and right-click to split that section, SPLIT is not an option. I've got the Split MIDI notes option ON. I only see EDIT/VIEW/and Import MIDI on the highlighted section. I can solve this by playing the one note in different takes during different parts of the song but that takes longer. Also, I believe there's some kind of pre-roll trick where it sounds better if you start playing a tad earlier then the actual downbeat. It's easiest if I just start from the first beat of the song and let it continue throughout the tune. Thanks for any thoughts on this.
  16. Thanks Starship Krupa, This is a new one for me and I'm far from being a MIDI expert. I know some people out there live and breath this stuff but it's not my area of expertise. I'll give it a try. Thanks.
  17. I bought an M-Audio EX-P expression pedal hoping to use it with my M-Audio Keystation 61 not realizing that the only only pedal the keyboard accepts is a sustain pedal. I should have looked more carefully before purchasing it. But, a Google search led me to sites like these: https://beatbars.com/en/expression-to-midi.html#:~:text=Regardless of whether you use,does not require a battery. https://www.audiofront.net/MIDIExpression.php I only do simple MIDI recordings in Cakewalk recording MIDI notes and their velocities. Will a device like the EX2M shown above work with Cakewalk and allow me to record the normal keyboard notes/velocities but now with additional expression information? I'd rather buy this than get a new keyboard if this will work. Thanks.
  18. Thanks David Baay, I think this is the easy solution for what I'm trying to do. At the top section of Cakewalk I can turn input echo off for all tracks if I'm in doubt and then just put it on for the one I'm currently working on.
  19. I wrote about this little problem years ago and thought I'd ask again to try and better understand it. When I'm inspired I'll often throw in several soft synth plugins quickly and want to get up and running using my M-Audio Keystation 61 ASAP. So I just add ezDrummer, Arturia B3 keys, Ample P Bass, and other plugins quickly setting their respective MIDI input channels to Keystation 61 MIDI OMNI input in the Inspector. Later when I'm playing the B3 keyboard part perhaps the bass or drums might fire up with their notes even though I've highlighted only the B3 keyboard MIDI input channel. I gather the other channels are getting MIDI input because they are set to OMNI and fire away on occasion depending on which keyboard notes I hit. I then go to those channels and turn their input to NONE for now and continue with my keyboard part. I don't want to have multiple MIDI channel numbers for multiple instruments if I can avoid it. I try to keep things simple (and fast!). I gather there's a better way to do this exercise. What I would like is to only hear/record the MIDI channel I've currently highlighted. If I select the bass input channel I only want to hear and record that and the other MIDI channels should not be heard for now. Can anyone please suggest a better way to do this? It's not the end of the world to turn selective channels to have a MIDI input of NONE but I'd prefer to always have them available but only when selected. Thanks.
  20. Thanks to all for your help and suggestions. I think I got the setup I need finally. I think there can be some confusion between Cakewalk settings, templates, screensets, workspaces, and whatever as to what you're going to see/hear when you first open a new project. I don't really find it intuitive but I can always do what I need to do somehow. My impression is that other think it's great and powerful. I find there are too many 'surprises' especially with workspace behavior but it could be because I don't really want to spend a lot of time studying this sort of stuff when I could be having fun. I try to figure out as quickly as possible what I need to do with app interface stuff so I can get on to the creative stuff.
  21. Hi scook. In the interest of simplicity, can you please tell me the name of my default project template if I never changed it before? I believe it's located here: C:\Users\Smart\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core This is the only setting I wish to adjust and if I need only edit that file and change it to reflect 'Overwrite' I should be set. If it's hipper to have my customized version of the default file and change Cakewalk settings to use that one that's fine too. Let's say I wanted my template file to be called 'ProjectTemplate 2023' and have Cakewalk reference that file with this one 'Overwrite' change what would I need to do? Thanks!
  22. I'm not sure what causes this but no matter how many times I've changed my preferences to 'Overwrite' for recording mode I get the surprise setting of 'Comping' on new projects. Is there something else I have to change to start new projects with my saved preference for this setting? Is it a Workplace setting?? Thanks.
  23. Hi OutrageProductions, I'm not sure if that's the problem. Again, I've been changing one or more track colors for years with no problems. This is a new situation. I'm only highlighting the Master bus in console view and additional tracks far to the left are also changing colors for some reason. Usually, it's simple and only the Master bus would be changing colors.
  24. I'm doing something I've done many times before but today there is an unwelcome surprise. I've highlighted ONLY the Master bus and am trying to change the track color. For some reason three vocal tracks way to the left in console view appear to want to change color as well to whatever I select for the Master bus. Those tracks are not highlighted. I've changed the color of multiple channels many times but this time I only want to change the Master bus. I gather there is some relationship I don't know of that causes this behavior. Changing any of those three vocal tracks has no effect on the Master bus. Any thoughts?
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