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Everything posted by Sven

  1. Hello. I wrote a while back about headphone recommendations for my occasional road trip recording sessions. I've got a kids and noise everywhere so I need something that isolates that problem somewhat. I brought my SONY MDR-7510 's on the last couple of trips and that was a huge improvement over the Koss Porta Pro's I had been using. But the Koss headphones are great for what they accomplsh with their low weight and nice bass presence. These Sony headphones are getting a bit frayed (as is their owner) on the foam and someone on that thread had suggested buying MDR-XD200 Pro replacements I believe. I live in Thailand and don't trust anything I get here because it's porbably a Chinese knock-off so I'll probably order whatever I get from the States. I like Sony headphones in general and would like to hear any suggestions as to what might be a good replacements for my older headphones. I would prefer they not be too heavy (road trip) and a priced around $100. I'd go as high as $150 if they were a much better option. I don't buy headphones very often. Thailand charges crazy import taxes and fees on electronics so I can pretty much add 50% to whatever is the quoted price. Thanks.
  2. I'm not sure what everyone's doing for future releases/support but I guess some are paying for the new SONAR version and questions are now posted only on that forum. That's for paying subscribers only? Is this still an appropriate place for the occassional innocent free Bandlab question? Thanks
  3. Thanks for your replies. I consider this a minor problem. If it happens again I'll let you know. This is the first time I've encountered this problem after using this feature for many years.
  4. Max Arwood, Thanks. Sounds like what my plan was going to be. I try not to waste too much time with stuff like this but I'm always curious why these problems occur. Thanks again.
  5. Hi David Baay, Froze it within the last week. Unusal new problem for me. I may just add the Kontakt plugin again and copy the orginal MIDI track and move on. Don't want to waste too much time on this. Thanks.
  6. Hi sjoens, I'll try that, thanks.
  7. I've been freezing/unfreezing tracks for years and today for the first time I was unable to unfreeze a track. I tried all the 'freeze options' to no avail. I can't find a solution via Google searches. Is this a new bug? I was able to unfreeze a different track in the same project so it's probably something specific to this plugin/track. Thanks. (Freeze button not grayed out but cannot unfreeze after left-clicking and trying all freeze options.)
  8. Hi sjoens, Thanks. I can just do them one at a time. Swear it used to work...
  9. Thanks. I don't see any compelling reason to change anything right now. Back to MIDI freeze... Some of you are able to select two audio channels that have midi content below them and hit freeze and both audio channels then freeze their associated midi tracks? I think I used to be able to do this but now can't. Thanks.
  10. Thanks David Baay, I downloaded the latest SONAR release but haven't installed it. What happens to your current setup if you install that release? This is my current release: This should probably be in another thread but I want to make sure if I move forward that with that version that I'll have all my current settings. Also, what will it cost? I can do everything Ineed to do with this version and have no compelling version to upgrade but I'll do it to support the product and support. Meanwhile, back on the freezing MIDI ranch.....all I would like to be able to do is select the Audio tracks I want to freeze and have Sonar/Cakewalk/Bandlab be smart enough to freeze any MIDI tracks associated with those Audio tracks and put the frozen MIDI in the audio track. Each track freeze fine if I select it individually. It's only when I select multiple audio channels and/or multiple MIDI and audio channels that I can't get the behavior I would like. It's a small problem but it seems pretty basic to me.
  11. Thanks for your ideas. I've tried everything and none seem to work but I won't give up. It would just be a time saver to have this work. These are random soft synth tracks on any given song so I would really like to just select a few at a time to freeze any MIDI tracks associated with them to save CPU processing. I can do them one at a time if need but I actually think it used to work. Not sure. sjoens - I wasn't sure where to post this. I've been using Sonar/Bandlab whatever for years and am happy to pay for it now. Is this what I want to take the big plunge?: If so I'll pay for it today. I wasn't sure when I should pay for the new release or just keep sticking with Bandlab usually which does what I need. Do I want SONAR Platinum instead? I'll pay whatever for the best current release. Thanks.
  12. I wrote about this topic years ago and still haven't resolved the problem. When i want to freeze several MIDI tracks I was told you can hold down the control key and left-mouse click each track you would like to freeze so they are now highlighted (see attached). When I try that the only track that freezes is the one where I click on the 'freeze' icon. The other require a separate click to freeze later. I'm trying to save time and freeze several tracks at once. I believe another user said it works fine for them so perhaps I'm doing something wrong. In the attached screen shot I would like tracks 32 and 34 to freeze after I click the freeze icon on either of them. I've tried left-click freeze and ctrl-left-click freeze to no avail. Thanks.
  13. Thanks msmcleod. I'll try that.
  14. It just opens the project normally after I click. Again, it's a small problem. If I could get rid of it easily that would be nice but I can live with it.
  15. what's "the other program"? None that I know of. Cakewalk is closed. I'm in Windows Explorer and double-click on a project to open it as usual and often get this message. Not sure what's going on.
  16. (Please move this post to the Cakewalk forum, thanks!)
  17. I started getting getting this message a few months ago when loading a project from Windows Explorer. I don't get the error every time but it's a slight pain because I have to click on "Switch To" to finish getting the project loaded. This didn't used to happen with the same machine setup. Anyone know how to get rid of this problem? Thanks.
  18. Hi msmcleod, Your first suggestion seems to do the trick and seems simplest. The 2nd method which was also mentioned by SteveC above gives me these messages: Could be user error. Thanks!
  19. Hi Glenn, For whatever reason Insert Meter in the lower have of the dialog box appears to be grayed out at the location I want to place it. It seems to be available only on the current measure downbeats (18:, 19:, 20:) but not in between those times.
  20. Hi. I might have posted too soon. I tried to do what msmcleod suggested and I either misunderstood and did it incorrectly or it's not behaving how I would like. I'm attaching screen shots : The SLOW section starts at 19:02:00. I tried to do what you suggested but I still see the Ctrl-PgDn and Ctrl-PgUp behavior going from 19:01 to 20:01 etc... as usual instead of to 20:02:00 which is what I want to now consider one new (slow 80 bpm) measure. My new SLOW section could have been an even more random time like 19:14:45. The point is I'm trying to create a magic new rule for Cakewalk saying this is where your new measure starts and I haven't quite succeeded. Please let me know if this works for you or if I'm doing anything incorrectly. Thanks.
  21. Thanks for your help yet again msmcleod. I think this is the key part of what you wrote: "Set Measure Beat at Now" I'm going to try using that and see if I can pull off what I'm trying to do. Looks good so far. It's kind of like I just want a measure 'reset' in the middle of the song at any point I chose. At that 'reset' point the new measure count begins. The actual tempo should be irrelevant (I believe). It's to make sure the Ctrl-PgDn strokes work correctly. Thanks again.
  22. I navigate quickly through my songs with Ctrl-PgDn and Ctrl-PgUp as well as moving from marker to marker. The problem arises when there's a tempo change or something odd that moves from the original downbeat later on in the song. I had this problem before and now I've got it again on a new song so I thought I'd see if there's a way to do what I want. The song switches from 85 bpm to 80 bpm about a minute into the tune. There's a downbeat and silence and a dramatic brass sting to signal the new tempo change to come. Then when we hit the downbeat at the new tempo I've inserted I'd love to have my Ctrl-PgDn navigation work again. The problem is it's in a random spot time wise and no longer relates to the original starting point of the song and the 85 bpm tempo there. I can put a marker on the downbeat to the new tempo section but I can't do my Ctrl-PgDn magic to quickly navigate that section of the song accurately. I use that method to quickly find downbeats for the correct locations for cut/copy/paste operations. And finally, when I go back to the original tempo I need everything to work again there. But it may not line up exactly with the original song's measures. If if this seems confusing or anyone needs more clarification on what I'm trying to do please let me know. I know I could record the song in two workplaces and assemble it later but that's a drag. Thanks.
  23. These may be a bit expensive for what I'm looking for: Neumann NDH 20 Thanks for all the suggestions. I read some reviews and looked carefully at the weight of each set. Also, some of the headphones aren't available currently where I live in Thailand. I took my Sony headphone on a recent road trip and enjoyed using them so I may just keep it simple and just try the MDR-7506 headphones. I've always enjoyed the sound of Sony headphones for some reason. I like the way the bass sounds. I actually brought my MDR-V600 headphones here when I moved from the States 24 years ago. They're now worn out and don't sound as good as before. I may also consider trying some of those suggested above probably starting with the HD 200 Pro phones. Thanks.
  24. Thanks for all your helpful suggestions. I think I should give these a try: Sennheiser HD 200 Nothing wrong with the MDR-7510 headphones and they're already packed for my 3 day trip to Chiang Rai tomorrow. I'm just always looking for suggestions. I've lived in Thailand for 24 years and it's another world far, far away from the recording studios I used to frequent in the States in NYC and Boston. And there's a high import tax rates on anything you have shipped here. Any price tag you see in Bangkok or Chiang Mai where I live is much higher than the bargain prices you see in the States or other countries. Lovely food here beaches, culture....................high headphone prices! Or anything involving computers or electronics. But the food is great... Thanks again.
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