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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. Reaper ftw. Glad to see CbB because even when free still has relevance to some. Very fair list and I understand why some chosen above Reaper. I liked to see Pro Tools fading into oblivion, as I was gonna compare it to Adobe's rent to NEVER to own scam, I mean, ahem, scheme, but Adobe has at least good quality (as in nothing beats Photoshop).
  2. Oh you were serious? Sorry, didn't mean to upset you. I love sarcasm and this forum is a hoot (in a good way). I've read that a twin can't handle too many plugins, as it handles them on its own, not using the computer's cpu, so it might explode if you add one more. This means you are now trapped in the Apple's, ahem, I mean UAD ecosystem and if you want to run more plugins you gotta spend more on hardware (and as you can see more also for extra plugins) That's what 890 bucks get you: 3/4 plugins. PC + Native for the win. (Because Macs are consumer products, and very expensive for some reason)
  3. Carlos

    Waves RComp

    Weird, I think it looks fantastic and clean
  4. Omg, great minds think alike!
  5. the 3 of them together is more than the price I paid for Total Studio Max ;( More than what I paid for Amp Room + Marshall Cabs
  6. C:\Program Files\Common Files\Softube
  7. It just replaces the product. Amp Room Bundle (Bass, Vintage, Metal) are no more. They become legacy now.
  8. From human being to human being, from brother to brother, honest I'm with you. And I understand perfectly your situation. And I think I will copy later in life this idea (checking out) myself. Hugs mate !
  9. I think this replaces anything Amp Room (legacy now). And maybe other stuff. Routing with this is awesome (I mean you can divide and choose to what frequency range you apply what effects).
  10. There are some that I like quite a bit, others I find terrible. But that's the thing, using it you have lots of tonal options. The ROOM utility is beyond awesome. It plays A GIANT role in the tone.
  11. And I didn't mean you were wrong at all. You don't like the video, I love it. We are both right
  12. https://soundcloud.com/softube/sets/amp-room On my end it sounds 100 times better, download the demo and test with your guitars, etc.
  13. 7 cabs, 11 pedals, plus extra stuff... wow,... not bad at all for the price.
  14. Wow, to me it sounds amazinggggg. I love the demo to death (the youtube video). Duet into Drop THX AAA 789 into Vic Firth headphones (because they are closed and have better bass and stuff). I am still on the floor like a worm happy about this.
  15. I´m coming so hard!
  16. Downloading demo. I have the first 3 original amp rooms. Marshall extra cabinets aren't that badly priced. Thanks mate! (I mean, KING! )
  17. I am curious what is your audio chain? Interface, etc. Just wondering. Thanks.
  18. Sounds amazing mate! Too bad I don't have Omnisphere (just Kontakt, is that a fair comparison?) but this sounds top notch.
  19. Ok, let me say this... THIS SHOULD BE A STICKY OMG!!! That good they sound in the video. I've tried before one of its creator's amps, and they were pretty good but lost them due to a new install (and moronness from me) and I couldn't find them anymore (I think one of the creators is Russian?). So now that you posted this... wow... honest thanks so much (didn't say anything before because you know,... life... )
  20. You're on fire King! Thanks 4 all the links. ?
  21. Yeah, I am with you, I noticed I don't have Modula-enabled plugins myself either, lol (Navy, Pink, El Rey, Ruby, free ones, "free" ones).
  22. I wanna know too. Great tip about Modula Lite, I didn't know it exists
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