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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. Can I use MS Office to open it or I need Libre Office?
  2. Awesome, thanks. I think I will wait to get that one
  3. Taupe has seen lower prices than 99, right?
  4. This promotion is eligible for our Loyalty Coupon Program. Did you forget to login? Again? x)?
  5. Summer Friday special save up to 80%: promotion is valid from June 17 to June 24, 2020 (23:59 pm - UTC+2), and is not retroactive. Cobalt, Azure, El Rey, Diamond Color EQ, Diamond Lift, and Pensado EQ are excluded from the Summer Sale promo.
  6. Shiiiiiit!!!! Wasn't it gonna be a Friday sale? ???
  7. If this is an amazing DEAL as they imply, I predict I will be able to get all of this: Taupe 2 or 3.7 GB 249 Gold 3.5 GB 199 Purple 1.9 GB 199 Magenta 2.4 GB 199 Cola 647 MB 159 EBONY 2 GB 199 For just 362.1 Euros. Can't wait!
  8. You have purchased Acustica Audio products for a total value of EUR 200 to EUR 500, so you are entitled to a personal discount of 20% OFF your next purchase.
  9. I suggest DOWNLOAD everything you would like to buy now and test it of course, but my main point I'd like you to be aware of (just a reminder): Once the sale goes live servers are gonna get melted by all the users downloading stuff at once. And some stuff is around 2 Gigabytes (channel strips).
  10. I like more Pink4 than N4. There... I said it! lol (N4 some reverbs are not true stereo, meaning they are unbalance and favor one side,,, weird... ).
  11. Yeah, just get all the Channel strips so you get more value for your money
  12. Something to consider maybe, is that the following are part of the Modula Bundle, so if you're interested in Modula, you can get just Modula light: Magenta 5 Cola 2 Lime 2 Color EQ-3 Gold 2 Taupe
  13. Vi Control ( I think all my sales have been on the Vi Control forum, weird, as I also post sometimes my stuff on KVR). I feel Vi Control is better because for some reason I feel smarter people go there, and by smarter I mean "with more money to spend", but also know what they want or what they are buying. And I've gotten great deals there, vs KVR which are meh (sellers "think" they are fooling us with their "deals" but not me, lol... unless I really really want some gem I find and want to save 5 bucks... :P)
  14. I sold my Total Studio 2 Max Maxgrade(cost me 32 bucks, sold for ... 270... lol). Sold my PA account. Sold my Waves account. Sold my K12 Ultimate upgrade. I am ready for this sale!
  15. I'll let you know when my new Babyface Pro FS arrives, it's been 11 days since I ordered it and it hasn't arrived (DHL must be sooo busy, my package has always been just "next" state And yeah, WE only matter
  16. I'm Waves free finally (never wanted in in the first place). So happy (Plugin Alliance free too!) Now I belong to Softube
  17. Um, I found probably the issue of your problem: The Core i7-4790K is still based on Intel's fourth-generation Core architecture, codenamed Haswell. It's still built on the same 22nm process, and it has the same HD Graphics 4600 onboard GPU at the same clock speeds.Jul 31, 2014 Mine is a 7th generation, plus a dedicated video card. I feel your desktop/laptop is holding you back at this moment (6 years old system). My laptop is a 7th generation, and even though I feel it's great, sometimes I feel I need to either get better ram or just plain simple get the best new system I can.
  18. I sold s1 Pro 4 because of performance issues and stayed with Reaper
  19. I suggest you disable OpenGL Graphics. I just got the Tubech complete collection and even though Reaper showed minimal cpu usage the project was slow as hell. I disabled the OpenGL graphics and et voilá, now task manager says Reaper isn't using power at all (and I have a 1050 GTX dedicated graphics card). Maybe this will work on your system too for the good.
  20. Yep, I know. Very good point to underline though. This is when you want to print those effects while you record. And I bet you get your desired results (sonic wise I bet it sounds great). Exactly. The Unison thing is done by the interface. It's not Mac environment exclusive (I know you know this, just underlining this point myself). ::::::::: Because at the end of the day, if you were to use only UA plugins, and they weren't printed, if you lost the interface or it finally failed to work, you can do anything to your projects, as your plugins (UA) are they are tied to your interface.
  21. I trust this guy to death, so I here I leave you with this post, you can read all the thread if you want: https://vi-control.net/community/threads/recommendations-for-new-audio-interface-apollo-8-wont-cut-it-on-windows-so-i-need-a-new-one.92817/post-4550769 (Also, apparently I read that now he works for Native Instruments, he's super useful among forums).
  22. Mate, YOU good try, lol. Here I leave you with a link so you can see you're wrong (or ignorant): https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/ApolloTDusb--universal-audio-apollo-twin-usb-duo-2x6-usb-audio-interface-with-uad-dsp That's the 899 reference, and guess what? Works in Windows... sigh... And I don't think you read me that well. Ok, so you wanna be trapped? More power to you. I don't have one of those and I am more aware of its environment and how it works than you, weird. And the whole point was just to answer why you were hitting a max limit with just 3 plugins. And if I felt you were using sarcasm, then I was laughing with you. You weren't, so obviously feels I was laughing at you. Whatever. Mate really get out of your Studio, I know, hard because of Covid, and take a deep breath or two... (Oh, and 3/4 plugins... Were you born that way ? don't get me started... this is the first time someone is so jumpy about something I said... glad it was someone with more than 1 post at least).
  23. Don't play nice King! Release the hounds of hell! This is your Kingdom! Oh, you're a merciful ruler, King, I kneel down to you. ?
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