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Everything posted by Carlos

  1. You won't make me spend more on Softube anymore!!! Pro tip: just have it all! (Softube) ?
  2. Sod off the haters. No one's opinion should matter to you. Ever. You don't need them at all (Neither them nor their opinions). In other words you don't need, nor should seek validation from others. Unless it's someone you love or your boss. Look at it this way, if you would care about my opinion ?: if you don't make ANY money with your music, where you used this DAW, you're a student. Or like Reaper's scheme: if u won less than a million dollars a year, you just pay 60 bucks for it. U wanna bet how many people paid the full Reapers price? Also, anything that has severe bugs doesn't deserve full price. Ever. I could write books about this so... I will stop here: I support you clicking that button (but you shouldn't care I do). Hugs!??
  3. Damn I missed this thread, sorry I made the other one. Glad to hear he's doing fine. ????
  4. Hey CClarry, I hope you are doing fine and full of health. ? (his last visit was: LAST VISITED Saturday at 09:25 AM) Guys show some love if you will to the King.
  5. I hate it when they say "nice"... mate this is superb!!! Do you play the sax or something? "Some Days" sounds amazing mate. Thanks for sharing! (and I am not even that much into Jazz, and this song from the beginning captured my attention). Mix is awesome (sounds great on my headphones, I don't listen to speakers most of the time). The Distance Between us... mate, everything sounds great, guitar, piano, bass. Great production mate.
  6. Also, have you tried the Ernie Ball one? 10 bucks is a steal if it worked GREAT.
  7. Can you use this to pay a transfer fee?
  8. Link goes to a Daddario thingy, not Ernie Ball
  9. This site is currently unavailable. If you're the owner of this website, please contact your hosting provider to get this resolved.
  10. Could you guys confirm if it doesn't or does work with the MSoundFactoryPlayer ? thanks.
  11. Site is not secure. That says it all.
  12. Wrong link, this is the correct one: https://www.meldaproduction.com/MonasteryGrand
  13. I've got like 1.5 TB of stuff myself and yeah, it's hard to keep organized, indeed. ? But I see it this way: If a thing you have is being used for a song, even if it's for 3 significative secs, it was worth it. ?
  14. Very true, but if you update it will do so very quickly if you don't delete said files.
  15. Damn they all look the same (almost), lol. Also didn't realize you can buy them 3 for just 199... ? (yes you mentioned it your post but I just read new and went to the Softube site asap)
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