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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. Maybe Insiders get a better version. It' s like out of the oven Krispy Kreme's vs. the retail box versions. I'd say middle finger up to MS as well when their latest (f)updates screw my home network.
  2. I have 32C v4. Easy pass for me. I have too many DAWs and I don't see the benefit of this one. Plus you don't really get a "I'll get it anyway" upgrade price like Presonus does with S1. It doesn't appeal to me.
  3. I get Melda one piece at a time or wait for the 50% off bundle. The bad thing now is you are charged local sales tax. Mine is 8.6%.
  4. They just need to keep ahead and kill all of those rants on their FB page and let the fanboys shine.
  5. The grass is not always greener on the other side. Unfortunately both sides have to deal with the (d)evolving OS.
  6. "Your AXE I/O purchase allows you to redeem bonus content from this dropdown list, valued at $/€349.99 or less! :" It won't let me pick what I want. Scrolling skips a lot of stuff. I want another copy of TR5. What is up with that? The same issue exists on Chrome and FF. Anyone else have this issue?
  7. That's the thing. I have TRacks, Ozone, Nuetron. I don't need to load anything online, I'm too busy window shopping or buying to actually make something.
  8. It's a new product. Group buys are rare these days so it's hard to compare what others do. If it were offered many of us would get it free. I admit the money put in IK products vs. the return is very lopsided in my favor. You could wait for the next group buy to get it. If I was just starting in this DAW madness, TR5 and the extra choices would be killer.
  9. Even under their old system I bought stuff I rarely use like Drum Exchanger, Ranger Plus. I'm hoping my days of hoarding plugins are over. I'm too stupid to know how to use most of them. Plus I have all of IK's offerings. I think the the better deal with a $25 voucher is when Thorn is $99. Now it's $199. No thanks, I don't need another synth ever and would get Serum for $10 less if I were to spend on another synth. I hope that in the industry the subscription model fails. There are some that use subs for extreme high end software. Products we've been using have subs but they are not heavily advertised. There are companies that realize the hobbyist is the largest market. You might get some of that group to subscribe. Splice and Melda do it right but I'm not a fan of the Rent-A-Center approach either. Some have pointed out that PA stuff is rarely updated. Maybe it doesn't need it. Unfiltered Audio takes something only to rebrand it. Some of the displeasure is leaking out on their FB page about the subscription model. If the subscription model tries to be a trend I hope it fails. There are some who have sense enough to realize that. Raising prices won't change that. There are too many small developers who will offer something for $5-$50 and just as good. Plus there is no shortage of good sounding amateur stuff on youtube with people using stock plugins. There's also plenty of developers selling DAW templates using stock plugins.
  10. Still ? why I would need Expose.
  11. Thanks! I just wanted to wait for the oohs and aahs to die down because it's free.
  12. Other than being free is there any other legit reason to install this?
  13. After getting everything in TRacks this is easy to avoid.
  14. https://www.pluginboutique.com/categories/68-Sample-Packs?s=price_asc
  15. That I don't know. All of my individual ones were updated to 5 but I needed TR5 to use the plugin sizing.
  16. Get TR5 and it will update the other plugins.
  17. See Steven's post to me. It will show up when you've made all of your selections.
  18. Thanks! It did show up. I now have everything of TRacks, now there is nothing to live for except making music. Oh no! What have I done?
  19. Looks like I'm one short when I bought the Axe. Shouldn't I get another one from that?
  20. Got T-Rack Leslie, 18 to go at least.
  21. Someone kick the machine. It's stuck at 71.
  22. Can't they change the timer to hours in the finale? How often do they refresh the totals? Too many of us in flinch mode.
  23. How many of you are the 71 flinching to get that 8th freebie and then join again?
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