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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. No real updates other than removing your 32 bit plugins.
  2. If you log in the price is $125.89
  3. Have they figured out that their web store sucks and it's been that way for a long time?
  4. I'm thinking life is less complicated by not using Waves anymore. They only other complication is Izotope's upgrade pricing.
  5. I'm done with them. I agree to a point what they needed to do with vouchers. How much of that stuff you got free or for under $10 is nothing more than hard drive filler? Most of the SPL and Unfiltered is gimmick stuff. How many plugins have been updated? So much older stuff on version 1. I think they should go boutique all the way and go subscription. They could probably survive on fanboyz.
  6. And it's still USB 2. It would be interesting what kind of buffer size one can run with stuff like Serum and Spire. Usually something in this price range does not run well under 512 samples. I doubt you would get the low latency of a Babyface or the mk4. When someone gets one I'd like to know these things. Optimized drivers yield round-trip latency as low as 2.5ms at 24-bit/96kHz with a 32 sample buffer. I'm a doubting Thomas on a unit with a $169 price tag.
  7. So is this a one machine limit?
  8. One of the best anti dongle arguments came from Eric Pershing the founder of Spectrasonics. He doesn't like the extra link in the chain with his users and brought up even the dongle maker gets acquired. I prefer iLok over eLicenser if I had to choose between the 2 evils and death is not an option.
  9. elicenser and Cubase are owned by Yamaha.......don't get your hopes up unless they go into the human imbed chip....
  10. Oh that's easy. Records the note you use and put them in Kontakt. You can always dumb it down. If your audience is to impress other DAW users, dumbing down doesn't work.
  11. I have 2 basses. Maybe I should spend some time playing them. The only cost is time. With today's software you can edit the suck out of your playing.
  12. Two times I actually bought what I wanted. Amazing how even the Kontakt freebies and the under $10 Kontakt instruments start accumulation over time. I have 2 systems that have over 5tb of space each and it's gotten to the point where Kontakt/Komplete are spread across 3 drives. Then you have to watch your OS drive because even with W10 that space creeps up. You have to watch that app data folder since Waves and Live will populate that and so will other plugins and DAWs. Some will still insist on installing 32 bit plugins. Drive space is only cheap when you don't have to buy it.
  13. I'm thinking of not continuing the Cubase chain. This is my first license. FL, Bandlab, and Reaper will not break the bank. I see more Mac users using Logic over Live. Mixcraft is another one with cheap upgrades.
  14. At one time IK went dongle. Licensing is still my #1 factor in purchasing. More iLok stuff has went past single activation and doesn't need hardware. VSL still has the worst policy with dongles. Melda and Image Line hasn't went under with their licensing. Nor has Izotope or IK.
  15. Then again why not? I still have those AP7 tutorials from Sony - they go deep into the midi side.
  16. Most kids do this stuff on their phones. Most of them wouldn't know how to turn on a desktop.
  17. Why bother. Their loops are not so great. Wait till next month when you can get a bundle from ADSR for that price and they come with midi and presets.
  18. Just avoid the loops and the Vita instruements - those sample can't be relocated.
  19. Surprised Magix didn't save this for Acid 10.
  20. I laugh at that in Live's forum. That's basically what their software is all about. Years ago someone mentioned they like Acid for mixing because of the GUI. People forget there's many people out there that picks something up for their own personal pleasure instead of "you'll never be a producer using Acid". There are hobbyist that can play the shit out of a Squire or Epiphone. I still am amazed the music cranked out using FL Studio, 3xOsc, and stock plugins. Modern Reason users never heard stuff cranked out on Reason 4. I admire those who don't have the arrogance and the gear insecurity.
  21. I was hoping for something else instead of having 72 copies of Nectar.
  22. https://www.magix.com/us/music/acid/acid-pro/tutorials/tutorials-by-artists/
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