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Everything posted by kitekrazy1

  1. EWHO Gold VSL Big Bang Andromeda - this makes anyone sound great MCreativeFXBundle Too much debt
  2. They don't participate in this forum.
  3. If you are still at v5 it's gonna cost you $60. It's still cheap until Reaper 8 but $60 is kinda tough to spring now.
  4. Got 3lbs of the thick stuff for $10.98. That stuff aint cheap anymore.
  5. A NVMe removes the use of 1 or 2 sata ports. Is that the same for PCIe?
  6. I hate their app. It can't remember previous install location. It makes me admire Waves Central.
  7. I have v3 and still haven;t learned how to use it.
  8. I remember when Overture came with GPO. Overture long ago was part of Cakewalk,
  9. The best strategy is to stop buying Waves. It save a lot of confusion and your DAW will thank you as well since it gets confused during a plugin scan.
  10. Just click the link and look at system requirements. Forget this other nonsense. It's the first thing I do with Kontakt libraries since I hate the Kontakt player.
  11. Now we are at a junction to mention if one needs Kontakt 6. Some are still on 5.
  12. A serious DAW user always has Kontakt. BTW you can make your own libraries with it.
  13. Just found them. You could go without them.
  14. Mine is already shipped. They are two separate packages. I'm not sure how much use I would get out of a 32gb flash drive. Like that should be any different with 80% of DAW purchases. This was a BF common sense purchase.
  15. This is another developer where I have some stuff but never use it.
  16. Yep I got the email. It was confusing so I treated it with the delete button.
  17. All of the plugin brokers will be trying to sell theirs on KVR.
  18. After my little rant at least they are doing a better job than Waves on delivering a free product.
  19. I think I'm going to start a campaign on not supporting developers who can't get their act together when it comes to website errors.
  20. Gotta like developers who give away some of their products. I upgraded to PHAT2 for $9.
  21. Oh wow! That was almost 4GB.
  22. https://www.ilyaefimov.com/products/russian/contrabass-balalaika.html One of these days but I want a real one. Interesting that balalaikas are banned in the U.S. unless you have a license for one. This law in never enforced and no president has lifted the ban yet.
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