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Everything posted by lawajava

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all here! (personally I’ve never received a holiday greeting from Finland before so I’m feeling quite smug)
  2. More knobs from PA! As many knobs as possible!
  3. I was scratching my head about it showing not installed for something I had installed. Helps to see the comments above.
  4. Steve - I have to say Swan Audio has some of my favorite preset packs. I guess I should check out this sale. I have several winners already!
  5. Hands together, head bowed. Thank you very much ZincT!
  6. I use several of the modules on every song. Glad they finally gave a break to perpetual license cost. They strongly push subscriptions.
  7. Agreed. With this intro sale price on these they are quite interesting. The regular price seems a tad steep.
  8. I’m a long timer. My miles have varied. So many posts and good fun. I have to say I’ve never laughed so much as when years ago Kenny posted a German war scene depicting Larry when Larry had gone on one of his breaks. Kenny subtitled in with many of our forum members the dialog between the German generals. It was hysterical! I wish it was findable to repost.
  9. That's what I was looking for - a $5 throw away item - so I can get the free AAS library that I'll never use.
  10. I know it's mentioned in the posts somewhere. I'm looking to grab one of this month's free items but just want to buy some super low cost throw away item. Suggestion please?
  11. Unrelated to this sale I recently put together a guitar passage where I ran the same passage through Eventide’s Blackhole, then through Valhalla Shimmer then through EOS 2. All of them sounded terrific with their own character. I liked all of them very much. I played it for a friend and he liked them all but liked the EOS 2 portion the best. It has just a slightly cleaner aspect within the reverb.
  12. I frequently use InfiniStrip - so thanks and good to know!
  13. Great tip on how to navigate and get value with that scenario Larry.
  14. Caved thanks to you. Picked up Guitar Swell.
  15. Oh no! And just as we start entering the big sale season!
  16. Years ago I had a rag tag smattering of various Waves plugins from different $29 specials. At some point I inquired with Every Plug-in. He was able to put together a custom price that got me to Mercury at a price that made me jump. I would never have imagined previously that I’d get Mercury.
  17. Not to mention for Studio One users these updated versions from UJAM include tight integration to the chord track and to automatically list sound variations (key switch controls) which altogether is super slick.
  18. Agreed. Although wading through 8,000 audio files doesn’t seem that appealing. Probably would never touch a fraction of them. The samples sound excellent.
  19. I received my code today. Also provided info on the GUI.
  20. I use Bias as my primary amp sim so am very interested in whatever this is.
  21. Joshua Casper mentions you need to drag a C3 note across the clip if you want it to sync to the DAW transport. That’s weird, but he demoed that and said that. Seems like a nuisance on that point. But it does have drag and drop and appears potentially interesting to experiment with at $29 price point. I use Studio One so now I’m interested to hear more about that lock up glitch.
  22. I think the OP title should be AND instead of OR for each. They are not expensive and all are powerful tools.
  23. We all knew this had to be in the works. Great to see it available.
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