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Everything posted by lawajava

  1. would assume so! But for now it’s priced reasonably. Looks good!
  2. It reads as an All Access user message. I’m not an All Access customer. I get these messages as well and have been downloading these free sample packs as they get released. Not complaining!
  3. As I recall existing customers get a bit more discount added on top of that by an email to the blue cat customer base. I think they do this as a pattern just once a year.
  4. Example end of year discount: https://rekkerd.org/blue-cat-audio-updates-free-plugins-and-launches-40-off-sale/
  5. Buy one product from Blue Cat. Get on their mailing list as a customer. End of year, generally just once a year, they offer customers a generous discount. They have some great products. I use them a lot.
  6. Shining example of Larry!
  7. Yeah, at this low price, worth getting this instead of paying for a cup of coffee.
  8. I strongly vouch for both Soothe 2 and Gulfoss. Use them on every song! Very glad learning of this update. Thanks for the post!
  9. lawajava

    New PA_EXT

    Sounds like an affiliate link on steroids.
  10. This is typically a $29 item when they have their quarterly special sales like we just went through.
  11. I use this one regularly! Thumbs up for how it can help in the mix!
  12. I have the $50 voucher. If I had the $75, sure, I’d get it. But even at $49 it’s too much of a stretch. Next year it will be $29 as a regular sale item.
  13. Yep, simple right click, select Refresh and it’s all good.
  14. Simeon - always educational and demonstrating!
  15. At the discounted price I’m tempted to get it - for guitar and piano rather than the outer space voices. I’ve not previously tried a Zynatiq product. I wonder if this one is complicated to use in order to get the kinds of sounds in the guitar YouTube example above. Or, if there are presets that quickly get to those sounds versus a lot of trial and error with multiple settings. It looks a bit confusing actually.
  16. Wormhole really is compelling especially when the price is reduced as it is this week. See this and it might start you pining for it:
  17. My stance is I will never, ever, ever, buy another compressor, or EQ, or reverb. Grrr, until Larry...
  18. Thanks! I didn’t know how that worked. Appreciate it! Saw the first egg at the link you mentioned. Turns out it wasn’t fun as I didn’t find any. Where’s Larry? I thought. He would have led the way.
  19. Can someone enlighten about these codes? I’ve visited Best Service and the Wormhole page. Is there supposed to be a code visible?
  20. Might just go for it. Thinking... It is unusual.
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