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Magic Russ

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Everything posted by Magic Russ

  1. The modules added aren't my top choices, but I am glad they fixed that issue with the user comments. I had one hard rock patch that had "Rockabilly!" in the comments because the program I had loaded when I started that patch must have been for that genre.
  2. Most recent FM8 I have is 1.4.4 on 2021-03-10 Massive 1.5.8 on 2021-02-25 Massive X 1.3.1 on 2021-08-20 Do you have anything newer?
  3. 6.2.1 - 2021-05-05 FIXED Phasis did not sound correct KNOWN ISSUE Windows 10 VST/AAX only: HiDPI scaling does not work correctly which results in lower resolution graphics KNOWN ISSUE Windows 10 standalone only: When using multiple screens with scaling of 150% or more the GUI may be drawn incorrectly or not at all KNOWN ISSUE Dragging from a HiDPI screen to a non-HiDPI screen can result in lower quality graphics. Closing/reopening GUI on the same screen will fix this 6.2.0 - 2021-04-22 ADDED New components: Doppel-Filter, Supercharger, Supercharger GT ADDED New presets incl 43 artist presets from Jesse (Maroon 5), Swagg, and Phil (Def leppard), Rachel Eckroth, Low Leaf, Nabihah Iqbal and AYA IMPROVED ASIO control panel can now be opened directly from Audio preferences IMPROVED Browser open/closed state is restored on reloading IMPROVED Multiple Browser results can be selected by holding shift, allowing for batch operations for favorites, deletion, and re-ordering IMPROVED Editable comments for User Presets in the Info Pane IMPROVED Component Tiles in the Browser can be navigated with the tab key (Standalone only) IMPROVED Using the Browser with screen readers (Standalone only) FIXED Crash when loading various presets after closing/re-opening the Guitar Rig plugin window (AU only) FIXED Crash when selecting a tag in the Components browser (AAX only) FIXED Macros can now be assigned to Global FX parameters FIXED Matched Cabinet and Control Room IRs now load correctly in FL Studio FIXED Matched Cabinet Pro correctly responds to sample rate changes FIXED Switching to another plugin instance no longer unhides the browser FIXED Tape Decks now suggest the correct filename when saving FIXED Undo history corruption when undoing and redoing load of Container / Global FX component presets FIXED Vintage Verb IRs now load correctly when clicking on the slider text labels FIXED Limiter Input parameter was mislabeled as Output and in an incorrect position on the user interface FIXED Crossfade sliders could seldomly display incorrect percentage values FIXED Areas to change the Min Volume and Half Volume parameters on the Volume component were too narrow FIXED Modulation indicators for horizontal sliders and some switches were inverted FIXED Keyboard shortcuts not working after dismissing a dialog box with Esc key (Standalone macOS only) FIXED Crash after dragging a Browser result item outside of the window FIXED MIDI learn menu option was not disabled on components that were moved to the Container/GlobalFX KNOWN ISSUE Windows 10 VST/AAX only: HiDPI scaling does not work correctly which results in lower resolution graphics KNOWN ISSUE Windows 10 standalone only: When using multiple screens with scaling of 150% or more the GUI may be drawn incorrectly or not at all KNOWN ISSUE Dragging from a HiDPI screen to a non-HiDPI screen can result in lower quality graphics. Closing/reopening GUI on the same screen will fix this
  4. This week from Vinnie Moore. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=VinnieMooreFreePresets2021 Mostly gainy Marshalls.
  5. I meant for those who don't have it already. Although since they added it back to PC, why not VST?
  6. Sadly this may be the only way to get the VST version of CA-2A.
  7. I can't seem to find the serial number for that one on their website.
  8. Or the Sonic Couture versions in The Attic 2?
  9. https://www.adsrsounds.com/giveaways/win-arturia-fx-collection/?lucky=248829
  10. Plus ADSR is giving away the Arturia FX collection to one lucky winner https://www.adsrsounds.com/giveaways/win-arturia-fx-collection/?lucky=248829
  11. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=AlexSkolnickFreePresets2021
  12. Yeah, just what I need, some dudes shouting things like DRINK BLEACH!
  13. It goes both ways. Some of the presets from the original Fender package were nearly inaudible. But more often than not, people tend to overdo gain and levels. And although Amplitube factory presets can be problematic in this respect, they are nowhere near as bad as the user presets you find on the Bias cloud.
  14. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/news/?id=AmpliTube5Phase2MESA Through May 2, we're keeping the party going to celebrate AmpliTube 5's rightful place as the King of Tone with free gear from AmpliTube MESA/Boogie and a new series of free VIP presets.* See instructions below on how to unlock your free MESA/Boogie Triple Rectifier head now and come back each week for details on the new artist presets to come. *MESA/Boogie head and all artist presets available through 5/2/21
  15. I know, if I can drag all other kinds of media from there, including track templates, why not FX chain presets?
  16. It's amazing when you look through change logs what proportion of time is spent supporting Apple issues. It makes you wonder what kind of cool stuff the developers could come up with if they didn't have to waste that time supporting Apple's changes.
  17. The old versions still seem to be there. Probably too lazy to update it.
  18. I used this on a remix I was working on. The original bass line was just sustained whole notes. By using the gate and pitch functions, I was able to turn the original into something that resembled something more like the bass line in Herb Alpert's "Rise"
  19. https://www.meldaproduction.com New customers feel free to use referral code MELDA8632659
  20. @abacab I know that RGC has had a regular job for some time. Just pointing out that you can never trust developers who say "soon".
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