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Magic Russ

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Everything posted by Magic Russ

  1. Fixed issues in Cubase 11, Ableton 11.0.10 , and Logic, and Apple Silicon issues. Nothin for PC users who don't use those hosts.
  2. I haven't actually removed any because I am usually the guy who will try to make everything work at some point I am not getting rid of Abbey Road 60s though. Every once in a while I do some neo soul and AR 60s just fits.
  3. Usually the GC coupons exclude most of the store from their coupons anyway.
  4. I wonder how fast 1000 licenses will go in a day. It's still available though for today.
  5. I saw a number of updates for the Play Series of Kontakt Instruments (Analog Dreams, Ethereal Earth, Hybrid Keys, Lo Fi Glow, Modular Icons, etc). Not all updates addressed the same issues, but some of the common ones were an issue with notes hanging and others with the tape simulator causing dropouts.
  6. Fret not if you don't have the everything bundle... they usually have their packs deeply discounted a couple of weeks before Black Friday.
  7. If you are signed in you get a deal to complete your collection of packs for any of their instruments, which is usually much better than the regular half off.
  8. Nothing much. Mostly a small change for Mac users.
  9. You'd never guess that he produced hip hop based on his demos of some his products though
  10. I was playing around with "The poor man's Absynth" the other day. It still has some interesting tricks up its sleeve http://www.greenoak.com/crystal/indexDesktop3.html
  11. Hey I kind of like the bass riff the guy is playing on the drum pad near the end. This does actually sound pretty decent but there area also a lot of good synths out there.
  12. I have enough sounds I don't need that I probably wouldn't notice.
  13. I missed it in the other 106 pages, but are the freebies transferrable? Or more particularly, if I wanted to buy myself SampleTron could I register a few bonus Amplitube products under my son's account?
  14. I'm not sold on this. I have everything that was in the version of MAX they sold last year, plus all the Amplitube stuff and MODO Bass. The idea of Tron-ifying my samples with Sampletron 2 sounds vaguely cool. I'm sure the new reverb sounds great as well as the Comprexxor, but I'm not convinced that I need those. I don't really hear any of the SampleTank libraries calling me either.
  15. Back then I didn't care about keyboards, other than wondering why all the synths from the bands I liked in the 70s sounded so lush and all the bands in the 80s had synths that sounded so twinky.
  16. Now that i have had a chance to play around with this, I'll throw in some comments. First, a fair amount of the content requires Maschine. It comes with about 14 projects for Maschine, a few drum synth sounds and a few things from their drum kit. However, there are also around 200 samples, 3 Battery Kits, 17 FM 8 presets, 20 Guitar Rig 6 presets, 31 Massive Sounds, 14 Massive X presets, and 27 Monark presets. The FM 8 sounds are perfectly useable but not ground breaking. The guitar rig presets are broken into 2 groups. Jamie Lidell contributed 10 patches which are tagged for use with drums. One of them I found interesting because it had an LFO set to modify the delay parameters so that the first beat in a measure had this weird flangy thing to it. Very clever, although I think I might want to change the modulation to have this fire on the 2 and 4. The other group was a set of Guitar and Bass patches by Phase Queen. Overall I thought these needed to tame some of the reverb and have some other minor tweaks. However, I thought the Antarctica and Other Voices patches had some potential. The Massive sounds were above average. As I have said before and will say again, I have never been crazy about OG Massive, so this is actually effusive praise. The Massive X sounds, on the other hand, were quite disappointing. I never really got on with the original version of the synth. I always felt like it took a lot of work to make it not sound buzzy and uninspiring. However, I instantly took to Massive X. I made more patches in the first month with Massive X than I did with the OG version in the previous 10 years. I have countless "bonus" Massive patches that vendors included with sample packs that exist only so the vendor can say"100 Massive patches included" That's the feeling I get when previewing the Massive X patches in this library. There are also a few Monark presets included, mostly deep bass patches.
  17. If we're going that way, 20 years ago Guitar Center was closing out the Vox 810 Valve Tone overdrives for $25. Now they are going for $175 on the used market. I should have picked one up.
  18. The Red Special stomp is a pretty cool pickup sim and it's nice to have a treble boost. Also, not a huge fan of Slash but love the MXR Chorus in that collection.
  19. I regret not buying more of the Alchemy libraries when they were available for PC users.
  20. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/specials/community-drive-2021/
  21. By the way, if you have Massive and are not that impressed, you might want to check out some of the presets from Leap Into the Void. They go way beyond the stereotypical dance sounds most people expect from Massive.
  22. You probably have too many free things that do what it does better.
  23. First thing, most of these products aren't that old, and most have been updated in the past year or so, so that doesn't really make them abandonware. Second, the Mod Pack is pretty darn good. Super 8 is also pretty good for what it is. I'm not into Juno type synths, but if I were it might get some use. Form is fun if you don't have Iris. TRK-01? OK, I can't defend that one. I'm not the target market and I haven't heard any of the people who it should appeal to singing its praises.
  24. Also, Larry, for obvious reasons it's Komplete Classics Collections.
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