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Magic Russ

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Everything posted by Magic Russ

  1. Don't forget that this isn't a NI sale, but a sale on their stuff through Best Service.
  2. It seems like all the regulars here are in that boat. Too bad there is no 7-pack.
  3. The point is that EZKeys is a unique tool that will help you generate MIDI keyboard parts that you might not have thought of or might not have been able to play. There are not a lot of other products out there that will do that. For people like myself who are working on their keyboard chops, it saves a lot of time and makes it possible to create things we might not have been able to play. I can't speak for how useful these compositional features are to a competent keyboard player, but if you have a guy named @abacab touting them...
  4. If you were to get five out of these products, which ones would you get? The Farm Stone Room Studio Reverb Joe Chiccarelli Vocal Strip FAME Studio Reverb TASCAM 388 TASCAM Porta ONE TEAC A-3340S TEAC A-6100 MKII
  5. With all of their other patch sets, when you download them in Analog Lab, they offer a handful of presets that you can load to demo. With these three, when you download the bank none of the presets are playable.
  6. Abandonware refers to software that is neither sold nor supported by its creator, so that term does apply. Of course just because something fits that definition does not mean intellectual property law doesn't apply.
  7. I'm not overly well versed in Latin Pop, but when I was listening to the demos, I was hearing a lot more lounge piano than Latin rhythms. Sure there were some classically Latin parts there, but a lot that didn't seem quite so much so. The House demos had a few parts that sounded a bit more R&B than I expected too.
  8. Gear Acquisition Syndrome I think I first saw the term used in an ad for one of the online retailers, but it seems Walter Becker of Steely Dan coined the term.
  9. If by song ideas, you mean 4-8 reasonably groovy bars that don't go anywhere, then yes I have nearly a thousand of them. Many have been even inspired by checking out presets or putting together libraries.
  10. It's more than XLN gives you for their updates.
  11. I'm seeing it being out of stock now.
  12. Magic Russ

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    Was there ever an answer on whether the serials for MIDI packs are use it or lose it like the serials for the sound packs?
  13. The way it handles track templates and effects presets. In Cakewalk, when you create a track template the only way of organizing them is by the paths you store the files in. In Bitwig, you save your track templates with tags so you can search for them by tags. In Cakewalk, when you save an effects preset it gets saved under a container. This can be nice if you want to only expose a few parameters in the underlying effects. If that isn't what you want, you have to take an extra step to get rid of the container. And you can actually insert an FX chain without the container, but you need to navigate through the file system to open the FX chain and then use Shift-Open to open it. In Bitwig the container is transparent and you can access the effects simply by clicking on them.
  14. We used to have a similar model in our household growing up except that the F# key was broken. We had the choice of either having it drone at that pitch or covering up the hole with duct tape.
  15. Magic Russ

    EZkeys2 !!!!!

    One of the problems I have with EZ Keys is just trying to find the right patterns. It looks like this update might be more helpful in that regard.
  16. How does this compare to NI version?
  17. It seems all of their effects are being updated.
  18. 7.2.0 - 2023-03-29 New features for instrument builders, performance optimizations and bug fixes. ADDED Bus amplifier section now includes phase invert and L/R swap controls ADDED Naming voice groups is now possible in Group Editor ADDED Stereo Modeller Pan parameter can now be modulated ADDED Lo-Fi Color parameter can now be modulated ADDED Lowpass and Highpass filters in Solid EQ ADDED Repack NKR button in Instrument Options dialog (only shows if the instrument has a resource container assigned) ADDED Collection of new wavetables and single cycle waveforms ADDED Several new mod shaper presets IMPROVED Previous and next instrument buttons in Single View are now disabled if only one instrument is loaded IMPROVED Output section now correctly recalls effect slot settings saved in output section presets IMPROVED Show additional useful info about the instrument in Monitor > Groups and Monitor > Zones panes IMPROVED All remaining dropdown menus are replaced with HiDPI menus FIXED TMPro Legato behavior was incorrect since Kontakt 7.1.3 FIXED Kontakt would crash attempting to reveal a sample in the Mapping Editor with no sample selected FIXED Bass Pro would always process the signal in stereo even if Mono button was enabled FIXED Mismatch in sample rate during sample analysis for AET filter which caused incorrect frequency response for non-44.1k samples FIXED In certain cases the performance view would be incorrectly shifted in the rack FIXED In certain cases the performance view size would not be updated correctly FIXED Slice Trigger group start condition listed available slices in the Trigger Zone menu, instead of Slice Index menu FIXED Pitch Bend Down/Up Only mod shaper presets were affecting the tuning even when pitch bend controller was zeroed out FIXED Harmonize and Harmonize - Tonal multi scripts produced an extraneous note off event for the original note ADDED KSP New source module engine parameters for Keyboard tracking, HQI mode, TMPro Keep Formants and S1200 filter mode ADDED KSP Filename of the last loaded MIDI file can be retrieved with mf_get_last_filename() ADDED KSP It is now possible to determine if Kontakt is running as a plugin or in standalone with $NI_KONTAKT_IS_STANDALONE IMPROVED KSP In certain cases using many ui_panel widgets would lag the whole performance view IMPROVED KSP Major performance improvement when setting zone, loop and sample parameters in batch IMPROVED KSP Added optional arguments to search() command which allows searching only a specific range of the array instead of the whole array FIXED KSP Incorrect script error was raised when load_array, save_array(), load_array_str(), save_array_str() commands were used in the init callback REMOVED Pop-out buttons for Mapping/Wave Editors in plugin versions
  19. They were originally developed by a company called Ultrafunk. Cakewalk bought them out 20 years or so ago. It looks like TTS-1 was done by Roland when they owned Cakewalk and Roland wasn't nice enough to share the code.
  20. Odd, because I update the whole collection back then and haven't seen this until now.
  21. V 1.12.0 New features and improvements: Window can now be resized by dragging the bottom right corner Added audio protection on plugin output (Limiter at +12dB) AAX is now compatible with Mac M1 NKS is now compatible with Mac M1 and VST3 Graphic performance improvements Bug fixes: Fixed crash in preset browser on Windows Fixed crash when dragging & dropping a MIDI Clip in Ableton Live Fixed potential install issues with .pkg files on macOS 13 Ventura Fixed automation from controller in FL Studio
  22. Mostly Apple stuff, but for Massive X allowing user preset tags to be edited has been long in coming. 1.4.3 - 2023-03-23 MASSIVE X is available as AAX, AU, VST and VST3 Plug-ins in this version. MASSIVE X requires an Intel processor with AVX or an Apple Silicon processor. The MASSIVE X Factory Library is a separate installation, be sure to install via NATIVE ACCESS. ADDED AAX Apple Silicon support IMPROVED Various browser fixes and enhancements. User preset tags can now be edited FIXED Massive is now macOS Ventura compatible KNOWN ISSUE VST3 crashes in Reaper on macOS during scan (but still passes validation) KNOWN ISSUE Host automation parameter names are fixed to "Macro" in Logic and GarageBand on Apple Silicon computers KNOWN ISSUE Intermittent crashes when used with Mainstage KNOWN ISSUE VST3 Macro parameters are overwritten by the DAW when recalling projects with Digital Performer. Please use AU or VST2 instead 2.9.0 2023-03-22 ADDED AAX plug-in running natively on Apple Silicon FIXED Crash in Logic Pro when closing plug-in UI with speech engine enabled FIXED Handling of MIDI program change messages with VST3 plug-ins FIXED AAS plug-ins UI are blank after reopening UI in Live FIXED ScanApp crashes
  23. Speaking of forgotten Cakewalk plugins, I was just pulling up an old project where I used the "ob9" patch for Triangle II. It sounded pretty good. I thought I could reproduce that with one of my various Oberheim type soft synths, but I would still have to go with the Triangle patch.
  24. Maybe Bandlab dug up and made Beatscape into the next generation synth Cakewalk originally hyped it up to be!
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