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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Roger Waters (w/ Jeff Beck) - What God Wants [Pt1] How feckin' good is that ?
  2. It wasn't Ed ... ... but it is now ?
  3. I'm absolutely delighted with my purchase, so I just wrote a glowing testimonial, then recorded a sound clip of me using the amp and posted them both on Marshall's website ... ... I always like to leave some good feedback. Me >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Me coat
  4. Feck me I thought CakeAlexS was back
  5. I just want to know what you did to earn this retribution back in the day Steve! ? I can't even remeber what I did to deserve that ?
  6. Ahhhh ......... peanuts. I thought you said something else there Kenny ☺️ Peanuts... Elephants... Neither interests Straummy.
  7. Oi Edwidge - I have been a strummaging ... Oh I do enjoy being a meber of these forums.
  8. Or "remeber" as you once spelt it in 2009. I am like an elephant. And I forget a lot of things ?
  9. "Post count matters not to Bapu Wibbles"
  10. How puerile, childish, silly, unfunny, ridiculous and puerile ... ["You said 'puerile' twice" ------------------------------------- "I like puerile"] ... I love it ?
  11. Pfft ... that's fewer than Bapu's home studio rig ? Mind you, looking at the video, it's interesting to see what Scooby-Doo and the gang use their van for when not solving mysteries ?
  12. Johnny Cash & Joe Strummer - Redemption Song
  13. Call Bapu. He'll have recorded it and sent back to you before his phone rings. ?
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