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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Not until now ... all I can say is "Er?" Profound.
  2. "I think, therefore I C sharp major" does not have the same ring.
  3. I was going to insert some intelligent fungi-related trivia for your dissertation into this fred .... .... but there doesn't seem to be mushroom.
  4. Only one word comes to mind! Johnathan Livingston Seagull! Bril ly ant ?
  5. Pfft.... I don't make any musak in the key of Am. Neither do I finger the Am chord. For me it's purity every time. I only play the Am note. Simples.
  6. Still one of me favourite movies of all time ...
  7. "Stop the count" And there was me thinking it was a typo ?
  8. Bapsi has GASP. The 'P' stands for .................... (wait for it) ................. keep scrolling ..................................... .................. Plug-ins ?
  9. How does that compare to the size of Wales? I believe the correct analogue is 246,563,971,035,447 gnat's chuffs.
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