I fully understand a lot of the underlying negative connotations this thread is harbouring, but …
Remember how Roland's acquisition of Twelve Tone spawned a plethora of 'prophet-of-doom' commentators who saw the move as little more than Mr Hendershott 'selling out' to the big boys. Overall, we may not all have agreed with the direction Roland took Cakewalk, but surely it can be seen in retrospect that the resultant investment helped streamline and improve the product range?
Even though nobody could argue that the nay-sayers got it absolutely spot on with their pessimistic comments regarding Gibson taking over at the helm, their procurement did at least keep the brand alive - for a while anyway.
Putting all this into perspective, look at where we are now with the good folk at Bandlab running things. We still get to use SONAR (now known as Cakewalk ) in pretty much the same form as always (since X1, at least), plus the software is not only maintained, it's being updated and improved along the way.
The fact that it's now free is neither here nor there, although as per another thread that asks the question, I'm certain a good proportion of us would contribute financially if required (regardless of the fact that some of us already had paid for a 'lifetime' of updates as that agreement was with an entity that no longer exists).
In conclusion, questions about the long-term viability of any product will always be asked. But let's be honest, answers from 'outsiders' can only ever be based at best in educated speculation.
Unless they're about Gibson, of course.