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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Motörhead - Capricorn (from: No Sleep 'til Hammersmith)
  2. Always nice to get an opportunity to post the greatest song ever recorded ...
  3. Eddie And The Hot Rods - Do Anything You Wanna Do
  4. Has the 'raspberry ripple' fred been nuked?
  5. I'd have to say old chap ... ... you were definitely closest with your second guess ☺️
  6. Nice job Geoff, congrats!
  7. My dear chap, I've more style in my little finger than you've had hot dinners. In that case good sir, you have a lot of style.
  8. (in the style of Wibbley) ... must ...... not .............. post ......................... Sigue Sigue Sputnik - Lurve Missile F1-11 Dang ,,,
  9. VeRy MeTaL - Anarchy in The UK (5ex Pistols cover)
  10. Ian Dury and the Blockheads - 5ex & Drugs & Rock & Roll
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