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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. At least none of us here is a self-appointed, self-important, over-pedantic member of the internet spelling police ? That would be dreadful ?
  2. Grem, I can almost see the allure of a 'tribute' lookalike geetar such as the Joe Strummer Telecaster or EVH's Frankenstrat. But a guitar artificially aged seems pointless to me. Albeit I don't take my guitars on the road but my US P-bass, US J-bass, US Tele, US Strat, ESP and my beloved Ruby are all 8 - 15ish years old (all acquired new) and not one of them has as much as a dink or scratch on them anywhere. If someone offered to take a power tool to any of them to 'make them better' my response would not be favourable ?
  3. That made me LOL Byron ? Mind you, on a related matter, I have absolutely zero clue as to why anyone would purchase a brand new road-worn/distressed/artificially-aged guitar. I believe this phenomena is unique to guitar posers players - I can't think of another instrument that's somehow 'improved' by this process ... Salesman: Yes sir, thank you for your purchase - let me add that I'd be happy to arrange free delivery to your home and full installation of this new $160,000 Steinway-D concert grand Purchaser: Thank you. Oh and by the way, before you dispatch, could you please take a chisel, sander and power drill to my new piano to make it look a bit like Beethoven played it
  4. Must not post "We Built This City" ... The Jam - Smithers-Jones
  5. Who is making these decisions? If it's BandLab staff, I guess one just has to accept it. On the other hand, if it's a forum 'host' (or whatever they're called now), I guess one just has to accept it too. Speaking of 'hosts', although I've never been a fan of the concept, I have to admit we've had a handful of decent ones - FastBikerBoy (Karl), Danny Danzi and Dave (Bitflipper) spring to mind. I may not always have agreed with their decisions, but I had enough respect for them to abide by their rulings. But sadly, for every FBB or Bitflipper, we also ended up with a few who were basically just the school bully who'd been given a prefect's badge. Or worse, a complete fruit loop, such as me old mate CakeAlexS. Nowadays, I just can't be arsed to kick up a stink. It is what it is.
  6. I preferred Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet.
  7. Stiff Little Fingers - Barbed Wire Love
  8. Love that song NN ? Back on topic: Sham 69 - Hurry Up Harry
  9. Must not post The Frog Chorus ...... Must not post The Frog Chorus ...... Must not post The Frog Chorus ......
  10. St Anger did suck. I can't argue with that.
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