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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. The Clash - All the Young Punks (New Boots and Contracts) ### foul language ###
  2. ? That's a bit shite, but it gets us to ... Generation X - Valley of the Dolls (Cue more sarcasm from Wibbley Wobbley) I really do set myself up for it though ☺️
  3. I measure everything in centimetres these days ... ... everything just seems a bit longer that way ?
  4. Def Leppard - Overture Off their debut album, before they went a bit shite commercial seeking the Yankee Dollar. Cue Wibbles' sarcastic comment:
  5. Translation: "Eliza doesn't have very much Vietnamese currency". I think.
  6. Heaven and Hell - Neon Knights RIP Ronnie, what a voice.
  7. I thought that applied to all their albums. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo .......... get you, Mr Musak Kritik ? (better than "Harsh but false")
  8. Or even: ## warning - even more swearing ##
  9. This guy's already nailed it: ## warning - much swearing ##
  10. Tim Minchin - Thank You God #### Trigger Warning: Song contains some very tuneful blasphemy and a few sweary hurty words ####
  11. Strummy: Have you just posted the title track from each of the first four Motorhead albums (excluding On Parole*) in chronomalogical order? Straummy: Yes Strummy: I think that's enough Motorhead for now, don't you? Straummy: Indeed, I agree with myself there. Strummy: Good. * Arguably just a repackaged version of Motorhead
  12. Hawkwind - Quark, Strangeness and Charm
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