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Everything posted by SteveStrummerUK

  1. Hmmm.. hair.. That's just showing off ? B*****d ?
  2. Craig, I fondly remember a whole Sunday afternoon bouncing emails back and forth with him. What had started as a routine chat about the arrangement of a CHB tune slowly morphed into a discussion about Bo's guitars - especially some of the vintage models he'd collected. Absolutely fascinating stuff, and with typical modesty, he seemed to stress how 'lucky' he was to own some of these beauties. Nice guy.
  3. Indeed RIP Bo. I remember you selling that Craig - such a beautiful guitar. If I remember correctly, didn't you use the 2nd photo as your avatar for a while? At least we can be assured Bo would have really treasured such a gem.
  4. Arriving next weekend ... "Noisy bugger" ~ Jonbouy
  5. Sparks - This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both Of Us
  6. Whitesnake (bassist = Neil Murray) - Ain't No Love In The Heart Of The City
  7. 'ave it ... Wham - Club Tropicana Dreadful.
  8. ? Come on peoples ... it's pronounced (and spelt): "becan" ? Definitive proof ... The Scene: Rye Railway Station Cafe (our three protagonists are waiting for the train to take them into London to meet The Bapu & his LL) The Players: JonBouy; The Mermaid; Straummy; Unnamed Station employee (female) Act 1; Scene 1 - JB orders his breakfast Jonbouy: Good morning, could I order a becan sandwich please Employee: I beg your pardon? Jonbouy: Yes, I 'd like a becan sandwich please Employee: A what? Do you mean a 'bacon' sandwich? Jonbouy: No, a becan sandwich Strummy: Hah!!
  9. (^^^ nice set up for a Wibbles Gang Of Four tune)
  10. Must ... not ... post ... Diana Ross ... The Pretenders - Back on the Chain Gang
  11. This individual intrigues me ... ... which half of him is biscuit? (in Straummy's case, the answer is: the 'inside' half)
  12. Did you need to talk about it. I think there is an open slot on the Doctor's Couch at 2:30pm Dr Straummy is in da house ?‍?
  13. Er ............... hold my beer.
  14. Judas Priest - Reckless Trivia - The producers of Top Gun (1) approached Judas Priest to use this tune in the movie. They turned down the request as TG wanted exclusive use of the song and Priest could not then include it on their upcoming album Turbo. Oops ?
  15. HATE: Anything I can't play all the way through without making a few mistakes and/or playing a few bum notes LOVE:
  16. My hero heroes. The world needs more of you them. Thank you s!
  17. Yes, because that would mean that person would be over-overly concerned with minute details. Indeed I am it would ?
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