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Everything posted by John

  1. Sorry, I saw it as a rant just as your statement above is. Try to look at it objectively. If you do that you will see it too.
  2. I'm on the insider program and at present I am running version 1903, build 18362.53. Installed on April 4 2019. Windows 10 Pro. I have no issues with the OS so far. I have an i7 8700 CPU and 32 GB of ram. I also run an old 550 ti Nvidia GPU on two monitors. I have a laptop with an i7 4 core running stock Windows 10 Pro that is up to date. I have had no issues on it either. The laptop has a multi touch screen. On my Macbook Pro I was locked out of updating any app until I had to contact Apple. LOL
  3. No it's not about me. Never said it was. However this was posted in an open forum and is there to do with as we see fit within the TOS. I gave my view of it. Others gave theirs. That is what a forum is all about when there is no way to solve the issue. Few of us have had the problems you describe. Plus not a whole lot of information on how this happens. Steps to reproduce the issue is a good way to get something solve or a workaround. This place is about helping each other. That is what we do here. When we are presented with a declaration of no further usage it becomes a place to comment. I for one want to help you solve the issues you have so you can continue to use Cakewalk. I saw the original post as a good thing for awhile. We all want bugs fixed; but there was not enough information to do more than simply comment.
  4. I think Bandlab let it run as long as they could. At some point it would have to be locked or removed. I saw it at first as a rant about a bug. But even so it was for a time useful to Bandlab by alerting them to the problem. The only problem I had with it is there are ways to accomplish the same thing without bashing anything or anyone. This reminds me of the falling out of Ted Pearlman with Twelve Tone and that was epic. However, that was in a newsgroup where this fellow is on you tube. A far greater audience. No one is to blame for that video other the one that made it. I would love to see this reconciled between Scott and Bandlab. But what ever happens is beyond our control.
  5. "So much to be learned by reading other people's questions and answers here on the forum." I've been doing that for a long time. ?
  6. Could be due to a lens or a mixrecall?
  7. What is showing as 32 bit? I went to the Serum page and it says 64 bit only.
  8. That is if it is turned on. If it is off it does nothing.
  9. I agree with post above the one I posted. I think it can be solved by the OP starting over.
  10. Windows does not block Cakewalk. Never did. On my machine running Cakewalk the Prochannel is off until I turn it on for a particular track. If a template is opening up the Prochannel and turning it on that was set that way when the template was created. At least that is my understanding.
  11. Windows 10 ransomware settings? What are you referring to?
  12. MP3s are only 16 bit. There is no reason to place them into a 24 or 32 bit wav file. If you expect to process them as wav files 24 or 32 bit is fine, though.
  13. Right it does stay as a wav file in Cakewalk. You would have to export it as an MP3 to change it back. There may be an editor that directly edits MP3s but offhand I can't think of any. Nor would I be interested in one.
  14. I used to rely on hardware MIDI modules. I don't any more. With the power in new processors and the huge number of good software instruments its very hard to justify hardware any more. However there is still a place for it in live performance. I still use my Sound Canvas for a few things. Its nice to have units but now I don't think its essential.
  15. Cakewalk only works with wav files and MIDI. Cakewalk will automatically convert an MP3 to wav for it to use it. Be sure you have not locked the track or tracks. I can't think of a reason you can't split a clip except for a track being locked.
  16. Welcome Mike. You wont fine a better place to get to know Cakewalk and those that use it. 20 years is a long time and it will take a little time to learn all the changes. But we just got an updated user manual. I think you will find it very useful. Have fun and ask any question. This forum thrives on answering.
  17. Yah!!!!! Edit to add. Some one did one heck of a good job. Now I can look up all the features added since platinum. Its quite a few too.
  18. You may want to see about getting Cakewalk by Bandlab. It wont cost you anything and it is a huge improvement.
  19. I have not had a bad experience with Sweetwater. If anything they are a little too nice. ? I bought some gear from them and about a week later they called and wanted to know if I was happy with my purchase. LOL I was. But that had never happened before with any other Internet store. Cool. It makes an impression.
  20. The FX Bin can be pre fader or post fader. See if one of these helps. Also if it the PC (ProChannel) it can be pre FX Bin or post FX Bin.
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