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Everything posted by John

  1. I can't say I have ever seen that. I assume you are talking about the Track Header?
  2. To my understanding Kontakt 6 has one configuration and it uses all outs. I think its 32. You can delete as many of audio tracks you will not need. You can use Cakewalk's Synth Rack and the soft synth options dialog to set only one out.
  3. The reason I said what I said was because that is the only answer I could come up with at the time. I had this happen with a plugin and it simply crashed the host it was in. I informed the developer and also posted about it in the forum on another web site of the host. I did everything I could to find the cause. I never did find the cause. However, I stopped using it until I was sure it wouldn't crash the host. A couple months later it was no longer crashing. I don't know if the host developer fixed it or the plugin developer did. I do know that when a plugin crashes a host its a good idea to not use it. That was the real point of the post. Also I answered mainly to let the OP know the post had been noticed. This forum is a place that can do remarkable things but why a plugin crashes is a very hard problem to solve here.
  4. It may not be intended. Sometimes when quoting the quote can drop the context. Starship was simply responding to some one else and quoted him. As good as this forum software is its not perfect.
  5. If a plugin is causing a problem it is not the host that is the problem usually.
  6. Please edit your post to reflect the true author of the quote address. On 6/7/2019 at 10:37 AM, Starship Krupa said: Never could understand why a person would expend so much time cutting on something they have no intention of using or don't like. Just go have fun doing whatever it is you like to do, unless it's DAW bashing lol. Starship Krupa never said this.
  7. You have a plugin that is causing CbB to crash. It is Sektor.
  8. Actually I think this the best procedure to follow. I wasn't aware that another person was involved.
  9. Thanks a-lot! It seems to wok very well indeed, I am talking about MC support. I do not have the MCU only the MC.
  10. What I don't like about the OPs situation is that I don't believe that he intended to use what ever is causing the issue. To me that is a real problem. I do hope we can sort this out.
  11. I already asked that. I wont hurt to ask again though.
  12. I don't think Cakewalk has anything to do with this. Tomorrow will be fine. Somehow we will get to the bottom of this. Sleep well.
  13. So you have not explicitly used any AVS program or plugin in creating the song? I would look on your computer and see if an AVS program is installed. I have Sound Forge Pro 12 and can't think how AVS is involved. Also you don't need SF to trim the length of the song. Cakewalk can do that with slip editing.
  14. How are you creating your song? Please give all the steps used and any programs used outside of Cakewalk.
  15. Also it seems AVS has a audio converter program that could create that watermark.
  16. I think its when one goes deeper into a DAW that its flaws come out. For example in Cubase with freeze it really sucks. Cakewalk freeze is fully useful for editing, adding FX and its treated like any other audio track. In Cubase which invented freeze, it becomes a hidden track with no access. You can hear it but you can't touch it. Editing in the PRV in Cakewalk is simple and powerful. In Cubase one can do the same things but its not as simple. In Cakewalk to edit a MIDI track is simple because Cakewalk is track oriented. In Cubase its clip oriented. One has to select all the clips on a track to edit all of them. This is unnecessary in Cakewalk. One area where Cubase shines is in its Mixconsoles. They are a work of art. Cakewalk has ProChannel Cubase has Channel Strips. Not identical but much the same idea. I'm sure any one of us can pick out a feature in a DAW, any DAW that is not well implemented. Overall does that DAW do what you need it to do when you need it done? If it does its a good DAW for you. Right now Cakewalk is the best deal in DAWs.
  17. I agree that AAF should be in Cakewalk. I don't agree that Cakewalk is standing still. Right now Cakewalk is the best it has ever been. It will only get better. I'm going to list all the audio and video programs I use and have actually bought and own. Cakewalk Cubase Pro 10 Sampiltude Pro X4 Studio One 4.5 Fruity Loops Studio 22 Sound Forge Pro 12 Waveform 10 Vegas Pro 13 Davinci Resolve 16 Free Beta It isn't ready for prime time yet. Pinnacle Studio 22 Of the above Cubase and Cakewalk are the most used by me. Samplitude is a disappointment. Studio One is Studio One and is really not geared to my way of working. I don't view a DAW as a commitment to one developer. I use the one I find the most in tune to my way of working. Any one of those will do a good job of recording, mixing and producing music. To me the only thing Cakewalk lacks is AAF support.
  18. Thank you for letting us know the details. I'm very glad that things are working well for you. I would consider an un-interruptible power supply just in case.
  19. I'm an insider and I am running 1903. I haven't had any problems with it. OS build is 18362.145.
  20. Good questions. My thinking is that Cakewalk didn't install any of the Platinum stuff so it shouldn't impact them if it is uninstalled.
  21. StarShip is correct. Both programs can live side by side. Just install both with their default settings. It is a good idea to leave Platinum alone. The reason is it came with plugins and bundles that Cakewalk doesn't have. If Platinum is there Cakewalk will use all that came with Platinum.
  22. Platinum and now Cakewalk are going to be underestimated. The funny thing is Platinum had a multiband compressor before there was a Studio One. ?
  23. I believe that is an older version of Kontakt 6. The latest version is 6.1.0. The older one had a few glitches.
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