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Everything posted by John

  1. This forum is about learning. The topic is fine and the dialog we have here is just as fine. There is no reason for you to feel sorry.
  2. If you are talking about Cakewalk's Console View no you can't. The audio has already been recorded to disk before it hits the Console. This is one reason in the manual says you have to control volume for input at the source.
  3. BTW there is an arpeggiator on every MIDI track in Cakewalk.
  4. The way I install Cakewalk is install it via Bandlab assistant then when that is done I go to Sonar 8 on DVD and install Pantheon only. Off hand I forget if there is anything else to install from any of the X1 through X3 versions. I do not install anything else from that version Sonar 8. Then I look up Sonar Platinum and install all the Pro Channel modules from it and then go to each install for the various PC modules I bought. I may install all the VSTs that come with Sonar Platinum. However most of them are part of the Cakewalk install. Its time consuming but it does not have to be done in one go. You can install add-ons at any time. All my downloads I want to keep are on a download HD independent from the C:\ drive.
  5. I've been using multiple drives for years. On a DAW it can be very useful. An example is programs go to the C:\ drive. Samples go to a HD for samples. Downloads are on another drive. Also projects are on still another drive. Right now I have 8 drives 6 are internal. None are SSDs. That may change sometime soon.
  6. That is interesting. I have to admit because I use dual monitors that was never a problem for me. By the way the Inspector can be minimized. It also is useful for the Pro Channel. If you do MIDI it is vital. The idea of the Skylight GUI was to make single monitor systems such as laptops better to use and get around in. It threw me because Cubase does have 3 mixers. To my knowledge no other DAW does.
  7. Are you asking what you should keep and what you can delete or not install?
  8. In the past if you had Sound Forge it would automatically install in the tools menu. However, I think one had to have SF installed first to have that happen.
  9. If one is going to post in a thread one should keep things as much on topic as is possible. If one has other things to fix or add to the program a new thread is the proper way to propose them.
  10. I don't know about that. I picturing nodes all over my projects. ?
  11. Its actually simple. Use your Scarlet when using Cakewalk. Plug in the headphones to the phone jack of the Scarlet. And there you have it.
  12. I would advise the opposite. Windows sound can and will change the settings set on the Scarlet. For Cakewalk or any DAW use only the Scarlet. Let Windows have your internal sound for its use and leave the Scarlet alone. This means two separate sound systems. Ideally they should not know the other exists.
  13. I always use the master bus as the source of the mix down. This is not the hardware outs but the buss I make that all other buses out to. I try not to have a single track go directly to the master bus. Though for a simple mix down it really doesn't matter.
  14. "- The first suggestion that i like to give Cakewalk of BandLab is to delete the theme editor and create, for this DAW, a resizable vector graphic interface to 40 - 60 - 80 - 100 - 120 - 140 - 160 - 180 - 200 - 220%" I like this idea and its not really new but its still a good one. The others I'm not too sure about. One thing that was done to help with simplification was the new GUI that came to be in Sonar X1. I can't fully understand the multiple mixer point. To me there is only one.
  15. The video is silent and it just says " Suggestions For Cakewalk" through it's entire length. My suggestion is you simply list each suggestion here maybe with bullets points for simple and easy reading. Normally that is the way to propose things here. If, however, a video will explain things better by all means provide one.
  16. This forum alone is a kind proof of their commitment to Cakewalk. Even if none of this were not true, there is no better deal anywhere.
  17. Kirk Hunter Brass Bundle on Sale for $99 Regular price $600 Kirk Hunter Concert Strings Bundle on Sale for $99 Regular price $1200 Labor day sale https://audioplugin.deals/developer/labor-day-sale/?utm_source=APD+Subscribers&utm_campaign=811b580e07-Labor_Day_Sale&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_766211a9e5-811b580e07-39571973&ct=t(Labor_Day_Sale)&mc_cid=811b580e07&mc_eid=028ed245cc
  18. This is why people love Sonar and Cakewalk. No one developing DAW software is this dedicated to the people that use their software. Tracking down a bug as difficult as this for so many years seems monumental to me. A sort cold case for a DAW. It was not put into the cold case file drawer but kept active so when a new clue came about it could be fixed. Than this outstanding post by Noel to tell us about it. There has to be a lot of pride in the way Noel and others have done their work. Thank you to all who have contributed to this outcome.
  19. I had forgotten about those plugins. LOL And yes they are dated but if they are useful, and I think they are, no law says one can't use them. Heck I like the Pantheon. It is about as dated too.
  20. Its funny how many of us are involved in photography and audio. You have a good PC module selection.
  21. If that is the latest version you have yes install it and than install Cakewalk. Also if you have Sonar 8 on disk or DL and want Pantheon you can install it by itself.
  22. I have a Cooler Master Cosmos 1000 that is super quiet. It's no longer being made but it has children. Look for a case that uses large fans that turn slower. 120 mm size. I strongly suggest a front door to cut noise from the case and components that are at the front. They selling for more then when new.
  23. It would be nice if you included something about the OS. It looks like Windows 7? I run Windows 10 and have not done much about appearance except to go to a dark theme. If you have a display card installed and it is fairly powerful the look of the OS is not going to impact performance.
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