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Everything posted by John

  1. Bandlab owns the software known as Cakewalk formally known as Sonar. They have every right to offer it in anyway they want. For those that have had Sonar from its very beginning Bandlab came to our rescue when Cakewalk the company was shut down. We are grateful to Bandlab for keeping it alive and thriving. For anyone to demand Bandlab give the code to the world with out buying it as Bandlab did seems to me too presumptuous to be believed. I can't see any benefit to Bandlab or to the user base. Nor can I see any reason this would in anyway benefit Bandlab. If the OP wants Cakewalk to open source the code than the OP should buy the code from Bandlab and then give it away. At the very lease the OP should reimburse Bandlab for what Sonar cost Bandlab before proposing this absurd notion. Also as a practical matter at present we users have a robust development team that is able to know every line of code. That would not be the case if it were not controlled by a single organization. As to transparency that notion is not of any use to anyone. I don't need to know how Cakewalk is written to use it.
  2. The OP may not know that this thread has some of the top members answering. It is a thread with a huge amount of the whos who of Cakewalk's forum. Even the chief programmer is here. I don't see how it can get any better than this.
  3. As far as I can tell this is the best version to date including Sonar. Really good work.
  4. Cakewalk just keeps getting better and better. All of the programmers have done a splendid job and keep on doing so. The feedback from Cakewalk is also a very greatly appreciated added feature. Thank you all.
  5. Hi Robert. I took a look at my setup and in the PC header unless I run my mouse over the preset menu those two icons are not shown. Mouse over and they appear. Also be sure you have PC presets in (Local Disk C:\ Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\ProChannel Presets).
  6. There are also various pan laws one can apply in Cakewalk that change how pan works.
  7. Ozone 5 and all Ozone versions are very CPU intensive. In many years past I used it on a mixed down stereo track in a mastering template due to my computer would have trouble otherwise. I still, more or less, do that even though I have a system that is very capable. One trick to try is up your latency enough so you no longer have problems. You can put it back for recording. Edit to add. A rundown of your system would be useful.
  8. You shouldn't feel silly at all. Heck, I forget somethings and need to look it up even though I do know it. It is part of being human.
  9. Its called the Inspector and can be seen by pressing I.
  10. A limiter is also a compressor. It is most often found on the master bus.
  11. I totally agree with James.
  12. I think all Cakewalk users here want everyone to have a great time using it. I believe it to be a huge bargain that keeps on getting better with each new version. This also means that it is more complicated thus needing a group effort to get users working with it efficiently. These forums are known for being very helpful.
  13. John

    Covid 19

    I know we are all thinking about this and it is an important subject but I don't think these forums are a place to post about it. If you wish to do so try to be as politically neutral as possible. Keep in mind that information on Covid 19 is readily available all over the net. Lets keep these forums virus free. ? Please stay safe and well.
  14. Also it is very important to note that Cakewalk or Sonar before it can not control the volume of the input while recording. This has to be done at the source. Leave the faders in Cakewalk at unity as well as the gain.
  15. Somewhere in the signal chain you should be able to control the volume. This has to be done before it gets to the audio interface. You my be using an output from the amp that has no volume control. This is often the case for a preamp head. It will use the volume from the pickups for its level. At any rate it is vital to have the level under control before you send it to the audio inputs of you audio interface.
  16. I've been wanting the Arranger Track for years! Now its here. I didn't think it was ever going to happen. See how wrong one can be. BTW This is big!!!!! Thank you.
  17. Every member knows no forum here allows politics. Even the Coffee House. Please don't interject politics into these discussions. I wish you all will be safe and that we will all come out of this healthy.
  18. I don't know how it may have happened to adjust the view on your machine, but I have used those controls for as long as Sonar and CbB has been around.
  19. Down to the right bottom of the screen are the controls for adjusting zoom. One is a minus sign - this will zoom out making the tracks show in their entirety. The other is a plus sign + that will zoom in allowing you to see them expanding beyond the screen. Hitting those will allow you to adjust the length of the tracks.
  20. I'm a moderator. There are a few of us here. We try to do the right thing . We do not let our emotions interfere with our job. I have to say the KVR mods didn't use common sense in simply asking you your status. Our reason for being is to make the Cakewalk forum a pleasant place to be. To have an environment to ask questions and help anyone that wants it. We try hard to not step on members toes or restrict speech too much. We do provide a place where people are not attached or threatened or making a place where members do not feel welcome. We stop trolls and people that want to do damage to the membership. I think that all the mods here have done a fantastic job.
  21. All this means to me is you will have more time here to keep us informed. I have no idea why they sought to ban you but their loss is our gain. Its time to tell you thank you for all the work you have done to help us make the best deals. You have been at it a very long time and we appreciate it.
  22. IZotope Ozone 9.1 is out. Read about it here https://www.izotope.com/en/learn/product-update-ozone-9-1.html
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