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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. Now showing out of stock on Metal
  2. Never heard of these guys. You thinking of 2c, Fleer?
  3. ....as is their paid stuff.
  4. Not as excited about this as I should be....hmm....must be the times.
  5. Since my usual complaint about drum midi is that they are too busy, I went with Ballads. Remember, if you have something like Melodyne, you can convert these loops into MIDI as well.
  6. In terms of being power hungry, forum administrators are the worst...actually second worst, just behind condo board presidents?
  7. Anyone know if this plugin offers anything that the Izotope and IK version of this type of plugin don’t?
  8. LAGinz

    Soundtoys 5

    A little confused by this, unless it is a one off. Ordinarily buying Soundtoys stuff gets you one ilock (software)license....but allows installation on two different computers
  9. As I recall, germanium diodes were part of the secret sauce behind the original Klon guitar pedal .
  10. Will be interesting. I just called MF about 10 seconds ago, and the guy said it only gets you the original, but based on prior experience, who knows. Wouldn’t be surprised if it gets you v2- really good guys at PSP.
  11. Have to admit that although I’d like a lower price, this is a very good sounding plugin. As usual, Lars has the cheapest way to buy it?
  12. All I need to complete the bundle is King’s Microphones and Saturator for a $29 total. I’m thinking the King thing is probably a waste. Does the Saturator make it worthwhile?
  13. Sure won’t hold value like a real Tele though. I bought a new one in 1970, which was shortly thereafter looked down upon by aficionados as a “CBS” model. Now worth more than 10x what I paid for it.
  14. Ignite Amps has a pretty nice free one as well.
  15. Not the most realistic, but fun and effective to use as a compositional tool.
  16. Would be nice to have, but yeah, I agree with most of you that it sounds pretty pricey in today’s plugin world. I’m sure most of the devs out there are cursing Waves for their drastic price cuts in the last few years.
  17. I’m assuming you can use Jam Points on the preorder price, correct?
  18. Is this any good? Yeah, I know it’s free but my hard drive is getting pretty full . How does it compare with, say, AAAS’s Strum?
  19. LAGinz

    CbB Updated

    I have to do this pretty much every tine there is a Bandlab Update.
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