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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. I’m interested to see how people like 2. I was very disappointed in the sample quality of the original.
  2. LAGinz

    IK VI Group Buy

    I was disappointed as well. Didn’t think the samples sounded any better than Miro I.
  3. Hey Peter, did you guys miss Satriani’s birthday on July 15??
  4. Be still my heart! At first reading, I thought this was for a free Vox amp sim? I’m a total sucker for Vox amps. Pandemic or not, lock me in a 6X6 room with a Vox amp, a Tele and a LP....and I’ll be one happy camper.
  5. Ok, sigh of relief, 4.1.3 works, at least manual download.
  6. Yeah, even the manual version of 4.1.2 broke my install on Windows 10-went back to previous version. Willing to give manual 4.1.3 a chance?
  7. Izotope has its own download manager called Izotope Portal. Installation is easy, and one license allows you to install on two computers. No ilock or dongle required. With full Nectar 3 you should also get included a license for Melodyne Essential, which must be separately downloaded and installed though Celemony web site. No ilock or dongle required for that either. Again, if this is full Nectar 3.....it’s a steal.
  8. LAGinz

    IK VI Group Buy

    That kind of seals it. I’ve got a lot of IK and there’s just not enough in here to make it interesting to me, even if it goes to 7-1:)B-3 would be great, Modo Drums would be nice, (but not required) and Alternate keys would be fine. If I can’t throw a keyboard in there or Satriani, it’s just not worth it for me. Hope it works for others.
  9. LAGinz

    IK VI Group Buy

    I rig keyboards cannot be selected as one of the free products?
  10. Is there any way I can install this particular update without using the new system? When I look at my products page, it only offers the new product manager for ST4.
  11. LAGinz

    IK VI Group Buy

    Yeah, I’m in the same boat.
  12. Dexed may well be my favorite free synth. Sounds great, loads a zillion of those old presets and ......a veritable tear ?comes to my eye when I think of that DX7 I owned seemingly several lifetimes ago.
  13. I think it might be a losing battle. I only spent $15 last month to get the $50 for this month. Possibly they use the $25 for those that haven’t bought and/or used a voucher for x period of time. OTOH there may be more factors at play.
  14. I may ultimately bite the bullet anyway, since when I combine the two months purchases it means I got Black Box and Lindell 254 for a total of $65—not great, but not bad.
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