I’d like to see a $75 Pandemic Stay at Home Special. I’m remembering those (not just in the audio world) who stand up during these difficult times and do something special.
The whole box thing is comical with respect to this product. I sat thru days of UPS misinformation as to where the box was and when it would arrive; followed by its arrival in a condition looking like it had gone through the London blitz; followed by a Serial No. in the box that was defective. Luckily UVI made good on getting me a different functioning serial.
I’ve already tried it and it doesn’t work for me. I plugged it into the register tab on the UVI Portal, right? All I got was the dreaded Windows 10 endless spin cycle (and a red box around the serial window)
Concur. But for me usually not worth the anxiety of always worrying about CPU management, at least in recording and mixing. Now in mastering, that’s another story.
I should have kept my fingers and toes crossed. The serial in the DVD does not work in the UVI Portal (and is not in the right format for an ilock activation number). Grrr?
Ok, it actually arrived late last night, after UPS had said it was “out for delivery” each of the previous 4 days and I had escalated a complaint. Package looked like it had been dragged through the streets and then run over, for good luck, by the UPS truck. Will open today with fingers crossed.
Correction: Perhaps this was a bit of ...ahhh....wishful and naive thinking on my part. I posted this after I received a UPS “out for delivery” notice for this product. It did not arrive though, and appears to have fallen off UPS radar. Just bizarre.
I have both SD3 and BFD3, and really dig the sounds of both.....but they do sound different, in particular the rooms. I wind up using SD3 more because, for me at least, it’s GUI is more intuitive. And for some reason on my computer BFD3 can be a little buggy.
You actually do also get the installer exe after you update through the S1 DAW. At least that’s true in Windows, where it should show up in your default download folder.