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Everything posted by LAGinz

  1. What? A freebie RX-7? Man, if they could bring back to life my old RX-7, I’d sacrifice a decade’s worth of plugins.
  2. Enjoyed the vid Reid, especially the software part. On hardware, though, I’ve taken a slightly more aggressive percentage position over the years than you suggest (especially on higher priced items)while still, I believe, allowing for a fair return to the seller. In the end, either side can say no, and if you’ve conducted yourself without acrimony can do the same or another deal in the future.
  3. I would love to add a 4tb NVMe to my Lenovo ExtremeX1. It’s my understanding though that the slot only accepts “single sided” drives, while the Rockets are double -sided. Unfortunately, I know of no single sided 4tb NVMe .....although I have fingers crossed that someone will come out with one . I currently have a 2tb in that slot.
  4. My other amp sims don’t have a real Dumble type sound, so went with the Fuchs Overdrive for $20 (after coupon).
  5. That does it. I also, like some others, received a nice response from the dev on problems I was having. Hard to believe at this point, however, that it’s worth my time to try this again. I’ve already got Reverberate 3, the convo in Studio One and tons of IRS.
  6. Thx, but I’m asking more about files under Programs (86) Waves such as “Plugins V9”. If I click on that, it shows many “bundle” files such as eg. “Bass Rider bundle”. Can I delete that file if I’m running a higher than 9 version of Bass Rider?
  7. Not gonna let running their downloader ruin my Christmas!!:)
  8. Happy and healthy Holidays to everyone from sunny LA (wait a second it’s raining!!). Looking forward to a great 2021. And to 2020 , I can only say.....good riddance and don’t let the door hit your back on the way out.
  9. Two specific Waves questions 1) can I remove all files with aax designation, assuming I don’t use protools; and 2) can I remove earlier versions of the same plugin? Thx.
  10. Well, I must fess up and say the 2020 coupon with free HOF reverb (already had the harmonica) was enough, using also a few leftover Best Service points, to push me over the edge.$77 was close enough to my $75 goal. Thx. to Lars for finding this.
  11. Yeah, it works (I just did it) with the Studio 4-5 Pro Update, for which the current regular sale price is $99.00. I picked it up for $77.83. This includes the $20 off code and a few Best Service points left over from my last purchase. This was the only thing in my order, other than a HOF reverb they threw in as a freebie.
  12. If I’ve already got the harmonica, and really can’t take advantage of the rest, what’s the better HOF reverb remaining?
  13. Move over on that fence for one more. I’m also pretty satisfied with 4, and not seeing anything that I want that much in 5. The only thing tipping me a bit toward the update is that Presonus does have a history of throwing in some decent features on their subsequent dot updates, which they have never charged for.
  14. Went through the process but has not appeared within my ASC. Dropped them a ticket.
  15. Same here. It appeared to download a new Native Access, but no Yangqin.
  16. Ahh, thx. Guess I’ll have to wait till the hardware arrives.
  17. For those of you who got AT5 through the Z-Tone DI Bundle, does the AT5 serial appear immediately in you account, or does it come later with the hardware? Thx.
  18. I know of no limit on switching authorizations back and forth. I-lock dongles available from a number of musical supply sources, eg. Sweetwater, GC etc. I do agree with you it is a bit of a pain in the neck. Would be nice if they allowed 2 ilock authorizations from one purchase like Soundtoys does.
  19. I don’t think what you are saying about licensing here is exactly correct. You can’t have it activated on 2 computers simultaneously, but you can deactivate it one computer and then activate it on another. You can then reverse that process, and go back and forth if you wish. Alternatively, you can keep the license on a USB dongle.
  20. Hey Peter, Any projection on when an updated CS AT5 will be coming out? Before year’s end?
  21. The Sales contact email worked better for me than the Support one.
  22. Checked and this is the version that’s been around for awhile. Very useful plugin.
  23. So Zo, “more precise and less resonant “ not necessarily good in an amp, no? BTW, does AT5 overwrite AT4 or do we have choice of running in either?
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