Brian, your post may have been clear but ,with due respect, some of us would like to get IK confirmation here, and it was unclear what post Peter was confirming.
This thread is giving me a headache. ?Currently my Modo shows (in info) as being 1.5, but I don’t have the three kits mentioned. If I get this SE deal, does it give me what I have plus the three new kits?
If I get the MODO Bass 2 “upgrade”, can I just uninstall the original and delete its remnants, or does the upgrade need the original to fully install? Thx:)
Installed, but getting a message- “Error reading bank: Elevated Jam 1”, which appears to clear after about 5 seconds. Happens for me in Studio One and Standalone mode.
EDIT: Oddly enough only one of my 2 computers is generating this message. The other one seems to have installed 3 without a glitch.
Has anyone gotten the Sunset Sound Verb to appear within Mixbox?….and if so how did you do it? (Yeah, I agree the deal itself here is annoying, but for $6.99 I did it)
Yeah… how do you get it to appear in Mixbox? I’ve registered it in the product manager (went ok), as well as something called Mixbox CS) seemed to go ok)—-but how do I download this Mixbox CS, within which I assume I’ll have to hit “Restore purchases). Why is everything IK so convoluted?
Downloaded the portal. Ran the serial they provided twice, manually and pasted. Serial was rejected, and got two Windows error messages to boot. Uninstalled the whole thing. Sometimes free is still too expensive.
Sire came out with a 335 clone last year, partnered with Larry Carleton, which is supposed to be pretty good too. A little more expensive than the Epis, but still a lot less than the Gibbies.