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Posts posted by Will.

  1. 3 hours ago, Xoo said:

    There's only the increase if there's a correlated signal in both channels.  Take a contrived example where the left channel is a sine wave and the right channel is the same sine wave phase shifted by 180 degrees.  Sum them to mono and you get no signal.

    In a more real-world example, suppose you have a stereo track containing something like a string quartet, quite heavily panned.  Throwing one side away would be significantly worse than adding a 3dB gain as you'd actually lose information (instruments).  The extreme example would be a stereo signal with silence in the left channel and something (anything!) in the right.  Collapsing in your way would lead to silence which is obviously incorrect.

    That said, the 3dB gain is potentially a problem, so surely the better thing to do would be to add a "hidden" 3dB attenuation when you set the interleave of a genuine stereo track to mono?

    We are not talking about stereo tracks. We're talking about MONO INSTRUMENT INSERT TRACKS that sits in (on) a stereo enviroment (track.) 

    This is clearly demonstrated in the videos above - a mono insert with mono information that still gains a 3dB increase when you collapse the channels. Where a true mono track are being demonstrated in video 2 with no boost even when the channel formats are being collapsed to one mono interleave/track/strip. 

  2. 5 hours ago, T Boog said:

    Hey John, I actually had a problem with the recent update and I had to reinstall the previous version. Do u think this previous version will remain active for a while or will I have to update? Thanks

    You only have 6months available to use it with that activation. All previous versions are no longer being maintained. The latest version is kind of just taking a joy ride running on their new servers as mentioned. 

    Sad news for the CbB product. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, JohnnyV said:

    Ah! good question but remember, X3 is the last version of Sonar that can be activated totally off line without a server.

    Bandlab has no obligation to offer the older Buggy version for download anymore. 

    But I was guessing wrong about the continuation of CbB read this from another thread: 

    Noel Borthwick: 

    To be clear, there will be no more feature updates or bug fixes to the CbB codebase. 
    The only reason it's being kept active for now is to provide users time to transition to the upcoming (paid) Sonar product. 
    If you do intend to use Cakewalk please consider moving to Sonar (when its available obviously). We also plan on having a public beta release for it soon once the user interface is complete, so you can make up your mind. There is no change from the workflow of Cbb so the transition should be effortless.

    If you have requests or bug reports continue to post them but they will only be fixed in the new Sonar release.


    Yeah! This was a slap in the face. I still feel it, because its not what was said by other staff members, or in the EA release notes on the site. It kind of makes you negative to hear this- well, it stopped me from carrying on with what I was mixing and testing. 

  4. 27 minutes ago, Bass Guitar said:

    Ok I see what you are doing. 

    But here's a ponder then. I hope this is still on topic.  You are using a synth for the demo, synths are all stereo, right? But I use mono audio tracks which I think are truly mono. They only become stereo if you add an effect that generates stereo out put? Correct? I only use the pro channel EQ and the PC2A compressor on audio tracks.  Do they become stereo?  good question.  If I add effects I will do this with a send to a bus. Another pondering question, do they send a stereo signal from a mono source?    I have actually never noticed the interleave icon before. 

    And so that was why I was wondering about your issue which I see is a legit issue but possibly only for a very few users. Seems like the boss was sort of ignoring your request anyhoo,  but he did just say a few things I'll add to my list of what is going to happen sometime soon with CbB. 

    If you have information on both L&R channel even if the data on this track is "true MONO" collapsing this to a single channel format (Mono track) will add that 3db increase in gain. 

    You do get mono synths. I have a few. Its because of them, i started noticing this issue in CbB. So, my workaround was always to get the melody first and split the channels to get a perfect unaltered true "Mono track" before I start mixing. 

    So, whatever i throw on this tracks stays the same volume even if i toggle the interleave between mono and stereo, because theres no second channel to collapse to. This leaves the track in true mono format. 

  5. Current mono inserts with instrument interleave. 


    How CbB/Sonar should handle mono inserts with interleave. 


    The second track in the video is the same track, but was split and bounced to two mono tracks with the right channel deleted and the left channel panned back to dead center. So what i was asking is, cant we let Sonar and Next handle its mono and stereo tracks separate from one another? Meaning: for them to split the channel format under the hood to create a mono track with only the left channel for both Audio and Instrument tracks. This leads to no increase in volume keeping this balanced. 

    ? I hope presonus dont steal this idea first. ??‍♂️ 

  6. 1 minute ago, Noel Borthwick said:

    I'm not sure what you mean by carried over. 

    The discussion of how instrument per track output handles its Mono inserts. 

    Right now it collapse both channels to one mono track which adds that 3db gain in volume as oppose to just splitting the instrument track to create a dead balance volume with no gain increase on the track. 

    Think of the Bounce To Track window where you can Split the channel format to you get both L&R channels when you press OK.  So cant we have Sonar to split the instrument track insert of its stereo interleave to get a mono insert by splitting the channels under the hood and deleting the Right channel when creating the mono interleave. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Bass Guitar said:

    Sorry I still don't understand 100% and that's all good because I probably don't need to understand it all!  And honestly I tried,  What you are talking about is performing tasks I have never had to utilize.  I mostly record our band live just to mess around with stuff but I am also trying to put down a few of my own original songs so that takes me a little deeper. I'm learning. And I'm finding there's a lot to learn just cruising this forum from time to time. I've read a lot of your posts and you seem like a pretty helpful person so sorry if I seemed like I was arguing or something, no, just trying to learn something new. Thanks. 

    Everything is all good and well, i honestly didnt think you were trying to argue. I'm gona try and explain this again, because i really do want you to be onboard with this. So I will attach videos. 

  8. 3 hours ago, Lord Tim said:

    I seem to recall EA releases being advertised in the toast before though. Was this not always the case? ?

    I've installed my EA 9mins after it was release on the site. I immediately fired up CbB, went to the HELP TAB and it couldnt find the update. There were no breakfast toast for me. 

    So, i downloaded mine from the google drive given in the Link. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Bass Guitar said:

    I see the point. So what Will is actually asking for is a second option for an audio track. A pure mono track that doesn't have a pan? this seems illogical to me. Every DAW I've ever used has a Pan and every mixing board has a pan.

    And are you guys saying that if I record my Bass track at -10 db as a mono audio track and I export it as a mono stem it will be -7db? I've never noticed this happening.  

    When you split a stereo track it creates two mono tracks that are panned hard Left and the second track hard Right. To phrase this better, a stereo track are two mono tracks that is panned L&R on one single channel. But we are not talking about PAN SETTINGS HERE! 

    What IM SAYING, as i have said above in my previous reply so clearly is - when you record audio the INTERLEAVE STAYS STEREO, but with MONO information on it.

    Is this clear to you? Good! Stay with us, cause heres the problem coming my ears and eyes tells me. 

    When you mix your mono recording on a stereo interleave, CbB handles this as a stereo track when you mix. With all your plugin inserts being converted to stereo. So, if you've forgotten to change the interleave to mono when the track was created, changing it to mono later in the project adds a 3db increase to the track and mix. Are you still with me? Good! 

    Now, what i am suggesting is: When you click on the interleave to set it to mono (for both audio and instrument tracks) it should than split the track into L&R and delete the right channel instead of bouncing the two channels together which creates a 3db. Are you following? 

  10. 28 minutes ago, Bass Guitar said:

    I'm not following this? You go to Add track, Audio, you select the mono input like 1 of your interface,  and create a new audio track. It is most defiantly a mono track?  

    You still get a stereo interleave. Which means if your switch it to mono, you get the 3db increase. 

  11. I cant seem to recreate the issue with the nodes, but this is something that keeps happening. 

    Another issue with CbB that always bothered me, was its instrument track per output inserts. When selecting the mono input for instrument tracks both L&R collapse to one channel as expected of course with the 3db increase.

    This robs the user with some precious headroom on the insert with certain instruments dynamics getting squashed - it is something i have always noticed. Sometimes this is a pleasant effect, other times we do not need it. My workaround then would be to create my melody, and once im happy with it, I would split the channel format and delete the right channel and pan the Left channel back to center. Not only do i retain the original dynamics without the increase in volume - i also have a nice clean mono track. So, please bakers would it be possible for the Mono instrument insert to split the L&R channel and delete the Right one under the hood for an accurate mono channel when it is created. Let this control for inserts carry over into Next and Sonar too. 

    Another plus would be to have this with the Audio tracks as well when we want to insert a mono audio track (which cant be done in CbB of course.)

  12. 10 minutes ago, Dave G said:

    I'm sorry, I believe I was misunderstood.

    The apps are all listed in Cakewalk Command Center. However, I'm unable to download them or obtain them anywhere. I'm kind of frustrated that I may never have these again.

    Mr. Craig Anderton, are you able to help with this at all -- a link or anything? Or suggestions from anyone are welcome and needed.

    Either way, I'll contact Cakewalk and see if they could help. Thanks!

    You literally can get support with this at Link

  13. 6 minutes ago, Sidney Earl Goodroe said:

    Let me get this straight for myself. The last version of free CbB will still operate as usual and will be authorized every so often from here on out. It will no longer be available for download for new users from then on?

    And most importantly,  if I purchase a new computer,  I will not be able to download and install CbB once Sonar and Next is released? 

    Please ?,  Give me simple straight answers! I am grappling with having to leave CbB behind after all these years of using Cakewak, X version,  then Platinum! 

    I, truly love Cake and am saddened at the possibility of ending my almost 30 year relationship with my favorite DAW.

    I use other DAWs but I am a true Cakewalk fan.

    Please, respond!



    According to what i understand and have read, You will be able to download the full new release of CbB  from the website. CbB will still work and continue to require to get authorized as normal. No new update and developments will take place anymore. It will work on any system.

    • Like 1
  14. On 9/3/2023 at 5:47 PM, Alan Tubbs said:

    My main rig is still windows 10.   I’ve been testing various interfaces this year and they all seem to work fine.  The new Neumann interface is next on the list.

    pros con at this point in windows development.

    I believe it should work just fine on both OS10 and OS11 without any issues. 

  15. 10 minutes ago, user6804522628715611 said:


    Since updating to ver 2023.09 Cakewalk has not activated again? The red banner popped up within Cakewalk showing that it experienced a problem with activation.

    Going the Help > Sign in with BandLab/Refresh Activation route does not work either?

    What has happened that i missed?



    You need to sign in to your bandlab account. Open the DAW, go the the HELP tap and click sign in. That should re-activate your account. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

    pretty sure it's been stated by Bandlab folks that once the new products are established, the CbB authorization process will shutdown and the CbB product will no longer be operational after the authorization expires on your system.

    All previous versions yes. Not the new release. This last release will run on the  same servers as Cakewalk Sonar and Next will run on. It was the reason why this EA was only release this month. 

  17. 5 minutes ago, msmcleod said:

    The nodes must have been selected somehow for them to move as a group.  The most likely cause is that you're unintentionally invoking a gesture that is causing them to be selected, or it could be a combination of config options that make this more likely. Can you post a video demonstrating this behaviour?  Hopefully it'll be easy enough to narrow it down.

    I will definitely make a video. It happens randomly. Almost as if a constant focus are locked in on the previous node that was tweaked. Give me a day or two, it always happen in my projects. 

    As for my configuration settings, mine is pretty much the on default settings. 

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