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Everything posted by Will.

  1. All i needed to check for was how to insert effects. So, it took me 5 minutes to learn Next. As a song writer in EDM and HipHop i wouldnt use it as a main DAW - although its aimed towards EDM and Hiphop producers.
  2. Its already Monday my side. ? 08:20 Coffee is not helping the lazy.
  3. Just be on the lookout for a DeLorean and someone with weird clothes.
  4. Yes, obviously your analyzer should go on your Master Bus when you balance your Backing tracks for gigs or for Digital/Analog CD.
  5. Just match your RMS levels with the rest. Use the quietest track and match the rest with that one. Route them all through the master bus, insert your analyzer such as Span, Youlean or Meter5
  6. Again . . . Whether or not its a one track or a multiple track project its never a good idea to save the project as is. Trust me, I have walked that path before.
  7. Its never a good idea to save a project when theres no audio. It will save as is. Trust me, I have walked that path before.
  8. My Antivirus blocks the site. It sounds great for HipHop and EDM, but mainly HipHop.
  9. That was favors(favours.) The Bakers dont have too. Its your job as the user to report a bug/limitations to the company that writes the code. You dont see that company complaining here if they felt like the limitations were a problem, do you? We are not in demand here. Neither free nor in a paid version of a software.
  10. Move the mic away from the fan noise coming from your computer and AC.
  11. Anyone with a key, PLEASE use this one.
  12. I would like to donate this to a mod please.
  13. Does anyone have the key please? The door is open.
  14. Buddy in Europe here is a little bit late to the party, with his activation running a different path. So CbB still thinks it is linked to the Bandlab Assistant with new users?
  15. Theres nothing on my system other than my two DAWS and AV. Microsoft Defender is permanently disabled. With the other DAW, im working remotely online with clients on the DAWs own cloud. Its easier to get projects back and forth in seconds without leaving the DAW. Im connected again. Like ive said earlier, projects loads myside are reasonably quick. 8-10seconds at most.
  16. I dont have the issue, but I did discover that it loads little faster than normal. I'm also connected 24/7/365 days a cycle to the net. That is why this was so apparant from the start.
  17. I've just found an improvement myside. Although I was well within a reasonable quick loading speed process, im loading double the speed on project load without being connected to the internet. I was connected up until 10mins ago of creating this topic So to everyone with the slow project load claim issue, try disabling from your wifi and check your DAW startup load and project load. My startup is almost instant and project load takes about 4seconds from the previous 9seconds project load before.
  18. True. If you dont do music for movies, 44100/24 has enough dynamics (headroom) record and mix in to eliminate any aliasing. I only use 48/24 if i have to create something for a commercial, or if i do a track for some end credits rolls on an episode or for a movie. Otherwise i record my artist and my own music in 44100/24. Never had an issue. Theres plenty of software out there that will demonstrate this to you if you do some tests with it.
  19. You are missing the point with that article.
  20. @John Vere this article might shine extra light. https://www.soundonsound.com/sound-advice/q-do-really-need-24-bit-recording#:~:text=The bottom line is%2C if,stressful and mixing rather easier.
  21. Why would you want to record at the bit rate and deph with built in analog to digital (AD) Converters lowering the noise floor for you? If you can record in 441/ 24 or 441/32 with the exact same recording as 48/24 why would you want to waste precious system resources? Keep in mind, recoring at 48/24 does not give you better quality then 441/24. What bring you the quality is your preamps of your interface. Higher bit only creates higher headroom. The only reason and times "pro4fessional" studios use 48/24 is when they record an orchestra. I've got first hand experience with this and it is only because at 48/24 there is a higher headroom and lower noise floor within the digital universe - not because its better quality. Theres only a handful of studios that uses actual true analog gear today. So far, every high end and big name studio I have been to uses AD converters. With my last work abroad, I asked the artist why are you renting a studio? He said: they've got "better equipment." We got to this studio and I immediately laughed in side. After we were done, I showed him the AD converters and the biggest USB hub I have ever seen. Most gear had a Midi to Usb converter or cable. Guess what happens in that setup - lower floor noise because of the analog to digital converters. If you dont do music for movies that uses surround sound files, then recording at 48/24 seems a little unnecessary for everyday use.
  22. Exactly 441/24 you will find most "professionals" use. I have first hand experience seeing this almost every second month and when I travel. When you ask why, the simply respond, its unnecessary. If 441/24/32 removes the noise floor in the digital universe, why should they record at 48/24? That the geniune answer you get. Spotify, Deeza, Itunes these platform dont care about noise floor, but only the K-system.
  23. You'd be shocked at how in correct this is. Its what they want you to think.
  24. Theres no such thing. Recording at higher bits dont give you better "Quality" Recording at higher bits only lower the floor noise within the digital universe of audio recording. The recorded file still stays the same. "Quality" is where the pre-amps of your interface comes in. I digress though. Lets keep this topic open to feedback only. You guys can create a fresh thread for this topic to continue.
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