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Everything posted by Will.

  1. Here's an interesting question to this: How about having the outputs to be renamed automatically on the audio tracks in CbB? Would this be up to the plugin to do this, or the DAW when sending the plugin output to an audio track?
  2. At the end of the day Bandlab.com is the parent website. I think the confusion you're having is with the download of the installer ,which we get from the Cakewalk by Bandlab website. Most who repott on this are still attached to "Cakewalk.com" Either way, like @msmcleod said: It's just passing you back to CbB.
  3. History and present login. A before and After ? Literally. A security lock.
  4. I wouldn't use this very much. It often bring problems.
  5. Did you sign in via the the HELP tab in CbB and not the actual Bandlab site?
  6. It does give the track number.
  7. Have you left it open to "actually see" where it's really taking you?
  8. If you really want the "Zero" start. Its basically just a 'Time Ruler Format" feature. We can maybe just put in a request for it to display a little bigger? Time Ruler .mp4
  9. Shift everything to start at measure 2 and drag the first clips out to "Zero."
  10. This has been in Cakewalk since I started with Cakewalk X1 LE back in 2009
  11. Sigh! ??‍♂️ No! And things are being moved around. I'm building panels, but I think it might be the send pans to the reverb that's the issue. I'll check tomorrow. Please discard this issue.
  12. I'll take a listen tomorrow again. Update: You know what? I might have left the send pans in the middle going into a reverb thinking out my steps I had done.
  13. I know process effects subfolder is non-destructive insert. The question is Didn't Normalize and Gain sit here as well? For some reason i'm convinced it did/used to.
  14. Yes. I can pan normally. Unfortunately, Focursrite dont come with that mono button. I'll have a listen again with a fresh pair of ears tomorrow.
  15. Weird and Strange. When right clicking on an Audio Clip, why is Insert Effects and Process Effects the same thing?
  16. Can anyone confirm if there's a panning issue? It sounds as if there's not good spacing between the L&R channels. Its like almost as if they bleed into one another. This is with any form of dry audio and Vsti both mono and stereo.
  17. This need more clarification. Reason: I would'nt want a new project to open with a previous saved export dialogue settings. So you probably want it to open within the project it has been saved in. I think this is why the new prefix tags were created. You have to choose the right one (too many for me to type here now.) So, if you export stems, then you have to choose track name or clip name - which ever fit best for the export. I think notes are in there too. So just click on the tag next to the name for the list to pop up. Though: it makes sense for this to be chosen automatically when choosing the source. I think this follows your project sample rate. So if you create and mix in 44.1/24 and export to 48/32 it will revert back to the project sample rate. Too lazy to get up to check this now right now.
  18. On a serious note and I really mean this . . . PT? Well, I will let you experience that world yourself and just say - within a period of two years, 60% of my clients have moved to another DAW. Which left me reaching deep in my pockets to keep doing business with them.
  19. Ha! Well then, farewell. 15years? Sh*t! by this time i would not rely on Autosave at all if it keeps losing my work. Hehe! I've been married to CTRL+S for 12years in every software i use - all the way across in to paint! I bet you that freeze was a windows update, Antivirus picking up on a "POTENTIAL" corrupt file, as many AVs think every file is - especially Windows Defender. 100% guarantee it was a plugin acting up temporarily too. The iLok taking its meth shot. Chocolate Ice cream is your friend in these hard times.
  20. Would be cool if the Loop Construction can covert the audio. It has the feature to alter and stretch the pitch or notes. So why not use it to covert the audio to midi inside the piano roll - if it will be possible.
  21. Will.

    Bandlab Login Fails

    What version are you running? Check for updates. If there's available, download and install them from within Cakewalk. If there's none available - locate your download folder reinstall the last download version and try again. First start with checking for updates (from the Help Tab.)
  22. Install your Interface drivers again - it will fix it. I have been experiencing this too a couple of times.
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