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Everything posted by Will.

  1. You're not with us. Doesnt matter though - I have found out what I needed to know reading 3 other DAWs (including Cakewalks) documentations on the original subject of this thread.
  2. You made it complicated for yourself. So i'll just say this: No one spoke of panning, but you. I just followed the discussion. This thread is about send inputs - PERIOD. But I hear you. I just happened to be working in a physical analogue world and running the same inputs and inserts as what i usually do in the DAW sound different. A lot was exposed. Tried these in another DAW and it was pleasing. Came to cakewalk and with that analogue mind i had noticed a few things CbB does not handle as I thought it had. Then there's the Null issue . . . well the video I had attached don't lie. Literally with just my home PC in my "study/home-office" and old Interface connected to it and 4 inch monitors. No other gear connected. In the studio I run Mac so, I don't use CbB there anymore. I'll just come sit here and come up with | and | to write new demo songs. I still love creating magic with CbB and to dive a little deeper in its core. That being said: You start to notice little things different working in other environments. With some DAWS closely mimicking analogue workflows and others hybrid leaving some strictly digital. So understanding the routing of multiple environments - like I've mentioned just now - helps with creativity in multiple routing scenarios in all genres. Like you've mentioned: understanding Pan Law and Pan Rules.
  3. Appreciate the feedback, but i'm not talking about how to create a Aux or setting up a patch point. The question is why dont the input change to mono? Heres what i'm talking about. 1: Insert TTS-1. 2: Choose the Stereo Piano preset. 3: Create and Audio Track. 4: Go to the Audio tracks Input, Cakewalk TTS-1 and choose the output 1 L and solo the track. Flip between L and S. Now the question is: why doesnt the input do this with the effects? Do the top steps with two mono tracks. Snare and a long Bass Note. Route the Bass Track to an Aux track. Create the Haas effect, insert a compressor and sidechain the snare to the compressor tweak the compressor to taste or aggressively if you cant hear the effect that well. Lastly put the send of the snare in Pre and -INF out its dB. Can you hear the ducking down the middle? I didn't get the mono bleed down the middle outside CbB with a console - its strictly "haas'd," because of having the option to sent the sends individually. Though to be fair, I don't know the studio's full setup, so there might be routing patches that are different to what I know.
  4. I'm not arguing things. The knowledge gaining from this might help another (especially newbies) to understand what happens under the hood to make better decision throughout their workflow.
  5. Not to argue here, but im well aware of how this works. Not the the point of the subject. Now you're on the right path on the subject. Hence to why I had asked the initial question. This is why I've asked this. So, and basically (again) is just two Audio Tracks in one track called an "Aux" and when setting the interleave to Mono it collapses the two, by placing one (either L or R channel) on top of the other? Meaning if you have just the slightest bleed into the right channel - that information will be added to your collapsed mono track? Then there's the input subject. My experience with an outboard insert patching board - this works straightforwardly. When patching a mono insert to a bus you get a clean (no boost in dB) mono input into an Aux on an outboard mixing console. Meaning: If I had a drum snare that was recorded on the left channel, the Left channel would be sent to the Aux Patch and be panned centered giving you a clean one-channel mono insert on an aux. In other words (please correct me if I'm wrong) with Cakewalk's pan law set at -3dB with the L-R channels collapsed (and when centered there's a -3dB volume different to balance things) it splits the two channels of one audio track (the duplicated audio track that creates the stereo output) internally and places its left channel down the center bringing the level back to 0dB (unity) causing the second channel (right channel) to sit on top down the center which then creates that +3dB boost?
  6. So, your inputs go from stereo to mono and vice-versa?
  7. This shouldnt only apply to changing the pan law every time in preferences. This should work perfectly in 0 centred pan law as well, when ever you match your levels. No so? Lol! Either way . . . This thread is not about "panning" its about the send inputs.
  8. I even did that too. It doesnt work here. Tried every available pan law. The audio is audible, but barely.
  9. Because the send does not create the input as it should its rather linked to the interleave and not the input. Whereby the interleave in the Input shouldve been linked? No? ? Am I incorrect?
  10. Yes, I have. Its why i created this thread. Audible.mp4
  11. When sending a mono (interleave) send to an Aux and you switch the Aux to mono and engage its phase invert button it doesnt cancel out entirely - as what it should. This means: The mono input on the Aux does not fully collapse the two channels into mono.
  12. Got it. ? There's plenty, but not from what it is and how it works- rather from its carrier. Not quite.
  13. So basically its just a locked duplicate channel thats panned L-R in Cakewalk that are being fed/patched into the Aux.
  14. I have been reporting this issue before and it fell on deaf ears. I'm well aware there's a small team though - and it is why i'm repoting this again. This happens in every project I do when doing cuts and cropping a file. It will line up a few measures and later in the TV it automatically happens again. It is so faint if you do not listen for it you wont notice it, but when you do - you'll pickup the timing issue. Check the video. Time.mp4 Time.mp4
  15. It is simple. Changing the Aux input of a send does not follow the rule of the input change. Switching the input between L/R/S bring no change to the strip. In my studio DAW: When doing a stereo send and change the input of the bus to mono - it creates a mono send.
  16. It is extremely important to know that you have to create a Bandlab Account and not mistakenly going to the old cakewalk.com website. Create one by click the orange link seen here https://www.bandlab.com Or . . . Go to the Help Tab in the DAW and click on Sign-in and create your account from there. If the in-app method fails (which often does and for some reason only accept the entry after three continuously attempts) go to the official website in the link above.
  17. Am I correct to assume that Cakewalks Audio, Aux and bus tracks are duplicates of one (the same) Audio Track within itself? This is noticable on sends and inserts. The input of a send does not correspond with that of a send.
  18. Cant this extra Outs that CbB creates when inserting mono instruments be removed by default? Cakewalk is the only DAW that does this and its ANNOYING every time! @#$%!
  19. This is highly incorrect. I have 4 USB mics and two 3.5mm jack mics that works 100% perfectly with CbB without the "Late recording" issue you're mentioning in my laptop with Asio4All with Windows 10. I have never had an issue with these mics. Shockingly some of these are in the same ballpark as my 2 phantom mics. I use the usb mics on preamps and for backing vocals sometimes even on drums because they sound much cleaner and fuller. Each frequency at 20hz - 20khz. Just two weeks ago I captured the room reverb of my kitchen with a $30 M800 and a no name $20 podcast mic both with a 3.5mm jack and used it in a track. The reverb came out sounding sweet like a "Vocal Room Plate."
  20. What David said. Also, you're putting an EQ after the limiter on an already "Mastered" track as you've said. So there are no ceiling to limit these spikes. Then of course: In order to use the pro channel EQ you have to engage the Pro Channnel, which is moduled after real console channels. So you will always have a slightly boost in +dB.
  21. Its pretty straight forward. You want to be on M:B:T Time Ruler.mp4
  22. I went through every tab and menu to look for this, but it does not seem like CbB has this feature - so here goes. Feature request to flip/mirror/tilt the automation that has been drawn in. The picture below shows a mistake on the second Automation Lane. It was suppose to "Mirror" the top lane. This could be maybe done by right clicking on the "desired/highlighted" nodes and choose to Mirror/Tilt/Flip. EXAMPLE: Flip.mp4 I know we can highlight only the bottom or top nodes and just drag them up or down to be mirrored/flipped/tilt, but the link that holds it together when doing this drag feature are not very reliable or strong. It sometimes jumps its own way and often grabbed the rest of the nodes too.
  23. Sounds like you're getting what is called dropouts. That being said: Do you get a little blue window in the right bottom corner when this happens?
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