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Glenn Stanton

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Everything posted by Glenn Stanton

  1. speaking of "drum machines" - they once stuck John Bonham out in the hall, he was banging on his kit while waiting to get pulled back into the main room, and the sound was so good, they left him there and then recorded "When The Levee Breaks"... 'nuff said about hallway reverb...
  2. yes for sure, however, Apple is still using the one button mouse lol ?
  3. the NSA was responsible for: Banking encryption, Google Search, Verisign PKI, Telephone monitoring, and perhaps BitCoin. EVERYTHING you do via phone, Internet, etc is being monitored. anywhere there are street cameras (including those stop-light camera ? are all monitoring people all the time. satellites bigger than Hubble have been in space pointed at Earth for 30+ years watching in multi-spectral ranges, picking up all radio signals, and likely all human heat signatures and thus related activity. none of silly TV re-tasking, there's a whole other set for zooming in... lol. you just have to ask yourself - since JFK, did we get better or worse at conspiracy?
  4. sounds like contention between mycloud and fileexplorer. if you disable/pause mycloud does it still happen?
  5. to be honest - i don't usually mess with any of the stock settings except to choose what to display in the track section ? but i don't see anything there that would be a potential change in how the horizontal scrolling operates.
  6. @Jeffrey @Teegarden there is an "EnablePluginMenuFix=1" item you can add to the initialization file under preferences. not sure this will fix the scrolling issue but it definitely fixed the heading in the inspector panel (which as noted a couple of times, had nothing to do with the theme as it was broken in build 141, fixed in 147, then broken again in 155). not sure why anyone would want the option 0 ("break my menu") but maybe there is something in screen layout that requires an adjustment. ?
  7. i use my wireless keyboard and mouse. video monitor is a 70" TV so it's pretty visible across the room. the keyboard and mouse can operate up about 30' (transceiver type, not BT).
  8. yeah i saw several of my themes had that warning (flat, minimalistic orange, etc) but when the developers updated them for 2021.04 and they're working fine. but for testing i switch between my normal custom theme and the default mercury theme.
  9. hmmm. maybe some WAV based samples would be useful? i use some very old soundfont version or these: http://www.compositiontoday.com/sound_bank/percussion/castanets.asp but they might not be of the right quality in a commercial project.
  10. cool thing is that was just their bar rig, their outdoor concert rig is much bigger ?
  11. the "larger" UMC units have their own Behringer ASIO driver (e.g. my UMC 1820 has the 4.59 version ASIO driver) and it works very well.
  12. agreed @Ben Staton - however, the theme is not, nor ever was, the issue. ? however "FixTheMenu" thingie does work. perhaps we can make that a permanent part of the code as i'm not sure many people want the "TheMenuIsBroken" option ? new screen shots in Mercury. as a note, the custom theme is just fine. before: after: UPDATE*** - build 170 does not have this issue, i removed the plugin fix in the INI and restarted. all good again.
  13. nothing special - i just install the update and look ? it was there in build 141, then gone in 147, and back in 155 - likely something got branched and then re-introduced...
  14. Hi @Ben Staton - i get this with the default Mercury or any other theme . i first encountered this in build 141, then in build 147 it was fixed. now it's back in build 155. i'm guessing some bit from a 141 branch got put back into the main build stream...
  15. looks like the inspector window sizing issue from 141 is back in 155. the inspector is overlapped by the multi dock. and if i undock the inspector, the maximize and drop down (for docking options) partially overlap the PC icon.
  16. hmmm. i haven't seen this one before. for me it's the opposite, i have a bunch of wav files - bounced, edit, record, etc and it takes a bit of effort to clean up when archiving a project. i haven't seen a situation where all the tracks all exist in a single wav file - except when you are viewing the "take lanes", all of those for a given track exist in a single wav file (whereas using "takes as tracks" create individual files).
  17. i like the Mp3Tag editor. lot's of features. freeware but also likes donations. ? https://www.mp3tag.de/en/index.html
  18. or worse, Computer Associates. Where all good software goes to die.™
  19. no, it's the default theme. i was using minimalistic orange but i switch out of it to make sure it wasn't a theme issue. as a note build 147 has corrected this issue but at the moment it's a separate download from the update notification in the CbB app (which is the 144 build).
  20. i routinely connect and disconnect from a large monitor and IO to do things in other places. it's an old Dell 3521 but it seems to handle the switching around reliably. i also use it to remote session into my desktop machine (an even older Dell 545) which generally stays connected to its monitor and IO devices. i also sync the cakewalk projects and content folders between them using Google Drive, and my studio design programs and work folders using OneDrive. so far all devices seem ok with all the permutations. a few important notes: no one except me is allowed on my machines. this avoids the "oh crap! i think i broke my laptop, can i use yours? oh crap! i broke your laptop too!" repeating disaster syndrome. thankfully everyone's phone is powerful enough to do their own work on the phone until i get around to repairing their laptop... ? there are no games (except solitaire) installed or played. updates on OS and apps are applied pretty regularly. _anything_ which even suggests misbehavior is uninstalled or rolled back ?
  21. like other UI, CRTL+Z to undo or CRTL+Y to redo, or on similar functions, repeat. hopefully CTRL+Y is not already used by something critical or annoying ?
  22. some feedback on the 144 build UI (the latest for "auto-update option) - it looks like the inspector width is skewed by the addition of the tempo track/map and or some other adjustments. the PC icon appears clipped in several views. i'm using the Mercury theme to ensure its the default there. i'll try the build 147 and see if its changed. never mind! build 147 fixes it.`
  23. yeah the UR22 is a nice one, i have a mkII which just is so clean and reliable.
  24. likely answer, someone didn't read the manual or search for answers before posting, then after waiting an eternity (10 mins or so) then decided to RTM or use a search engine (which shall remain nameless) to find the answer in another 2-5 min of "effort". after which their post for help is no longer relevant and thus cancelled via ghosting... ?
  25. just curious - this happens if you delete the track - settings get lost, then a new track to the virtual synth does not then re-establish the settings? or a crtl-z (undo) after deleting a track does not restore the settings?
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