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Everything posted by Kurre

  1. I've read somewhere that sometimes one can rename the extension "vst3" to "dll" and use it as a Vst 2. Have not tried it myself but shouldn't hurt to try. Either it work or it doesn't.
  2. Have you checked your systray? How many bandlab assistant icons do you see? More than one will cause trouble.
  3. Right-clicking on a plugin in the browser will give the option to put the plugin to a certain category/categorys. I have some that i marked for two or three categorys and they show up at every category they've been added to. Default should be no category selected and it goes to "uncategorized". Does the double plugin show in the filemanager where you start a manual scan?
  4. Only thing i can come up with is if you have a download folder for vst3 only. And that folder also got added to the scan path.
  5. In accordance to K.I.S.S i would not put any effects on the song. It sounds good as is.
  6. I can't help in this case. (This case supports my decision to not put a host into a host.)
  7. Have you tested TTS-1 synth and make the miditracks output go to it? I'm not sure what "...they play across tracks" means.
  8. Kurre

    Icons for templates

    Ok. The question was really about overwriting. It's ambiguous in the posts about start screen icons. Please overwrite a file by saving it with a new name.
  9. An epic song sung by 10.000 is a serious goosebump generator.
  10. Kurre

    Icons for templates

    I've also followed this template icon story. What i dont get is...saving with a new name? To overwrite a file you are forced to use the same name or else windows do not overwrite files. Do i open the template a third time after overwriting and rename it then?
  11. Are there any clues as to this being a paint software or a sample player. If a sample player, would it likely be a vst and au without the need of a kontaktplayer?
  12. Check the instruments settings. If it's on legato it only accepts one note play. It should be in poly mode for chords.
  13. The first thing i saw was - Try it out for free - the first thing i did was to close the tab.
  14. This woman have a nice set.
  15. If i put an x minute audiofile with 96khz in a new project and then saved as a project template. And then did the same with 44.1 and 48 khz. Making it three different project templates. Would that work? Then you could just mute or delete the khz-deciding audiofile at the start of a new project.
  16. It is obviously a personal taste thing. For me it's mostly slow tempo music. With song - Barbra Streisands "Mother" - posted earlier in "Listening" thread. Without song - THE MILITARY BAND OF THE ROYAL SCOTS DRAGOON GUARDS - AMAZING GRACE (1972) There's lots of versions but the original is still the best. https://youtu.be/KVjftQZ9jHA If you dislike bagpipes there will not be any goosebumps compared to me that like them and turns into a snivelling idiot with goosebumps each time i listen to them. ? I listened to Liquid Diamonds with Tori Amos and did not get goosebumps. I can tell you why. First that irritating cymbal that never stfu. And that loudness. I have my pc sound on 50% together with YT videosound also set to 50% and still it comes at me aggressively up in my face. I don't like that in people why would i like it in music?
  17. The videos meant nothing to clarify what the plugins actually do. I probably check it out a bit further in the future.
  18. I'm not sure about this but how about a project template?
  19. The voicerange is amazing. The backup music is ok. ...but i feel something is missing. I should get goosebumps and tears in my eyes, but doesn't feel a thing. Just acknowledge the technical perfection.
  20. The video was something like 27 minutes. And i almost missed the 5 second mention of obsession. I dozed of a little. ? I think there was a mention of procrastination at the end but i could have dreamed it. ? I really should do something more useful than looking at this screen. ? ......................maybe later..................
  21. Ok. You don't read and understand things. Have a good time in your own little cloud. I'm not going to discuss this further.
  22. I do have soft iLok. Sonivox and Airmusictech use it in a nice way. Sonivox was a bundle with 20 plugins and did not make me as irritated as Eventide. I got a notification that they had stopped using serials? There was a serial!? What it meaned in practice was that i had to jump thru hoops. More that before. I strongly rebuttal your innuendo of me being being whining without any cause. I hope that last sentence makes some meaning to those of you that are born with a knowledge of UK/US grammar.
  23. The swing setting is zeroed out when it's at 50%. Then it gives that it's bad if it's set at 0%. Just checking you know that. ?
  24. The step sequencer has a couple of "random" settings. Check those.
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