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Everything posted by Kurre

  1. USB Connectivity The Yamaha PSR-E403 has a true USB connection, so, there is no more messing with buying a MIDI to USB converter to connect to your PC or notebook. However, you will need to install the USB-MIDI driver that's bundled with the Accessory CD on your computer in order to communicate with your computer and keyboard, which, is a simple process.
  2. Eventide seems to also do its own negative iLok race. It was a PB freebie Quadravox that warned me to never buy anything from Eventide.
  3. Yes. Connect CAB M to your line in on the pc audio interface, if there is audio on your motherboard. Then record and listen. If you're ok with the quality of the sound you simply keep doing that until you come up with an extra income to buy an usb audio interface.
  4. Mine is also set at 0. If i was forced to set something i should probably not go under 30 minutes. That's the lowest i've gone in word, excel and other that has that function.
  5. Please say i'm wrong...but this suggests that you have to pay for bugfixes?? Nice company...not.
  6. I don't use this vst but had nothing else to do so... Are your subscription active? If not it's not usable. And this from support doesn't work? /// ARCADE Is Not Recording What I'm Playing in my DAW This could have to do with what you are using to input the notes you are playing in ARCADE.When using the mouse, the data isn't sent to your DAW as MIDI Note data and therefore won't be recorded into the timeline, so this may be the reason you don't see it.If you'd like to use your keyboard please make sure it's a MIDI keyboard with a USB cable that you can connect to your laptop. Then, it will automatically sync with ARCADE. So each Kit in ARCADE contains two octaves or 24 keys. These are spread out from the C2 to C4 range on your MIDI keyboard. To play and record a Loop, press one or more keys in the C2 to C4 range. Please make sure to play and record inside this range.If you don't have a MIDI keyboard, don't worry. You can still use your computer keyboard! ///
  7. @Alun Crewe @Nigel Mackay That's how it's supposed to look. Perhaps you made a joke? ?
  8. @Starship Krupa I couldn't decide which emoticon to use. It's sad but also funny the way you tell it. ?
  9. It could also be old drivers from an earlier audiointerface that interfere. Read up on how to clean your pc from old drivers.
  10. As it happen i just tested 2 new free synths. Solcito Musica Arido 3.33 Full Free VSTi Solcito Musica SuperSonico 7.45Full Free VSTi They are free. A donation is welcome but not a must. The sounds is common for a lot of synths and nothing special. They work perfectly ok but don't come close to such free synths like Surge, Odin2 and Vital. You're not going to miss these if you skip them.
  11. If this is a scenario with more than two tracks in the view/project i would drag the tracks from where they are to the top and then zoom in vertically so i did only see the two tracks i was interrested in.
  12. Seems there's a 50/50 chance of a functional plugin.
  13. Congrats! ? It was not your last night. ?
  14. I misunderstood switches on the back panel of my Tascam US-16x08. On the side of the input there's a switch marked -10db and 4db. I thought it had to do with volume levels as you can see in the daw meters. Meaning that 4db was something that raised the level of incoming audio, that it would be higher in some way. It turned out that it has to do with the sort of audio equipment you are connecting to those inputs. Professional equipment have higher audio levels compared to products for home use so the 4db indicates that you should use this for higher audio level products and the -10db is what you should use for lower audio levels as you find in consumer products.
  15. I don't like this deleting of subtones and overtones. The end result is then a false representation. (Even if you can't hear it.) And to delete anything lower than 150 or 250 hz? "From wikipedia: The voiced speech of a typical adult male will have a fundamental frequency from 85 to 180 Hz, and that of a typical adult female from 165 to 255 Hz. Thus, the fundamental frequency of most speech falls below the bottom of the voice frequency band as defined above." Female Singer Type: SOPRANO/C4 - C6 (261-1047 Hz) MEZZO-SOPRANO/A3 - A5 (220 - 880 Hz) ALTO/G3 - G5 (196 - 784 Hz) CONTRALTO/F3 - F5 (174 - 698 Hz) Male Singer Type: COUNTERTENOR/E3 - E5 (164 - 659 Hz) TENOR/C3 - C5 (130 - 523 Hz) BARITONE/G2 - G4 (98 - 392 Hz) BASS/E2 - E4 (82 - 329 Hz) Explain yourself, please.
  16. @Starship Krupa It was worth the money for me. Xpand2 have good sounding samples to make new presets with. Most of them is inviting you to play them and have fun. Very playable. Very few is unusable. Maybe 10%. An example of a bad preset for me is; a good sound but with a single sound that comes when you let go off the key/s and sustains forever until you press a key again. There was a couple of those. Off course it could be a midi cc thing in my setup but i don't think so. Arppads and rhypads where most fun. I also like when there is different sound on different parts of the keyboard. That's new to me but i think i got the hang of it.
  17. @Terry Kelley My Subzero szcommandkey49 can change program on xpand2. When i push the program button the first control knob steps thru the programs in that bank. Up or down. I just found out by testing. This commandkey is an early christmas present to myself and i havn't read the manual yet.
  18. Could you have some unusual keyboard layout? If i select three different plugins in three different places in the uncategorized list by ctrl-clicking them and rightclick on the last one and select a category, in this case synth cat, and click OK. It moves them to the synth category list. Alt+0 (zero) always pulls up the virtual controller. I've tested with highlighting audio, then midi and then synth track. All ok. With the synth gui highlighted it also worked ok.
  19. I loved the first 9 minutes of the Slovak Suite. But then there where more when i was expecting it to end. ? I'm obviously damaged by modern times instant satisfaction and lack of patience. Sorrryy...
  20. It was a year ago but i think i had to move the licences to the cloud and then select device to install the plugins and then the licenses. I hit a snafu. Waves on usb didn't work ok on windows 7. Windows 10 is ok but sadly it's on the laptop that i seldom use for different reasons. ?
  21. Opzilla is a fm synth from 2getheraudio. You decide yourself what to pay for it. There's a slider for the payment amount. I have not tested it but some KVR users have and they seem to like it. https://www.2getheraudio.com/instruments/opzilla
  22. Maybe an interference problem? Shorter cables is less prone to pick it up.
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