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Everything posted by Kurre

  1. I thought about something like this. This is about single notes but maybe would be possible to adapt to a chord.
  2. Am i missing something here? It doesn't say it's live performance so why not record the midi. Then in prv select the G chord and move it up or down.
  3. I took a look at the ebook offer. The deal is good and i thought of buying it. However: This is the fourth time i get this shit with payment by creditcard/giftcard only. I don't give out my card data. Ever. That's between me and my local bank. No deviation from that. Not even PayPal. I fill up the account by one time moneytransfer. Two of them said PayPal was ok but they demanded PP to give them creditcard data. There was no way to pay directly from the account. That's sick, to refuse my money. If the companies go bankrupt they can't blame me. I tried to give them my money.
  4. Sorry. I have not tried to do it myself with cakewalk. There's audio, text and video in the daw. I drew the wrong conclusion. ⬆️↗️➡️↘️⬇️↙️⬅️↖️
  5. Maybe it could work somehow if you follow the procedures to make a karaoke file.
  6. Do you know if this is specific to waves version 12 or does it apply to earlier versions as well?
  7. When i come to think of Telstar. This nearly always come to mind. ?
  8. I grew up with an older sister. There was vinyl singles with Roy Orbison, Bobby Vinton and crooners. When i stumbled upon this at my cousins. WOW.
  9. Ok. Last thing before lockdown. Mental health problem does not make a person stupid. Mental health problem does not make somebody to a nice person. If a person gets a chance to take advantage of a situation it will happen in x% of cases.
  10. @Jeslan Yes, that is how it should be in a perfect world. It would be nice if everybody cared about every one else. We wouldn't have homeless people, old people dieing in pandemis, people that was not cared for when child and goes on to rob and steal and aggravated assault. But when you come out of your dream to the real world...
  11. It would be very hard to raise it. You need to make an extension. A rod of metal the same diameter as the existing one. It can't be copper or aluminium. they are not magnetic. The bit can't be glued directly to the existing bit beause the magnetic flow would suffer, it has to be fixated to the housing. It's important to have the contact point between the two pieces absolutely flat and tight for best magnetic flow.
  12. So...if you have a mental health problem you get a freecard to do what shit you want without repercussion? Not in my book. Maybe in the book of softys. (And no i would not sue him. The amount of money do not justify that. Plus i'm not an American.)
  13. 1. Wusik JP99. VA Synth 2. Wusik Prototype. VA Synth Creator 3. Wusik PR82. Performance Product 4. Wusik DR7. Drum Pads Sample Player 5. Wusik SEQ1. Wavesequencer Synth 6. Wusik PWM 7. Wusik ARP+ 8. Wusik MOD800 That was promised to be developed and was included in the group buy december 2019. It was written that they would be developed under the year 2020. We still wait for those. The question is how long do you have to wait before you can sue him. There's no problem proving his promises. He gave them in writing. And have taken the money for the items. As long as he's not hospitalised, mental health should not be an alibi.
  14. Kurre

    Microsoft Edge

    As long as the "single sign on" is one of two or more alternatives to authorize CbB i can take the edge thing.
  15. Yup. It's fun. I tweeked a blues preset to sound like a zztop creation. Also in the blues presets there's the wahwah thing. If i had record that gig with me moving the wah handle to the beat i'll bet noone could think robotic.
  16. It's in my pricerange so i bought it yesterday. The robotic thing should be better with a little humanizing of the midinotes.
  17. Win7 and 8 has the ability to make an image of themselfs. Does windows 10 not have that?
  18. Blocked download in property is an irritating thing. There's ways to avoid that. https://thegeekpage.com/disable-blocking-of-downloading-files-in-windows-10/ I used the Group Policy Editor way in my win7pro 32-bit and it works. All downloaded files after that is block free. I had dl'ed 1500 Band in a box user songs and i gave up trying to manually unblock every one. Further investigations lead to Group Policy and further testing of the already downloaded files gave a solution, Take all the files that you need to unblock and zip them. Then unblock the zip-file. When you unzip it the files no longer have the block in them.
  19. Please, focus on facts not taste. I use win7 and it don't have the Edge browser. Does the edgewebview file need the Edge browser installed on the pc? Could the Bandlab assistant work fine without the above mentioned files?
  20. You're right. It's an extra tab in the inspector in the gif. Don't know why it's there.
  21. Aha, that rings a bell. I think it was a plugin developer i got it from. Because he suggested to do that if there was problem with the vst3. He then obviously had made it with two api's. Ok, good to know. One thing less to test. I had probably done a test myself if it weren't for this new info. The developer never explained the double api thing.
  22. @Mr. Torture The sampling rate is set too high?
  23. The gif picture has the left edge of the track window misaligned. I think it is the track window that misbehaves.
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