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  1. I don't see it as a deal. I see the same price for the same number of software it always been. The synth plus TWO voices would be a deal.
  2. In the search box upper right. I wrote HOOK and selected the members option. It opened what you see in the pic. Can you see that text in the red circle? Click on the blue text "find content". That opens a new page with info about the user HOOK and all of his postings. PS. The usefulness relies upon you knowing your other username and you've not pissed off the forum moderators so they deleted the user. The post history never disappears because of user absence.
  3. You can search for members. Do that for your other forum name. Click "find content" and all the posts for that username is shown. 👋
  4. The bass player was one of my favorite musicians. 👍
  5. Yea, i get that impression myself. But that would mean single libraries is useless. Why this deal on single libraries then? I don't get it.🤔
  6. Sitala, the free one, is still available at: https://plugins4free.com/plugin/2912/ Maybe write what sort of sampler you're looking for. Sitala is basicly a player of samples. TX16Wx is more advanced and more of an editor of samples.
  7. The free Paralogy is simulating the paraphonic Crumar Trilogy and Stratus keyboards from the early 1980s. https://www.fullbucket.de/music/paralogy.html
  8. Is that list in the "input or output menu" ? I vaguely remember a bug i found years ago where it didn't clean up the items in the input or output menu of the miditrack, despite they was removed and never used again. It kept on adding VSTi's and never deleted them. It probably never was fixed.
  9. Ok. instead of guessing what the topic starter mean i'll describe what i do. And as him i don't use the synth rack. Starting a new project with a couple of audio tracks and a couple of midi tracks. From the plugin tab of cakewalks browser i'll drag and drop a VSTi to a midi track and make a note pattern for it in the prv. Then save the project and as it is the first save i name the project and put it in the default project folder. I'll do another midi track with VSTi number 2 and it's pattern and do a save. Now the relevant part: I'm not happy with number2 and want to replace it with another VSTi. I move the note pattern to an empty midi track and delete the number 2 track and do a save. DragnDrop VSTi number 3, route number 2's pattern to it and find out it's no good. I delete the number 3 track and make a save. And so on.. A VSTi need a track. If i want it gone i delete the track with the VSTi in it. Never any problem. You don't have to reuse tracks, there are plenty of them to go.👍
  10. My thoughts is about how plugin names still can be associated with a project after being removed and the project saved after that. After checking up, it should be "save a copy as" which direct you to a new folder or "save as" to a new folder. Use the default "Copy all audio with Project", a new Audio sub-directory is created with a copy of only the audio files currently used in the project ( if you don't have this checked, the copied wav files will go in your Global Audio Folder ). The thing here is the audio. From an msmcleod post: Maybe the audio produced by a plugin, which now are left there in the audio folder, has some link to the plugin name? As they are not currently used they and their link would be gone. . I hope i'm right about this because i can't come up with any other logical solution.🙂
  11. This is not a situation i've experienced but i would think that "save as" would save only the things that is in the tracks at the moment of saving. Thus clean the project from deleted plugins.
  12. I expect an apology from you. As ptheisen proved, you complained about me when in fact it was me that talked about the right FP30.
  13. The description says it has an earphone output. I would get a cable that fits between this and the microphone input on the pc. I think the audio level would work.
  14. It's ok in my Sonar. Took some time to update/install productcenter. And login to Bandlab. And update/install Sonar. And update/install THU. And, while at it, update/install Next. And of course login to Bandlab when Sonar opens. 🥲
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