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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. I've seen small developers who clearly don't manage their businesses very well from what is easily observable attempt to scapegoat piracy, competitors, partners, the economy, staff and now the pandemic for poor sales. It's clear this developer is in denial about his business' quality problems and its reputation for problematic plugins. He's been doing these kind of pleas for charity long before the pandemic. There are lots of worthy causes that can desperately use our help. I can recommend some. I advise one pro bono that provides mobility equipment at no cost to low income families with children with disabilities that can use your help if you want to help someone else; they are a very wothy cause and there are many very worhy charities helping those in need that can really use our help. But I don't think supporting a for profit business as if it's a charity when you can find a mebtion of them always results in people sharing their bad experiences they've had with their plugins and support. Wusik clearly has a less than stellar reputation. Consequently, I don't think treating a for profit business as a charity is a wise use of funds and I don't think it will fix the true underlying causes of the poor sales.
  2. I was going to do that but discovered for some unknown reason I didn't get a monthly loyalty voucher. I don't recall that happening in the past and I know I purchased something from PA 2 or 3 months ago. Has anyone else not received their loyalty voucher? Maybe I should see if their support will work things out. I think I'd like to pick this plugin up.
  3. Wow, this is a very imaginative and trippy track! Very cool!
  4. I thnk you have a nice tune. Yes, the guys are right about the timing issue on the drums. I think that once you work out the timing issues, there there is a whole lot to like about this song. Keep it up!
  5. I've never heard anything from you that wasn't excellently written, performed and sung. You have serious talent at the level of the great singer/songwriters that came out of the 70s (Harry Chapin, Harry Nillson, James Taylor, etc.). I LOVE that era of artists and I'm guessing those are some of your influences and a lot of talented singer/songwriters have those same influences, but they can't create art with authenticity at the same level as their influences and you clearly can and that is extremely rare. In a just world, you'd be selling millions of records. I'm sincerely surprised that you're even posting here and it kind of bothers me that someone with your talent isn't a major international act. Hopefully, someday soon that will change. Anyhow, my late mother, a very talented musician and music teacher, told me when I was a young musician just starting to get work, that when I play with or hear musicians that are deeply talented, whose playing or music really moves me to always let them know my appreciation, don't let it go unspoken because that feedback can be deeply meaningful and motivational. So, with that in mind, I wanted to not hold back my real thoughts on your work. I wish you the success you deserve. Great work.
  6. Excellent work! Kudos.
  7. PavlovsCat


    If there was a LOVE instead of LIKE button, I would have used it. Excellent song and playing. Being a drummer, I loved that Bernie Purdie-ish shuffle. But everything about this sounded great and professional. It's stuff like this that makes me embarrassed about putting anything up (I'm a former semi pro who could once play well 20+ yrs ago who now has tendinitis and can barely play at all, but I still have a great appreciation for great players and you and the rest of the band are absolutely great players)! Dead serious. This is just killer. From my days of playing, I sense I'm listening to a group of well-trained players who were college music majors. I'd love to hear more about you and the others on this collaboration because this is just top level stuff that's right up my alley. I've been a huge jazz fan since I was a kid and there are elements reminiscent of the Yellow Jackets, maybe Scofield, etc. -- all artists I love and it's played at a level that if I heard this band playing somewhere, I'd be there until the end of the night and getting your CD and asking about your upcoming shows.
  8. Thanks! I love Faith No More! Although I didn't think I rocked that hard (although I 'd love to, I didn't think it would fit this rap). I never collaborated on any hip hop stuff before. But as a drummer, I mainly played rock, but ventured into playing a lot of different styles with various bands over the two decades I played. But I really enjoyed the rap and it inspired me and I just improvised with it. I'm really glad you liked it and appreciate the kind words.
  9. Thanks for posting that, as you know, I've been impressed with your tracks and personally, I still am just figuring out the basics of mixing and read the copy in Larry's post suspecting they might be overselling this plugin. It's great to know that's not the case. I'll research this over the weekend and maybe have time to demo it.
  10. Thanks so much! I used to be a working musician (okay, even though I play muiltiple indstruments, I played drums professionally; my late musician/music teacher mother always said, "Drummers aren't musicians, you're only a musician because you play a piano and organ," so I do feel a little guilty everytime I say I was a working musician!), but had a repetitive stress injury and stopped playing until 20+ years later the pandemic inspired me to attempt to play music again. So 20+ years without practice and only being able to play for, at most, several minutes before I'm in pain and have to stop keeps me from being a live musician again. Imagine the shows --"Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed that song, sorry for screaming in pain near the end. I'll be back to play the next in an hour!" So yeah, I sincerely didn't even know if I would be able to play a full song until a few years ago. Doing any collaboration is fun and hearing feedback like yours is so encouraging, I can't even begin to describe how nice it is to see your comments! Thanks, so much! Every time I play, the old me -- who was a perfectionist -- hears my bland, pedestrian playing, comparing it to pre-injury me when I was obsessively practicing my instrument and could play, pretty much whatever popped into my head, and thinks, this is terrible! So, even a small amount of encouragement means a lot. Sorry, that's a major overshare. But it's honest. Thanks, you made my day. I actually was looking for reactions and tips before sending this over to my son, who is away at college and is a big hip hop fan. I think it will blow his mind to hear that his dad, an old rocker, did a hip hop track! You just gave me the confidence to send it to him!
  11. Haha! I would have guessed there would have been other instruments before they got to a ukulele, like a Dobro/resonator guitar, Don't get me wrong, ukuleles are a lot of fun. But I don't think too many DAW users under 50 are going to purchase this. There are a lot of other guitars that I'm confident would sell better. But for loop-based players, I think Session Guitarist line is the best on the market (Fleer seems to have come to the same conclusion based on his recent post about Impact Soundworks' guitar strum loop library). They really did a good job of creating a really simple loop player with lots of presets and more options than most loop players give you. Compare it to UJAM, and I think the Session Guitarist line is so far superior it seems unfair to compare the two.
  12. A rapper named Cole the VII shared his acapella track called "Back in Time" for others to use to do what they liked with. I put his track into my DAW with a click track and started improvising with it. Twenty-four tracks later, this is the result. I think it turned out pretty well. So Cole did the acapella rap and I composed and played all of the music you hear, live (well, one track at a time). I'd love to get thoughts on the track, where you think my improvised parts work and where you think they don't and your advice on how to make a better mix. I have this track on private, so I'm not sharing this beyond with Cole and some musician friends. I did have a blast making it, but as I wrote, it's improvised and in a day or so, I may want to tweak some of the parts and it'd be valuable to hear from folks what parts they like and what they don't like. My timing isn't perfect. This isn't a heavily quantized song, in fact, a lot of my tracks feature no quantization, so some of the timing isn't perfect. If you find any of the timing is so off it bothers you, please share it and I'll redo that part. I basically kept things as they were because I had a vibe going and I thought quantizing things would destroy the feel. Thanks, Peter
  13. You and jngnz got my attention with the TAL plugins, I remember their freebies from ages ago, but candidly, I've largely forgotten about them over the years. What TAL plugins do you guys recommend checking out? And I realize that it appears that the current sale prices aren't working. I just wanted to check into them. Candidly, I do find it amusing how much jngnz doesn't hold back when he finds a plugin or library that misses the mark. Savage! Subsequently, when I see him praise something, I take note. Because he's not someone who showers cheap or empty praise on products. I seriously wish he was an influencer with that kind of unedited honesty. But developers would likely get together and put a hit on him. Dead serious, most would not offer him free product and they certainly wouldn't sponsor his channel because this is someone who is likely going to tell the truth and not hold back.
  14. Yeah, I realize that. But I don't get any joy from using parts that other people created, so I don't, for the most part, use loops or MIDI. On the rare occasions, I will use loops it will be for a non-essential part of song. I will often MIDI for drumbeats, especially when I am struggling to hear a click track (I have a significant hearing loss) But my thinking is, for better or worse -- and I'm not knocking anyone else's preferences, just sharing mine -- I don't want to use parts someone else played or programmed unless it's another musician I'm working with. Because what I enjoy so greatly about playing/making music and what I miss so greatly about music is playing with other musicians and being able to play exactly what I hear in my head fluently. So I can't do either of the latter, but I still want to create music. I still enjoy doing that, even when I can't play very well. Using parts that someone else played -- unless it's someone I'm actually collaborating with -- is like the difference between creating a painting starting out with a blank canvas or using a connect-the-dots kit. While the quality of the connect-the-dots painting may look far superior to what you can do on your own with a blank canvas, it's not really yours, it's someone else's work. Even if my playing is terrible -- and I'd say most of the stuff I share isn't terrible, but very pedestrian playing, sometimes with shakey timing due to a combination of tendinitis and being long out of practice -- I still get the sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that I created that. And it has motivated me to push myself to get better. Granted, I'm definitely not saying I am or will ever be a good player again -- and don't think, barring a miracle or some fantastic surgery (I do have a surgeon my doctor recommended that I need to schedule an appt with) and then I'd still need tons of practice -- but I'm playing better than I did 3 years ago when I first attempted to play again. To all of you other kids out there with challenges, keep at it!* Okay, that's my TMI post of the day. * I use the term kids tongue-in-cheek. I'm not even sure anyone under 40 even occasionally visits this forum!
  15. Well, if you decide you want to resell the stuff you're upgrading from, let me know! I just made a couple of purchases at Knobcloud that were really good deals. I don't think I've purchased -- or sold -- a second-hand sample library before that. But that name -- KnobCloud?! Seriously? The siteowner posted about it on VI Control and was aware of the slang meaning of the word. I'm thinking I should be clearing my browser history after visiting that site! Otherwise, someday after I pass on and my family's going through my stuff, I could just imagine my wife and kids seeing my browser history and a conversation that goes something like this: "Hmm...Dad spent some serious time at a site called 'KnobCloud.' Who would have guessed? Apparently, there was a side of dad we never really knew."
  16. Yeah, I definitely can relate, Lionel. I'm trying to limit my spending -- and doing pretty well at it (not perfect, but pretty good!). IK's B3 plugin that was recently on sale sounds really good and I somehow let it go and will let this one go too. I suppose -- depressing as this sounds -- I sometimes rationalize that as much as I love this stuff, I really have no physical ability to play any of this stuff very well (due to tendinitis and 20+ years of not playing combined), so that -- sometimes -- helps me to reign in my some of my gear acquisition syndrome. Although I am in love with the sound of a B3 and other organs and took organ lessons as a kid (my mother and eldest sister were both music teachers and we had lots of musical instruments in the house, including an organ -- unfortunately not a B3 though -- but we had a Leslie speaker and a Wurli. Hence, I have a great fondness for those sounds.
  17. I was considering this too and looked that up for both of us @Lionel. According to the Music Software Deals website, this is tied for the lowest price they have among the retailers they monitor. The lowest price they have found for it was from Audiodeluxe back in March 3, 2022 when they were selling UVI Retro Organ Suite for $59 USD.
  18. I bought the 1969 Legacy Piano earlier this year. I also own the 1971 grand piano. In my experience, where SoundPaint shines is in the ability to create your own patches/programs.
  19. I am contemplating picking this up although I already own several good saturators. I hope Drumstrip goes on sale again soon. I should have picked it up last big sale. A friend of mine, who really knows his about mixing (as compared to me who really doesn't), recommended I pick it up in the last sale, but I thought that it might be over my head at the time.
  20. I own MTron Pro, UVI Mello, Sonic Reality's Mellotron KONTAKT library (which I think are the same libraries used for the Mellotron from Dave Kerzner's Mellotron, Chamberlain, etc.) and a bunch of other Tron sample libraries. I owned the first SampleTron and loved it but now that I have MTron Pro and all the other stuff, I thought this would just be duplicating what I already own. Then again, this is pretty cheap and there seems to be some additional string libraries in it. Can anyone either talk me down or help push me over the edge to get this? There are a couple of types of sample libraries and plugins that I am a sucker for -- pianos, guitars, Wurlies, acoustic drums, cellos, celestes, glockenspiels and Tron libraries and plugins. Also, do our JAM POINTS -- or whatever they're called -- work on these deals? I have a few hundred sitting around and I suppose I can feel like I got a super deal with this sale and the jam points combined.
  21. In the future, @Fleer,considering that you seem to own every KONTAKT library ever made and I value your opinions, I'll just PM you for your thoughts prior to making a purchase! (Kidding. Well, kind of....) I used to think I was among the biggest sample library hoarders around, but your collection is so far beyond mine, it seems that you already own every sample library I've considered over the past few years and a bunch that are way beyond my budget! It's always good to know someone worse than ourselves, isn't it? So I'll always have you and I think the only person with more libraries and plugins than you (or anyone on the planet) would have to be Bapu! Nobody can top him.
  22. @Fleer How do you find Strum Designer compares with the other loop-based guitar strum libraries like NI's Session Guitarist line, the UJAM line or Wavesfactory's Strum? I'm hoping the next version of Evolution will make the strumming engine dead simple so that those who don't care about creating their own strumming patterns can just go right in and choose from a much larger (than the current version) selection of presets, but nothing is currently as easy as these loop-based strum players when you're good with using loops with no possibility of customization. The ideal, IMO, is to have tons of ready to go usable presets and to be able to customize those patterns, which of course, isn't possible with the loop-based libraries. At least no one has figured it out yet. So single note, non loop players still offer the greatest flexibility, of course. I've been giving input into the next round of Evolution and my expectation is that the next version will accomplish that. But for now, nothing's as dead simple as using loops. But creatively, I always have my own ideas and want to customize patterns and also, I want to take ownership of the parts and not just use stuff played by other people-- loops are convenient, but they're not you playing to the degree hiting a note triggering a sample of a note is. And that is important to me too.
  23. I own the 8Dio, KONTAKT version of this, but this is the kind of library that I think SoundPaint will do very well with because of this type of instrument being much less complex to sample (with regard to articulations and scripting) than a guitar or string library or, for some reason, piano libraries (I don't find SoundPaint is anywhere close to KONTAKT's sound quality or the better scripted libraries). SoundPaint's engine is really good for programming and sound design, IMO, it is not today at KONTAKT's level (again, just my opinion and, of course, in the future, all of this could change) in terms of realism for complex, acoustic based sample libraries. You could manipulate the sounds in all different manners, use the arpeggiator, layer it with other libraries with the straight sound or use a bunch of effects with another library. Even though I own the 8Dio version for KONTAKT, I'll probably still buy this just for those reasons. The Glass Marimba library is a really lovely sounding instrument, but I'm not sure about the keyboardist -- who is an immensely better keyboardist than me (I've seem him play piano in other videos and he's very talented), in the video playing the library in the video embeded in the page is playing the Glass Marimba library as if it's an electric piano. It's a marimba, and while its sound is a bit like a reeds based electric piano, it falls just a little short of sounding exactly like an electric piano, so it sounds not quite right to my ears to play it like an electric piano and I think it's a missed opportunity to present this library in the best light. I think it needs to be played less like a piano and more imitative of an instrument one plays with mallets (e.g., a marimba, vibraphone, glockenspiel, xylophone, etc ). It's like people playing guitar sample libraries or glockenspiel libraries just like it's a piano. But if you can get beyond that, you can hear that it's a really nice sounding library that's really inexpensive. If anyone seeing this thread has never bought a paid SoundPaint library before you can send Larry (or me or any SoundPaint customer; I suggest Larry first because he spends a ton of time, more than anyone else, keeping the deals forum full of deals; he is the forum's GOAT) a PM as they give their customers a referral code that gives others $15 USD off their first purchase, so you can get this free, but I think you have to spend a minimum of $20 USD, so you can pick up this and another $10 USD library for 5 bucks.
  24. Yeah, you're really not all that scary or mischievous for "the devil,' to be honest. You really need to step it up. But no, I'm good with cat, because, I have done some jazz and played in a band with a horn section with a bunch of jazz players where every practice and gig, everyone was a cat. I liked it! But it was like traveling to a different era in time. But fun.
  25. @cclarry I don't recall, but is Studio One the DAW that you're using these days? If Cakwalk moves to subscription only, I'm going to upgrade my Studio One Pro 3 to the latest version. Although I have dozens of projects finished and unfinished in Cakewalk that would be an absolute pain to convert -- and I've read up on that process and it does not look fun. Maybe you've done it in the past?
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