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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Hahaha! I wish their 200A was available on its own instead of only available with a Rhodes. I own around a dozen commercial sample libraries of the the 200A or another model that sounds pretty close. There are still two 200A sample libraries I drool over. The one from Skybox and the student version of the 200A from AcousticSamples (which uses UVI, which I really don't care for). FTR, I grew up with a Wurli in our house and my mother worked for Wurlitzer as a piano and organ teacher. I fell in love with it as a little kid.
  2. Their sample library of the Wurlitzer 145B is absolutely gorgeous and a great deal. I only learned of it from two forum members here who persuaded me to check it out after I did a thread about my love of Wurlis. It's the only library I have from this developer, but everything about it is top notch. Highly recommended.
  3. Yep. I think you're right. I bought some of this developer's libraries a couple of years ago. They're okay. But I thought the developer was really nice. I sent him a link to a YouTube video I came across when I was researching his piano library where a pirate was sharing a free download. He sent me back his ukulele library as thanks. I felt and still feel guilty to take something just for doing the right thing. But at least I can share the nice gesture he did. I think his ukulele library is a lot of fun and I would recommend picking up his freebies. They're not deep sampled, super high end libraries, but they're priced accordingly. Be advised that they're based in Russia, so some credit companies do not do transactions due to protesting Russia's war on Ukraine and human rights abuses.
  4. Thanks for sharing that story. The developer has done this same deal many times and I've seen a lot of posts in this forum from people sharing they've had problems with his plugins and didn't get support. I think he's commonly sold all of his plugins for $19 USD. My guess is that he's now worked out a deal with an influencer to kickback $5 USD in return for his promotion. But from the fact that I've seen so many posts like yours, I think people should proceed with caution with this developer.
  5. Deputi Sounds is offering DP-06+ drum machine for the free Kontakt Player as a free download for a limited time (reg. $79). It's a 606 library. The demos sound pretty good on my phone. I've never heard of this dev before. It was posted in a Facebook group that I'm in. https://deputisounds.com/products/dp-06
  6. I saw ads for this on Facebook and even registered for it last night. Good thing I have you guys and your IT and developer expertise to check this out before I ended up spending an hour in frustration. Thanks everyone, you posts were very informative.
  7. David is a talented sample developer who's done work for a lot of popular KONTAKT developers over the years. I'm a customer of his Xtant Audio line of KONTAKT sample libraries. It has some very nice libraries that are priced pretty low. I've had a number of emails with him and found him to be a really helpful, kind and friendly person.
  8. I actually tried to listen on my phone but their web page doesn't show audio or video so I can't check it out. I've done some savage reviews. I think all that matters is that we're being honest. Just curious are you a jazz musician that's using this for final productions or for demos or arranging? If I was still able to play professionally, I think I'd mostly use sample libraries for sketching out ideas/arrangements/demos and have real musicians record the final production. I mostly played rock professionally, but did a couple of jazz gigs and absolutely love jazz.
  9. That is the most savage jazz tuba sample library review I've ever seen. * * That's also the first jazz tuba library I've ever seen.
  10. I would play this stuff, but tendinitis stops me. Even so, I send over emails to my son to play, so thanks Lamia6!
  11. Yan, this is Larry. If anyone deserves to never be told when he repeats a sales thread, it's Larry!!!! Larry posted the same SampleTekk thread I posted the prior day, but it would be profoundly offensive if I pointed that out!!! I did the right thing. I liked his post and shut up! Because Larry is the GOAT.
  12. Earlier this month, a friend named Cory Pelizzari took his life. We became friends around a year ago, after I came across his YouTube channel and shot him an email to let him know how much I respected him. I referred to Cory as "my favorite YouTuber" or "the only influencer I respect" in numerous posts at this forum. I'm a marketing professional and the reality is, I don't have much respect for most influencers. It's a shilling business. They're just the latest version of infomercial pitchmen that are promoting products and their grift is persuading you they're unbiased while the brands they promote give them free products, buy sponsorships, pay them affiliate marketing money and/or good old fashioned cash. Their common MO is to find some minor criticism to create the appearance of objectivity -- but nothing that's a dealbreaker, because if they did have a major criticism of the product they're fake reviewing, it would ruin their relationship with the brand, or in this case, developer whose products they're "reviewing." But Cory was the exception to the rule. He would tell you if a library had a huge, show-stopping problem. He would tell you that he thought a developer didn't care enough to fix issues with their libraries after he told them about an issue. Consequently, Cory caught my attention and earned my respect. We developed a very deep friendship over the time we came to know one another. Though I'm much older, he referred to us as "brothers." Cory was much more than a YouTube influencer. He was a wonderful person, most of all. He was a courageous man who publicly shared that he had a mental illness in the hopes he could help reduce the stigma around mental illness. He was also a very talented musician and composer. Since I learned of his passing, I've been listening to his music, I'm sorry to say, I'm listening to it a lot more than I ever did when Cory was still with us and I'm hearing songs of his that I haven't heard before. And I just wanted to share some of his music with others. I wish I did this when Cory was still with us. But I'm asking if maybe you might consider taking a few minutes and listen to one of this man's songs. He wrote and performed this song in 2015 and I'm one of the only two people who gave it a like on SoundCloud and I just think that's a shame for how beautiful it is. I suppose my intent in posting this is that I want others to know more of Cory, of his talent and the man I got to know that the world just lost, because I think he was someone very special.
  13. Yep, that's a complete no-brainer for anyone who doesn't already have this synth.
  14. Piano in Blue is magic to my ears. I hear the demos and think, how the F did they get it so close to that Kind of Blue vibe. No doubt, there's a ton of nostalgia to that sound for a lot of us. Keyboard in Blue didn't really have any of that kind of vibe to my ears. I thought it might have the same tape, preamp and effects sound to it. It really doesn't come across in the demos. It sounds very nice, but not fitting of the "In Blue" branding.
  15. Well, as I mentioned, they can do a lot of surgerical work to fix bad notes, wavering notes, etc. And I own and use Melodyne's flagship product. But, for example, it can't take an uninspired vocal and make it sound inspired. It can't make a soulful run out of a tonal mess. AI can. At least, it potentially can do that.
  16. That's another vocalist singing your parts. It simply takes the notes you've sung and substitutes them with notes the AI voice sang. Which is very cool, but I'm interested in having the AI optimize your voice, not replace it. That would be much more work.
  17. Update, it sounds very nice, not amazing or even treated in any way that gives me that Piano in Blue vibe, which is what I was expecting. It's tone/sound reminds me of Fracture Sounds Blueprint Electric Keys -- which is free and incredible, IMO, everyone should pick it up (and no, I don't know the developer and never actually purchased anything from them yet, but they're definitely on my watch list after picking up two excellent free KONTAKT libraries) -- but Electric Keys sounds far better to my ears.
  18. I'm on my phone and I couldn't get the audio files to play. But the description for Keyboard in Blue sounds irresistible to me. I must hear it ASAP! Piano in Blue is an amazing sounding piano library to my ears. The fact that they referenced that in the name --- my expectations are through the roof. This could be a let down. What do those of you who've heard the demos think? Im getting a coffee and will check it out in several minutes.
  19. Dead serious, I would love an AI tool that processes a solo vocals, kind of like an AI Melodyne on steroids, to give you the best possible version of your voice. That transforms someone with a mediocre or below average voice into the best version while still maintaining the identifiable tonal characteristics of the user's voice. If a developer could do that well, I'd be an investor. Imagine, for those of us that don't have great voices, if you could take characteristics of singers you love and apply them to your original vocal performance. I suspect it would be a great seller.
  20. @satya are you a drummer? Piano is my first instrument, but professionally, I was a drummer.
  21. The whole resentment on sales pricing is exactly why I always recommend that developers have price guarantees so if a price goes lower after you buy (within 30 or 60 days), they'll refund the difference or credit it to your account. That way customers won't hesitate to buy when they're concerned you may have an even better discount in the near future and if you do, customers who purchased at the higher price will be very happy when they see they got the difference back. All of you developers reading, take note.
  22. I own it and like it, and I like the developer a lot and have been a customer since their early days, at least 20 years ago.
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