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Everything posted by PavlovsCat

  1. Just downloaded and installed it. I really like it. Nice job, Troels and team.
  2. As someone who owns, but never installed, BFD Eco who had recently contemplated upgrading to the full version of BFD, I've seen so many of these threads with nightmare problems for BFD -- and I've had nightmare problems with other software from the same parent company -- that I found the key word of Larry's original post that sticks in my head while reading these posts is RUN, which seems to be the smart thing to do when InMusic buys a plugin and has a sale (and I don't mean RUN towards InMusic).
  3. But the big question is...will they introduce a BUP?
  4. As I wrote in the original post, the same thing happens in sound on sound recording mode. Someone from Cakewalk offered an idea, but it didn't work. I have no idea what the problem could be.
  5. Okay, so Soundpaint is still not available for download. I just had a PM exchange a few minutes ago. Here's what they had to say: "The launch for soundpaint had to be delayed unfortunately. We discovered there were some bugs in regards to our web servers and how security keys are generated + some issues with older Mac OS systems. We are currently running a final web BETA and it just triggered some unfortunate web-flow discoveries we need to fix and improve in the next couple of days. If you like, we will be sending out live updates in our discord server which you can join at any time. https://discord.gg/8Mg6jAs3bW You can also find more information on our youtube page, which you can find here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGC9kjHgfuD93LlFiCpLB4A "
  6. It absolutely doesn't sound very realistic as a guitar sample library, listen to the improvisation at the beginning of the video, that's not going to fool a discerning ear. It's nowhere near the same league as the KONTAKT sample libraries like Orange Tree Samples Evolution or Ample Sounds. But it sounds pretty cool on fast notes, with some of the effects on it like the octaver you hear later in the YouTube video -- granted, it really doesn't sound like an authentic guitar, but it doesn't need to, I like some of the different sounds it makes and it's only twenty bucks.
  7. Okay, you guys successfully talked me down. I have other plugins from InMusic that have caused massive problems and taken around a year before they addressed known software problems. The company is a disaster when it comes to software. I mostly use AD2 and, once in a while, SD2 and KONTAKT (which I do not love for drums). You'd think NI would be wise to make a really good drum plugin like AD2 or SD3 by now. But yeah, my experience with plugins for InMusic is that they buy up old plugins and completely neglect them.
  8. Tiger, I'm split between looking forward to it and thinking, oh crap, I was trying to watch my spending!!!
  9. And, yes, I do realize that asking people in this group to talk you out of purchasing something is a pretty ridiculous idea on the surface of it. But InBrands has had a pretty horrible history of support / neglect with their software that I have experienced personally and I know that I'm certainly not alone in that.
  10. OMG, Larry, I'm a huge Beatles fan, a former semi-pro drummer trained on piano too, and the Hey Liverpool demo for London Sessions totally makes me want to get this. But I don't own BFD and but have other plugins from the parent company and they've been a nightmare and I've seen some posts about people having issues with BFD, what's the latest, this is so very tempting. I need someone to chime in with their experience!!! Talk me down if BFD still has serious issues, someone!!!!! The demos and price are sucking me in.
  11. Darn. I was looking forward to this. But let's be candid. I own several of 8Dio's libraries. Their greatest weakness, by most estimates, is their scripting. So I must admit, I do find it a bit odd that they're releasing their own VST when they don't excel at scripting KONTAKT libraries. I suppose that makes their delay after promoting this release date somewhat unsurprising.
  12. The only way I've ever modified this setting from COMPING, OVERWRITE and SOUND ON SOUND is by right clicking on the record button at the top of the GUI, so that solution results in me seeing the identical, unchanged screen. I went into PREFERENCES to access the screen that way and it is indeed the identical settings there too. I take it that PREFERENCES is what you meant when you wrote "settings"?
  13. Except for one box, "New Takes on Top" our screen shots have the identical things checked. I unchecked that box to make it identical to yours but the when I press record, the previously recorded midi part on the track I'm recording on is silent. When I press play again, the sound returns.
  14. Welcome back Larry! I hope you're doing well.
  15. Thanks for replying. As I wrote in my original post, I use SOUND ON SOUND when I am recording and when I do an additional take on an existing track (I forget -- maybe these are called lanes? The additional midi tracks for a particular soft synth), once I press record, Cakewalk does not play what I've already recorded on that track. So, as in the example I provided earlier, if it's a drum track using AD2, and I just want to add some cymbal accents and maybe a tom fill, the earlier recorded part does not play back as soon as a hit record. In fact, I just tried it now to ensure there isn't any setting I'm missing. So to be as clear as I can, I have a track where the soft synth is Addictive Drums 2. I've already recorded the main drum part but want to add some cymbal accents and tom fills, but when I press record, I can no longer here the drum part I've recorded on that track so I am forced to create my cymbal accents and tom fills without the benefit of hearing them along with the existing drum part. I assume that others have figured this out, but I couldn't find an answer after searching.
  16. I wasn't sure of the appropriate section to post this question in, so sorry if I got it wrong. I have been using Cakewalk and haven't figured out when I create say, a new track with a soft synth -- let's say for Addictive Drums 2 -- and I create a drum track. So let's say I lay down the basic groove and then I want to record some additional cymbal accents on the track in a second pass. How am I able to record those additional parts and hear my earlier recorded parts too? As when I record COMP, OVERWRITE or SOUND ON SOUND, I cannot hear my previously recorded part for the track I am recording on. I wouldn't think Cakewalk would require that I have to create a second track with another instance of Addictive Drums 2 for accents -- please correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise, I'm guessing there is a simple way to do this, but I have never figured it out. Thanks in advance.
  17. I wasn't sure of the appropriate section to post this question in, so sorry if I got it wrong. I have been using Cakewalk and haven't figured out when I create say, a new track with a soft synth -- let's say for Addictive Drums 2 -- and I create a drum track. So let's say I lay down the basic groove and then I want to record some additional cymbal accents on the track in a second pass. How am I able to record those additional parts and hear my earlier recorded parts too? As when I record COMP, OVERWRITE or SOUND ON SOUND, I cannot hear my previously recorded part for the track I am recording on. I wouldn't think Cakewalk would require that I have to create a second track with another instance of Addictive Drums 2 for accents -- please correct me if I'm wrong. Otherwise, I'm guessing there is a simple way to do this, but I have never figured it out. Thanks in advance.
  18. If you really love the library, I would bet the house that if you shot the folks at Audio Plugin Deals a quick email, telling them about the $19.99 offer your friend got but you didn't they'd give you the $19.99 price. But isn't Muze the same developer that people in this forum regularly claim uses pirated libraries repackaged as their own and have operated under several different names in recent years?
  19. My problem with Amplitube is using it without spending an hour or more experimenting / jamming out with different sounds. It's a rabbit hole I keep happily falling down, but I think I need some kind of timer to tell me I've just spent an hour playing around. I respect the guys that go in, strategically find what they need and get going.
  20. Well, I definitely don't have her singing voice, so it's certainly not going to be me.
  21. Let's face it guys, not to be dramatic or anything, but we're orphans.
  22. Larry would have had this up only minutes after Orange Tree Samples completed the library. He has some kind of radar for that kind of thing. Kevin H and Bapu, you may be good, but you two are no Larry. And you can quote me on that. Larry remains the king of the forum.
  23. I have their Collab3 and Electrix and both have the same issues in Cakewalk with constantly having stuck notes. Both of them were free, so I have never bothered the dev asking for support. But I really like the way both VSTs sound, but their problems have kept me from buying other virtual instruments from them. Has anyone else used them in Cakewalk and either not had the same issues or figured out a fix? If I knew there was a fix, I'd strongly consider their other virtual instruments and I feel grateful for the ones I have that the dev gave away free. Except for the constant stuck notes, they are simple, straightforward instruments that sound very good.
  24. Playing now, it sounds great. I love it. This thing has a ton of character. And within 20 seconds of playing it, I immediately thought of a song it would fit perfect in that I just started working on recording. It's a great addition to the Evolution line, @Greg Schlaepfer. It's up to the standards of the other Evolution guitars and its character is quite different than all of the other acoustics -- it's absolutely beautiful in its own distinctive way. It's inspiring. Thanks, my friend, this is superb.
  25. Downloading now!!! Excellent job of filling in for Larry, @Bapu. Hopefully, someone will be doing a post on deals on external hard drives soon. I suppose I can wait until Black Friday, but storage space is getting iffy, which I don't think is exactly rare among members of this forum!
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