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Base 57

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Everything posted by Base 57

  1. I am going to start using that note area. If it were to then stop working I will be very annoyed. Hope you figure it out.
  2. Yes. I added notes to each of 4 take lanes in a track. Then I duplicated the track (including events). The resulting duplicate track retained the notes from the original track.
  3. I had forgotten about the notes area on take lanes. I just tried it out and it is working as expected here. Thanks for reminding me about it.
  4. Maybe I'm just not getting my head around what you are trying to do. But, I use external inserts for processing tracks that have already been recorded; not for tracking in real time. That would double the round trip latency. That being said, make sure to use the PDC button when tracking for lowest latency.
  5. Route the Reverb bus to the drum bus
  6. When changing sample rates, do not forget to change Windows audio properties to match the settings you have changed in CbB and your interface GUI.
  7. Yeah, I hear it. May be a pitch envelope because it scoops up even if the previous note is higher. But he could be just slapping the pitch wheel.
  8. Use the "Revert" function under the "File" menu. Unless you have turned the option off in Preferences, You can open from a point that you saved before deleting the clips.
  9. "It would be nice, at a minimum, to have an option to preserve post chronological order" Just above the first reply in the Q&A there is a selection box that allows you to sort by date instead of votes. However it doesn't stick that way. You have to reselect it for every thread every time you open it.
  10. Yeah it might be time to get an equity loan on the house.
  11. I got the same message There was a link in the word "download". I clicked on that and it installed from there. So it was only one extra click. Painless.
  12. Width of a measure is determined by the note values contained in that measure. You would not want a measure with a whole note (semibreve) to take up the same space as a measure full of 64th notes(hemidemisemiquavers).
  13. You must not have seen the deals forum yesterday. You were waiting by the wrong hole, like a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
  14. Louisianastan ? Just noticed that. Kind of chilly here today but that won't last long.
  15. As I understand it, whether or not to check "UseMMCSS" depends on your audio interface. The documentation for my Antelope Orion 32+ suggests turning it off in the DAW as it is being handled by the Antelope driver. I had better performance after turning it off in CbB. However I don't think that is the OP issue. Crackling audio is usually is caused by too small of a buffer. Many people have reported being able to use smaller buffers with Reaper. I have auditioned Reaper and while I like the program well enough, I did not find it to perform any better than CbB. However Cakewalk works very well on my system, so YMMV. As far as this goes... You should probably start a new thread. Deleting those two .ini files is not something you should have to do repeatedly. More info will be needed.
  16. Thanks for this. I just finished authorizing it.
  17. You probably did this but I don't think you indicated so in your posts. Try hitting the "e" key to bypass FX globally. That should eliminate audio FX in your troubleshooting.
  18. I've been looking real hard at the HeadRush. I think you may have just pushed me over the edge.
  19. Just answering the OP question, 24/44 with upsampling on most plugs.
  20. I place markers for each section. Put the cursor at the top of the timeline (it changes to a magnifying glass) between two markers and double click to select a region. Then ripple edit to move parts around.
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